Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana were remembered by the domestic audience back in the distant 90s. It was then that the Argentine TV series "Wild Angel" was broadcast, which captivated our viewers with an amazing game of actors and an interesting plot. Natalia and Facundo literally "lived" on the screen, allowing fans to think that the artists are not indifferent to each other in reality.

Actress Natalia Oreiro
Natalia Oreiro was born in Uruguay, the son of a salesman and a hairdresser. From early childhood, parents noticed their daughter's artistic talents and decided to develop them to the best of their ability. The family had little money, but enough to live on.
At the age of 8, Natalia began attending a theater studio, where she showed herself well.
The beginning of the artist's professional career can be considered shooting in Uruguayan advertising. At that time, Natalia was 12 years old. She has appeared in over 30 commercials.
Actresstook part in various castings and was once chosen to accompany the Latin American star Shushi on her tour. It is from this moment that the fame of Oreiro begins. The actress began to be invited to roles in films and TV shows, but the roles in the films "The Rich and Famous" and in "The Argentine in New York" became truly successful. In our country, Natalia became famous after the TV series "Wild Angel" was shown in 1998.
In parallel with her film career, the actress records solo albums: Natalia Oreiro (1998), Tu Veneno (2000), Turmalina (2002).
In 2011, Natalia was officially appointed Goodwill Ambassador to Argentina and Uruguay.

Actor Facundo Arana
Facundo was born in 1972 in Argentina to an athlete (with German roots) and a lawyer. He was a rather quiet child who loved being alone, painting and playing the saxophone.
At the age of 14, the young man became interested in acting and began to advance quite successfully in the profession, but this came to an end due to Hodgkin's disease, which opened at the age of 17. 5 years Arana struggled with the disease and won.
Since 1992, the actor has successfully starred in one series after another. The roles are small, but memorable to the viewer. After the launch of the novel "Wild Angel" on international screens, Facundo became a world celebrity.
TV series with Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana
Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana starred together in the following series: "High Comedy" (1991), "Wild Angel"(1998), "You are my life" (2006). The first project did not come out due to lack of funding. The remaining two were a resounding success not only in Argentina, but throughout the world. And this is the merit, first of all, of the talented actors Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana, who played the main roles there.

The series "Wild Angel"
Filmed back in 1998, the series has forever remained in the hearts of fans around the world. The TV project differed from the TV shows of that time with humor, reliable acting, an interesting plot, which is built around a young tomboy girl Milagros. By the will of circumstances, she ends up in the house of the rich as a servant, where she quickly earns the love of some and the hatred of others. The girl (as usual) falls in love with the son of the owners, Ivo, who reciprocates her feelings, but does not consider the relationship in the long term. Their romance lasts on the screen for 244 episodes, and as a result, the audience will have a happy ending.
In the series, of course, there are common clichés of similar telenovelas (amnesia, lost relatives, intrigues of enemies, etc.), but nevertheless it looks with pleasure and arouses the keen interest of the viewer. Maybe because Oreiro took part in the development of the script, which allowed her to best present her character on the screen.
The series "You are my life"
The TV series tells about the fate of businessman Martin Quesada and boxer Esperanza Munoz. They were brilliantly played by Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana. Young people meet in Quesada's office, where Cutie(nickname of the main character) tried to get a job, but was unsuccessful. Both characters have a couple, but it is difficult to call their happy life. Martin recently lost his beloved wife in a car accident, and Esperanza is dating his manager (boxing), but treats him more like a brother.
The novel develops rapidly. After the heroes realize that they want to be together, something constantly interferes with their happiness. There are dissatisfied relatives and obsessive false friends, and former lovers. Despite everything, the on-screen couple is waiting for a fabulous end and the achievement of all goals.

For the role of Martin Aran received many nominations and awards in his homeland. And no wonder - the series has become the most successful project of the Argentine TV channel "13".
The second series, where Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana played lovers together, deserved no less love from Russian viewers than Wild Angel, which started on screens 6 years earlier. This is not surprising, because the actors have become so deeply accustomed to the role that many fans have the impression that the romance of TV stars in reality.
Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana: Movie Star Romance
Although the loving public has brought Natalia and Facundo together more than once, in real life they are just good friends. Perhaps, when meeting Aran, he was fascinated by the actress beyond measure, but this did not develop into something more than a warm friendship (the star admitted in an interview that he was very attracted to Natalya, but when the word “removed” is pronounced, everything ends). At the time of filming "Wild Angel" and Oreiro, and Facundo were happy with their chosen ones. Although the last couple soon broke up due to rumors and press pressure. They say that Isabel Macedo, with whom Aran had a seven-year relationship, could not stand the patience.

Until now, watching TV shows with the participation of a beloved couple, fans want to believe in the passionate romance of the actors, although many years have passed, and the stars have families and children. Relations between Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana are purely friendly. They sometimes meet at public events, but nothing more.