The M134 Minigun machine gun is often used by Hollywood directors to create an epic picture when displaying combat confrontations. Alternative names for weapons are “meat grinder”, “jolly Sam”, “magic dragon”. These "nicknames" characterize the product in accordance with its typical growling sound and strong fiery flash when fired. Consider its features and real possibilities.

Development and creation
The M134 Minigun machine gun was originally developed by the American company GE back in 1960. Its caliber was calculated at 7.62 millimeters. The weapon being created was based on the M61 Vulcan aircraft gun. This model was built for the air force, combined with the capabilities of the Gatling gun. The first prototypes of caliber 7.62 mm appeared in 1962. Two years later, weapons began to be mounted on AC-74 aircraft. This decision made it possible to ensure perpendicular firing along the course of the aircraft. This design performed well with the support of the North Vietnamese infantry, firing from windows andfuselage doors against ground targets.
Given the success of the tests in theory and practice, General Electric Corporation began their mass production. These models were put into service under the indices M134 and GAU-124. In the early 70s of the last century, the US Army had over ten thousand copies of the M134 Miniguns. Most of them were mounted on helicopters stationed in Vietnam. The remaining versions were installed on river boats transporting special forces.

History of Creation
The original idea for the development of this weapon was planned from the middle of the last century. At the same time, the creators wanted to introduce into the design the maximum possible indicators of power, rate of fire and aiming. All copies were built at the leading plants specializing in metal processing and firearm structures. As a result, a unique device appeared, designed for firing from cover or purposefully.
Initially it was planned to release the installation with a caliber of 12.5 mm. However, the power of over 500 kgf at a speed of 6 thousand volleys per minute brought the idea to a standstill. The updated Minigun machine gun was tested in action on an AC-74 fire support aircraft, which was designed to support infantry from the air. The specialists liked the gun so much that a few months later they began to mount it on aircraft such as the UH-1 and AH-1 Cobra.

The ability to adjust the firing mode of a multi-barreled machine gun made it possible to install this model on twin installations. At the same time, firing at the target ended with the shedding of its remains with spent lead. This unit terrified the rebels of North Vietnam, who simply fled in a panic after shelling forests and ambushes. By the 1970s alone, more than 10 thousand copies were created, which were mainly used to equip transport and assault helicopters. In addition, light boats and boats were equipped with such devices.
Partially considered weapons were installed on wheeled transport vehicles. However, in the event of a battery failure, the Minigun M134 machine gun worked for no more than 2-3 minutes. A few years later, the civilian version sold well in the US states, especially in Texas. The operation of the product was carried out with the help of infantry bipods with a stock of a thousand ammunition. For the correct operation of the gun, a constant supply source was required. The supply of cartridges was carried out by wiring a standard tape by sending charges without using links. In the first version, a cartridge case extraction mechanism with a special flexible metal sleeve is mounted on the gun.
Characteristics of "M134 Minigun"
The following are the main parameters of the weapon in question:
- rate of fire - 3-4 thousand rounds per minute;
- maximum weight - 30 kg;
- length with and without barrel - 559/801 mm;
- caliber - 7, 62 mm (51 - NATO).

Working principle
The M134 Minigun, described above, is designed to defend stationary structures. As an offensive weapon, this modification was absolutely unsuitable. With a mass of 30 kilograms and a stock of ammunition for 4, 5 thousand rounds, no more than a minute was spent in battle until it was completely discharged.
The operation of the unit can be described as follows:
- automation works from an external drive mechanism with a DC electric motor;
- design includes three gears and a worm drive;
- block of six barrels;
- the charge-discharge cycle is divided into several stages, which appear at the junctions of the receiver unit with the box.
Moving up and in a circle, the barrel simultaneously removes and ejects the spent cartridge case. The constipation of the barrel is carried out by turning the combat mask along with the movement of the shutters. The last elements are controlled by a groove of a curvilinear configuration. Power is supplied by a linkless supply of charges or by a belt mechanism.
The required rate of fire is guaranteed by an electronic specialized unit, which is equipped with a rate of fire switch and an activation button displayed on the gun handle. The modern variation of the machine gun in question has two versions of firing: 2 and 4 thousand volleys per minute. In working condition, there is no rejection of the trunk or its removal to the side. Sending the cartridge is carried out using a speciala mechanism that is responsible for the reliability and uninterrupted sending of charges from the very beginning of firing.

On the machine gun "Minigan M134" it is possible to mount diopter, collimator and other sighting devices that are needed when using tracer ammunition. In this case, the trace after the shot is bright and visible, similar to a fiery stream.
It should be noted that M134 was never shown on the movie screen in real display. This is due to the fact that the strongest recoil and loud sound can knock a person down and put him into a stupor. For filming cult films, analogues of the XM214 type (caliber - 5.4 mm) were used, the return of which fit into the face value of about 100 kg. Paradoxically, the second version was in no way suitable for the army, due to its small size and low rate of fire. But for the "cine" Hollywood, he fit perfectly.

It should be emphasized that the development and operation of the M134 Minigun machine guns is focused on equipping transport, assault aircraft and military water transport. The effectiveness of the weapon was shown in the campaigns in Vietnam and Iraq. At the same time, the economic side is incomparably more significant than the practical aspect, which became the prerequisite for removing the machine gun from service.