Every person dreams of cheating time: to prolong youth, to live a very long life. There is a whole list of people who have done it. Many of them got into the Guinness Book of Records during their lifetime.
World statistics tell us that men live less than women. In this regard, it is quite logical that the oldest person in the world is also a woman.
Jeanne-Louise Calment was born in 1875 in the south of France, in the city of Arles. Her parents also lived to almost a hundred years. However, these qualities were not passed on to her descendants. She lost her daughter and grandson during her lifetime.

Jeanne-Louise at a young age was acquainted with Vincent van Gogh, who often went to her uncle's shop. She later said that Van Gogh was a very unpleasant, rude person. She witnessed two World Wars and watched the construction of the Eiffel Tower. She passed away on August 4, 1997. At that time she was 122 years old.
The oldest person in the world after Kalman is also a woman. American Sarah Knaus was born in 1880. She lived 119 years. There is practically no information about her life. It is only known that she died in 1990 in the houseelderly.

The oldest person in the world (2012) is Bess Cooper. She was born in 1896 in the US state of Tennessee in a large family, and was the third child in a row. After successfully graduating from school, she moved to the town of Betuin, where she worked as a teacher. She got married at the age of 28. She is currently 116 years old. She has four children, twelve grandchildren, fifteen great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
The oldest man in the world among men was born in Japan in 1897. His name is Jiroemon Kimura. For about forty years he worked as a postman. After his retirement, he took up farming. When he turned 90, his he alth deteriorated. Today he rarely goes out. Nevertheless, he does exercises daily and works out on an exercise bike. Kimura loves to read newspapers. Receives guests, is interested in politics and sumo.

The title of "The oldest man in the world" for some time was awarded to Christian Mortensen. He was born in 1882 and died at the age of 115 in 1998. Christian was born in Denmark. Among the documents that have survived after the census of those years, there are those confirming the date of his birth, and even baptism. When Christian was 21 years old, he moved to America. He changed jobs many times. He was married, but not for long. In all his life he never had children. It is known that he did not smoke and preferred water to other drinks. At the age of 90, Mortensen independently moved into a nursing home, where he lived until the end of his life.days. At the end of his life, Christian lost his sight and could only move with the help of a gurney. After his death, it was not possible to find close relatives. Apparently, by this time they were no longer alive. Today, the title of "The Oldest Man in the World" no longer belongs to Christian Mortensen. However, he is the only native of Denmark to live to such an age.
The above facts make us believe that there is no limit to human capabilities. The maximum human age increases with each generation.