The meaning and origin of the surname Subbotin

The meaning and origin of the surname Subbotin
The meaning and origin of the surname Subbotin

The history of the origin of the surname Subbotin does not have an unambiguous interpretation. But at the same time, all versions that exist today associate it with the word that is called the sixth day of the week. About the meaning and origin of the surname Subbotin in detail in the article.

Before the introduction of Christmas time

The children had two names
The children had two names

Considering the origin of the surname Subbotin, it should be noted that there are two main versions about this. To familiarize yourself with them, you should find out how the process of forming surnames in Russia took place from ancient times.

Children were often given names that were different from the current ones. You will not meet them in the Saints, which appeared with us in the 10th century. Back then, parents could name their children depending on how far their fantasy stretched, and often the names were similar to nicknames.

For example, sons could simply be "counted" and then they were called First, Second, Third, and so on. They could call it Pockmarked, Lame or Stupid, according to the shortcomings of the child, or due to the fact that they believed that a bad name would ward off evil famously from their beloved child.

And also the children were named after that daythe week they were born. This is how Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays came about. And then surnames were formed from these names - Tuesdays, Thursdays, Subbotin.

Leaving a mundane name

christening name
christening name

In continuation of the study of the question of the origin of the surname Subbotin, it is necessary to trace how the process of the formation of generic names in Russia developed further. Children began to be called by Saints. But such names as Saturday were given as the second, worldly, attached to the first, baptismal. The second was used more often and was assigned to a person for life.

At the same time, there are many holidays that are associated with Saturday, for example Great or Parental. Therefore, children could be named after holidays. The descendants of these people became Subbotins, that is, the sons, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of Saturday.

The practice of naming children by a second, non-baptismal name continued until the 17th century. It led to the fact that among Russian surnames there are many that are formed from worldly names.

Keep the Sabbath

There is another version. Its supporters suggest the following origin of the surname Subbotin. They believe that, bypassing the name, it was formed directly from the name of the day of the week. It was a holy day for the Jews - Shabbat, which in Russian sounds like Saturday. In this probability, the people who took the observance of the customs associated with this day very seriously were Jews. Therefore, they began to be called Subbotins. Over time, the nickname could be reborn into a surname.

Next, here are some more historical facts,helping to trace the origin of the surname Subbotin.

A bit of history

Keep the Sabbath
Keep the Sabbath

It should be noted that in the Russian Empire, Jews began to receive surnames in the late 18th - early 19th century. This happened after the western Belarusian, Ukrainian and B altic regions were annexed to Russia. After the partition of Poland under Catherine II, a large number of Jews appeared on our land. Most of them had only given names and patronymics, for example, Avigdor, son of Immanuel.

Approximately once every ten years, a census was conducted to determine the number of subjects and ensure their conscription into the army. Then the Jews began to give surnames. Their education went in different ways. For example, the place of residence could serve as the basis. So, there is a surname Odesser, that is, a resident of the city of Odessa. Or it was the name of the father - Natanson - the son of Nathan. Surnames could be given in accordance with the profession, lifestyle, distinctive features.

Since Jews differ from other peoples by their faith and customs associated with it, which they often strictly adhere to, the studied surname could most likely have been received by Orthodox Jews who observed Shabbat.

Next, the meaning of the surname Subbotin will be considered.

Origin of the word

Sabbath day
Sabbath day

To understand the issue under study, one should refer to the etymology of the word from which it is formed. It came into the Russian language from Old Russian and Old Slavonic. In the first of them was the word "Saturday", and in the second -Sobota.

In the Old Russian language, this lexeme appeared from the ancient Greek. The noun σάΜβατον is found there. But in Old Church Slavonic it was formed through borrowing from Latin - from sabbatum.

In Latin, like many others, the word came from ancient Greek. And in ancient Greek it appeared from Hebrew. In Hebrew, the word has such a spelling as שַׁבָּת, and it sounds like "Shabbat". This term has a connection with the verb "shavat". It has several meanings, although close to each other, these are “rest”, “stop”, “refrain”.

Shabbat, that is, Saturday, for the Jewish people is not the sixth, but the seventh day of the week. On this day, the Torah forbids doing any kind of work. Saturday is revered not only by Jews, but also by other categories of believers. We are talking about the Karaites, the Samaritans. There are her admirers in Christianity, these are the Seventh-day Adventists, as well as Russian “subbotniks”.

That's it. Now you know what the name Subbotin means.
