This state of emergency, which occurred in one of the residential areas of the capital, suddenly caused a wide resonance in society. And largely due to the fact that once again one of the "Central Asian" migrants, of whom hundreds and even thousands come to Moscow to work every day, became its participant. Naturally, the flow of "cheap labor" from the CIS countries that rushed several years ago negatively affects the level of the crime situation in the metropolitan metropolis. The authorities, although they are trying, still cannot put things in order in migration policy. In the meantime, people from Central Asia continue to commit odious crimes on the territory of the country that provides them with work. And the criminal story that happened in Zapadny Biryulyovo is a vivid confirmation of this.
A walk with a sad ending
Initially, nothing foreshadowed trouble. The loving couple walked towards the house. We are talking about a young man Yegor Shcherbakov and a girl Ksenia Popova. At the very entrance, a man of “non-Slavic appearance” approached them and hewed several insults at Yegor’s companion.

Of course youngthe man tried to stand up for the honor of his girlfriend and got involved in a verbal skirmish with the offender. He soon attacked him with his fists. And then the migrant turned to more active actions: he took out a knife and inflicted a penetrating wound on Shcherbakov's heart. After that, the offender (who turned out to be a native of Azerbaijan, Orkhan Zeynalov) first walked at a slow pace, and then quickly ran away from the scene. He still managed to escape. Of course, Yegor Shcherbakov and Ksenia Popova did not expect such a radical outcome of the conflict. The girl immediately dialed the phone number "03" and tried to drag her lover to the entrance. But alas, the twenty-five-year-old guy died a few minutes later, even before the ambulance arrived. The murdered Yegor Shcherbakov was an ordinary young man with his own range of interests. He was fond of cars, showed interest in sports and adored his lady of the heart. Ksenia Popova, describing the details of the crime, stressed that the man who approached them seemed insane to her: she suggested that Zeynalov was under the influence of drugs.
Public reaction
But no matter how professionally the killer acted, he still did not take into account that his deed was caught in the review of video cameras located in the residential area of Vostryakovsky proezd in Moscow.

Residents of West Biryulyovo no longer doubted that Yegor Shcherbakov had died at the hands of a "Central Asian". After the resonant incident, the public went to the protest action. About a hundred and fifty people went to the building of the Zapadno-Biryulyovo Ministry of Internal Affairs and organized a picket. The participants of the event demanded retribution for the crime, as a result of which Yegor Shcherbakov lost his life. Among other things, the picketers demanded tougher pen alties for illegal migrants and legalize the right to carry firearms for civilians. Moreover, the protesters were set up in the most serious way, also because the day before another major murder had occurred in the region. Someone shot at a car "VAZ-21099", in which there were people, one of whom received a bullet in the head, and the other was stabbed.
But the activists had one more essential demand: to close the Zapadno-Biryulyovo vegetable warehouse. The picketers were sure that the merchants who work there know who committed the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov.

One way or another, but by the evening the protest had already gained momentum. The picketers forcibly broke into the building of the Biryuza Trade House, in which the representatives of national diasporas “held” trading premises, and started a fire there. Other protesters expressed dissatisfaction with the policies of local authorities in the classic way: they built barricades out of garbage cans and overturned cars…
The action becomes massive
This is the reaction of the public followed after the murder, the victim of which was Muscovite Yegor Shcherbakov. The local authorities, of course, were forced to call the riot police to restore order, whose representatives began to detain the activists and deliver them to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, the riots in Biryulyovo continued to acquire a large-scale character: the picketers beganadjoin an increasing number of Muscovites. Soon all the surrounding streets were blocked by protesters. As a result, additional law enforcement forces were deployed to Zapadnoye Biryulyovo.

Law enforcement action
After some time, about 3,000 activists still dared to head for the vegetable warehouse, which had already been cordoned off by law enforcement agencies.
As soon as picketers began to flock to the object, representatives of law enforcement agencies began to take measures to prevent the activists from entering the territory of the vegetable warehouse. The police tried to break up the protesters into small groups and thus push them away from the place of the action. But the matter was not without skirmishes and clashes between the opposing sides.
The Minister of the Interior of Russia Kolokoltsev himself had to intervene in the situation. He instructed his deputy A. Gorovoy to restore order in the area where Shcherbakov's murder had taken place. Soon, in the Zapadnoye Biryulyovo area, the Vulkan interception plan was announced. But he did not give any significant effect: the activists were not going to disperse, and the killer of the young man continued to walk free. The picketers staged pogroms and riots in the streets, deciding in this way to express their protest to the local authorities. They made it clear that Yegor Shcherbakov (Biryulyovo - the area where the incident happened) suffered from the short-sighted and careless policy of the capital's officials. In turn, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin harshly criticized the participantsunauthorized rally that deliberately violated public order.

At the same time, the mayor of the capital assured the activists that the perpetrator of the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov would be punished according to his deserts.
What did the cameras capture?
And after a while, the public learned the contents of the video recorded by surveillance cameras. The footage shows that the offender begins to molest a certain young girl for no reason, blocking her way to the entrance of the house. He tries to hug her, but the girl, defending herself from the stranger's encroachments, begins to cry. Only by a miracle does the victim manage to escape from the clutches of the maniac. Soon a taxi stops at the entrance of the house, Ksenia Popova and Yegor Shcherbakov get out of the cabin. The offender immediately switched to a new victim. Cameras clearly captured the attacker's face…

Search for the killer
When a detailed sketch of the killer was compiled, the police began operational-search activities. The leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate turned to representatives of the national diaspora to provide all possible assistance in the capture of the criminal. It was not difficult to establish his identity. A native of Azerbaijan, Orkhan Zeynalov, turned out to be in the field of suspicion. In the capital, he worked with his uncle, who runs a vegetable business. The criminal was engaged in the trade of cucumbers, potatoes and tomatoes.
He rented an apartment located in Borisovsky proezd. Watching the news on TVZeynalov's landlord identified him as a murderer. Frightened of retribution, the killer hastened to leave the capital. But thanks to the efforts and well-coordinated work of operatives and the help of members of the Azerbaijani diaspora, they still managed to find the whereabouts of the fugitive.
Investigators went on the trail of the criminal a few days after the murder of Shcherbakov. He was arrested in Kolomna near Moscow in mid-October 2013. At the same time, Zeynalov seriously resisted the arrest. Realizing that he could not “get away” from justice, the migrant stated during interrogation that he acted solely in order to protect himself. However, the investigators established a different version of what was happening: the vegetable seller deliberately inflicted numerous blows on the victim, after which he took up cold steel and stabbed the young man. But the suspect was not going to admit his guilt, declaring that he was not involved in the murder in Zapadnoye Biryulyovo. However, Zeynalov's tribesmen from the Azerbaijani diaspora did not cover for him and indicated that it was he who committed the high-profile crime.

As it turned out, the vegetable merchant had previously had problems with the law. The journalists managed to find out what the Guard Zeynalov was imprisoned for. One day, a native of Azerbaijan, being in the driver's seat of a car, did not want to let a motorcycle pass, which caused a major accident in which a young couple suffered. In addition, it turned out that Zeynalov was engaged in illegal transportation of passengers.
At the end of November, the casethe murder of Shcherbakov has already been considered in court. Orkhan Zeynalov appeared as an accused in the criminal process. The representative of the state prosecution demanded a harsh punishment for the migrant, and the judge eventually agreed to meet him. The perpetrator was sentenced to 17 years in prison. Whether Zeynalov takes the path of correction, time will tell. And if this does not happen, one can only hope that he will be forcibly expelled from the country to his historical homeland.