In the life of any person there are periods of sadness, some kind of breakdown. Well, if there is some logical reason, in this case, sadness does not cause perplexing questions and does not scare. But if there is no significant reason, then this minor mood is alarming, provokes an attack of introspection, and a person on his own and absolutely free of charge can cause serious problems for himself. What is happening, and how to decipher this incomprehensible state? Is depression creeping in?

It's okay
In itself, a minor mood is not a sentence. The expression is based on a musical definition denoting a melody with a sad emotional overtone. Why should this state be considered the norm?
First of all, you need to take a critical look at the kind of marketing that surrounds the concept of joy and happiness. The information field is literally permeatedaggressive demand for positive emotions at maximum intensity. Suddenly it turns out that everyone is obliged to beam with smiles, to constantly be in a state of not just mental uplift, but literally in a manic phase.
Happiness is like a drug
When something good happens, dreams come true, significant results are achieved, endorphins and dopamines splash into the blood. The feeling of happiness really brings pleasure, this is a real feeling in which a person feels surprisingly harmonious. I want to repeat this, and the pursuit of an additional dose of dopamine makes a person feverishly extort more and more positive maximum from the surrounding reality.

The truth is that no system is capable of operating at the limit. The human psyche needs a harmonious alternation of rest and peaks. It comes to the point of absurdity - falling out of the manic phase, even to the level of the norm, is perceived as a negative. Minor mood - what is the state? First of all, this is the absence of dopamine, perhaps with a slight minus.
Depression is a disease, a severe clinical condition that is treated with appropriate drugs. Light healing sadness should be taken as a natural state before the next peak of joy and treated with understanding and calmness.