Legal status of the President of the Russian Federation: definition, regulations, powers

Legal status of the President of the Russian Federation: definition, regulations, powers
Legal status of the President of the Russian Federation: definition, regulations, powers

The President of Russia (the Russian Federation) is the country's highest official, elected in a general presidential election. His post of president is considered the highest state in the Russian Federation. Many powers of the head of the country belong to the category of executive power, others are close to it. However, the president is not a simple executor, but exercises supreme leadership and can influence the adoption or non-adoption of certain laws and regulations. He coordinates all branches of government, but does not belong to any of them. He also has the right to dissolve the State Duma.

vertical of power in the Russian Federation
vertical of power in the Russian Federation

When making decisions regarding domestic or foreign policy, the head is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The post of President of the Russian Federation appeared on 1991-24-04. According to the Constitution, higheran official cannot be in power for more than two consecutive terms. As for the length of time in power for one period of leadership, it has changed several times, and now the juice of government is 6 years. In short, the legal status of the president gives him enough power to make various decisions regarding the foreign and domestic policy of the country.

The first president of Russia was Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin.

former President Yeltsin
former President Yeltsin

Legal status of the President of Russia

The position considered in the article is the only one that is chosen in the course of a general vote taking place in all regions of the Russian Federation. A large number of articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are devoted to the legal status of the head of state.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the position of the head allows you to control the actions of the Government. Possibilities of influencing the domestic and foreign policy of the country in the president are quite large. Russia is a presidential republic and it differs from the parliamentary one in the great powers of the supreme leader.

The head of state himself chooses the directions of domestic and foreign policy, while the duties of the government include the execution and implementation of his decrees. Thus, the government and the president are not independent authorities from each other, but work in a common bundle. The highest official has the right to cancel certain government decrees.

government performance report
government performance report

At the same time, the president is not engaged in routine (hardware-managerial) activities, but stands at the head of the executive branch. At the same time, the chairman of the government only coordinates its work, but does not have special powers.

Russian government
Russian government

The rights of the head of state include the resignation of the government and the appointment of a new one. The legal status of presidential plenipotentiaries is significantly narrower. It is determined according to their position.

Legal status and powers of the President

The President is also empowered to carry out legislative initiatives. They can relate to any aspect of public life. He may recommend the adoption of certain laws. Its powers include the appointment of important officials, including in the field of the Armed Forces. Possessing immunity, the president cannot be held criminally or otherwise liable, is not required to appear in court, etc. Immunity is valid until his resignation.

President of Russia
President of Russia

President's removal from office

The decision to initiate impeachment proceedings is taken by the State Duma. The reason may be Mr. treason or a particularly serious crime. The judiciary is also involved in this process. So far, not a single case of forced removal of a senior official from power in our country has been noted.

Protection of the President

According to the law "On State Protection", the head of state cannot refuse the protection status. His family members are also protected. After completion of work at the occupiedposition, he remains under protection for life.

Duties of the President

In addition to the administrative-legal status, the president has some obligations. So, he should represent the interests of the whole people and all subjects of the Russian Federation. It should not favor only certain subjects. The same goes for political parties.

Legal Status

The head of state is the highest official with great powers. Its presence is typical for most countries of the world. The President is the first person of the country. He represents Russia in the international arena. He is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He has various powers, especially in the executive branch.

To become president, you must be a citizen of Russia, at least 35 years old. So far, the Constitution prohibits one person from being elected for more than 2 terms in a row, but allows election for a third term after a break. The President is not accountable to other authorities and is legally independent of them.

kremlin russia
kremlin russia

According to the Constitution, the head of state is the guarantor of the protection of the rights and freedoms of a person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation. He is endowed with special powers in the field of protecting the sovereignty of the country. It helps to resolve disagreements between government agencies. This is especially true of the relationship between the legislative and executive authorities, federal and regional bodies.

Main features of the legal status

  • The head of the Russian Federation is the main guarantorConstitution of the country, as well as the freedoms and rights of its inhabitants.
  • The President occupies a special position in the system of government, being the head of state and not included in any of them.
  • The head of state coordinates the activities of state bodies. authorities of the Russian Federation, protects the sovereignty and independence of the country, as well as its integrity.
  • The President represents the nation in the international arena.
  • The head of state chooses the main directions in both foreign and domestic policy of the state.

How are the presidential elections in the Russian Federation?

The procedure for conducting elections of the head of state is prescribed in Article No. 81 of the Constitution of Russia, as well as a special law of 2003-10-01 (with additions and changes). Now the president is elected for 6 years by secret ballot, to which every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right. By law, in order to run for this post, a person must permanently reside in the country for a period of 10 years or more.

A candidate can be nominated either by a political party that has entered the Duma, or by an initiative group of voters, numbering at least 500 people. In the first case, signatures are not required, and in the second case, they must be collected in an amount of at least 2 million.

A person running for the presidency of the country must submit to the CEC information on income and property, including family members for the last 2 years. For an election to be valid, at least 2 candidates must participate. Turnout must be over 50 percent.

Candidate who received more than 50% of the votesvoters who came to the polls automatically becomes the head of state. If this figure is not reached by any of the candidates, then a second round of voting is held, in which 2 candidates who have received the most votes participate. The requirements for the second round are much softer: the candidate who gets the most votes will be elected.

Inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation

Inauguration is a ceremony broadcast by the federal media when the selected candidate takes the oath in a solemn atmosphere. On the same day, the powers of the previous president should be terminated.

The State Duma
The State Duma

Termination of the presidency is possible with a persistent deterioration in he alth, leading to an inability to fulfill the duties assigned to the head of state. As well as voluntary resignation or removal from office. The latter is possible after the following procedures:

  • Initiation of the process by deputies in the amount of at least 1/3 of their total number.
  • Formation of a special commission.
  • Charge against the president, which must be supported by at least 2/3 of the total number of deputies.
  • Conclusion of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
  • Approval by the Federation Council of at least 2/3 of its members.

This entire process should take no more than three months.


Thus, the legal status of the President of the Russian Federation gives him the opportunity to make decisions both legislative and executivecharacter. To a greater extent, he is endowed with the powers of the executive branch. The President is the chief official and chief responsible for the situation in the country. He controls and directs the activities of the government, is endowed with the right to appoint officials to the highest government posts.
