Dalvin Shcherbakov is a popular domestic theater and film actor. He became popular back in the 60s, still appears on the set, and also became famous for scoring films. Has the title of Honored Artist of Russia.
Actor biography

Dalvin Shcherbakov was born in 1938. He was born in a small town with the characteristic name Taiga in the Novosibirsk region.
School years fell on the post-war period. It was hungry and, as they say, barefoot. Dalvin Shcherbakov began to study in the school drama club, it was there that his love for theater and acting appeared.
In adolescence, the hero of our article went to conquer Moscow. Firmly understanding that only there he can learn to be a real artist, get a well-deserved recognition. He brilliantly entered VGIK, passing the entrance exams on the first try. He studied in the creative workshop of Boris Chirkov. He received lessons from Boris Babochkin, who played Vasily Chapaev in the famous film by the Vasilyev brothers.
The leadership of the university paid attention to a promising student quite early. Already in the last year of study, Dalvin Shcherbakov was included in the troupe of the capital's drama theaterand comedies on Taganka. He immediately began to receive key roles in various productions.
Movie career

Shcherbakov made his film debut, like many popular artists of his generation, in Isidor Annensky's melodrama "The First Trolleybus". He received the role of foreman of the metal plant Pavel Afanasyev. Together with him, Oleg Dal, Alexander Demyanenko, Mikhail Kononov played one of their first roles in that picture. It became a cult picture, which, literally, managed to capture an entire era on the screen. Dalvin Shcherbakov, whose photo is in this article, rightfully became the face of that time.
After some time he was invited to the main role in Roman Tikhomirov's musical comedy "When the song does not end", in which he sang in the voice of Eduard Khil. On the screen, he appears as a young and shy police lieutenant who, due to a sudden fall in love, loses the ability to speak, instead starting to sing beautifully.
Shcherbakov had an outstanding attractive appearance, thanks to which he was regularly invited to the appropriate roles. Viewers of that time may remember him from Isidor Annensky's drama Tatyana's Day, in which he played Turnin, Stanislav Rostotsky's drama We'll Live Until Monday. There he appears in the role of high school student Boris Rudnitsky, from whom all his classmates are literally crazy.
In the heroic drama "Echo of Distant Snows" Shcherbakov plays strong-willed Arkady Lykov, and in the militarydrama by Leon Saakov of the brave and resolute Ostryakov.
Roles in the theater

Shcherbakov remained in the memory of many not as a film actor, but as a brilliant theater artist. At the very beginning of his creative career in the 60s, he was involved in the productions of "The Good Man from Sezuan", "Hero of Our Time", playing Pechorin, "Antimira", "10 Days That Shook the World", "The Fallen and the Living", "Life of Galileo", "Pugachev", "Mother", "Alive", "Rush Hour".
In the 70s, directors still often entrusted him with the main roles. So, in the play "What to do?" he appears in the image of Kirsanov, plays the Master in the production of "The Master and Margarita" based on the work of Bulgakov, Shulepnikov in the play "The House on the Embankment".
In the future, he began to pay more attention to his film career. Although he was noted in several notable performances, which include "Three Sisters", "Zhivago", "Teenager", "The Brothers Karamazov".
Most successful year

According to many film critics, 1974 became the most successful year in Shcherbakov's film career. After several episodic works, he got the role of the captain of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department Andrei Rebrov in Yuri Kavtaradze's detective series "Conscience". In this picture, Shcherbakov's hero brilliantly reveals a war criminal who is trying to get away fromfair punishment, hiding under a false name many years after the end of the Great Patriotic War.
After this work, real popularity came to him, they began to recognize him on the street, even paid attention to his episodic roles.
The next major success was Boris Yashin's socio-psychological drama "Airport from the Service Entrance", where he appears as a shift supervisor.
Productive work continued until 1987, when a sudden lull came in the career of a film actor. During perestroika, the directors seemed to have forgotten about such a talented artist.
Shcherbakov was destined to return to the screen in 1991 in the action movie "In Russian Style", in which he was approved for the main role of a mafia leader. This was followed by works in the fairy tale by Alexander Basov and Teimuraz Esadze "The Forest Princess".
The serial time has come. Shcherbakov was noted in the serial films "On the corner at the Patriarchs", "Hunting for piranhas", "Stiletto-2".
Behind the microphone

Even in the 70s, another talent of the artist appeared - scoring films and cartoons. The first experience was participation in the dubbing of the heroes of the Hong Kong action movie "Enter the Dragon". It was followed by Milos Forman's drama "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", Dr. John Spivey speaks in Shcherbakov's voice. They began to massively offer him similar projects after voicing the American cartoon "The Fox and the Dog" in 1981.
VoiceShcherbakov can be heard in the gangster movie Goodfellas, the dystopia Highlander 2: Revive, the dramatic comedy Being John Malkovich, the sci-fi action movie The Matrix, the comedy-adventure film Ocean's Eleven, and adaptations of novels about Harry Potter. Rubeus Hagrid speaks in Shcherbakov's voice.
Private life
Almost nothing is known about Dalvin Shcherbakov's personal life. He does not like to talk in public about how his fate at home is developing. In interviews in newspapers and magazines, you will not find information about the family of Dalvin Shcherbakov. For him, this is a topic that is closed from prying eyes.
His fans can only guess if Dalvin Shcherbakov has children, who his wife is, if she even exists.
Now the hero of our article is 79 years old. It is only known that he lives in Moscow. His latest film work was The White Man, released in 2012.