Africa is incredibly rich in traditions. They are honored by numerous tribes that still retain the identity of their own cultures. They are very far from civilization. That is why tourists with such interest go on trips around the continent, photographing such different and dissimilar natives. It should be said that most of the local citizens have even learned to take money for photos and are not afraid to pose for the camera. African women are of the greatest interest to researchers. In the article we will discuss their traditions and strange customs. The women of the wild tribes of Africa deserve special attention.
Mings are the wrong kids
Alas, the women of Africa do not value their children in the same way that civilized people do. For example, in the tribes of the Omo Valley, it is forbidden to have illegitimate children. If a woman does not become pregnant by her husband, she is obliged to have an abortion or kill the newborn.
Get pregnant even from her husband alsoneed "correctly". Women are required to go through many rituals and receive the blessing of the elders. If at least one requirement is not met, the child acquires the status of a mingi. The natives are sure that the Mings bring trouble to the tribe, so they must be killed immediately after birth.
In some tribes, children with blue eyes, pigmentation disorders are also considered "wrong".
Division of labor

Most heavy household chores lie on the shoulders of women and children. Men are only allowed to milk goats and sheep. Also, their duties include collecting honey and repairing the roof.
Most tourists visiting Africa are always surprised by the ease with which women carry heavy loads on their heads while their men walk beside them. The thing is that in the communities the responsibilities of both sexes are clearly divided, which makes it possible to maintain the well-being of not only the family, but the entire tribe. African women are proud of their physical strength, and the offer of help from the lips of a man will be an insult to them.
It is worth noting that a clear division of labor is another tradition that the tribes hold sacred. For example, in Central Africa, it is forbidden for the fairer sex to climb palm trees for coconuts, as this can bring the wrath of the spirits to the entire tribe.
Female circumcision

The wild women of Africa still undergo initiation, or circumcision. This is a horrifying procedure that girls as young as ten years old andolder. It is carried out in unsanitary conditions and is very painful. However, African tribes continue to practice circumcision as it is a tradition. They argue that this is a small price for women's happiness, because no one will marry a woman who is not mutilated. It is noteworthy that even in Egypt, despite the ban, initiation continues.
What do the natives wear?
As you can see in numerous photos, women mostly wear loincloths. Most often they are made from the skin of cattle. Due to the fact that they leave their breasts bare, it seems that in the tribes of Africa, women do not wear clothes at all. But it's not. They cover their hips and are very fond of various decorations. They make most of them themselves.
Some tribes wear cloth clothes. For example, the Maasai prefer outfits that are somewhat reminiscent of Roman togas.

You can see above in the photo a woman of an African tribe called Himba ("beggars").
They live in the north-west of Namibia, in the Kakoland desert. At the moment, there are from 20 to 45 thousand of them. They are nomadic people living in clan families. They don't know writing. Sometimes they form small villages. They are engaged only in cattle breeding. Their cows are a special breed of animals that are thin, but can go without water for a long time.
This is where you can meet the most beautiful women in Africa. Their skin is perfect thanks to the composition they apply daily to the body, facial features are much more attractive,than the fairer sex of other tribes.
Since ancient times, women of the tribe smear their faces with a mixture of butter, churned from milk, various vegetable elixirs, and also crushed into the finest powder of bright red volcanic pumice. The ointment maintains the necessary level of hygiene, allows you to protect the skin from insects and sunlight. And instead of perfume, women often use the resin of the omuzumba shrub growing on the dunes. The headgear changes depending on the status. So, unmarried girls wear something like a crown on their heads.
Girls become brides at the age of 8. During this period, they can already be redeemed, but as the bride grows older, the price increases.
Women do most of the hard work, tending the livestock. And although the leader is a man, they also have their rights. Himba believe that it was from a woman that the human race began.

Masai - a relatively small people (no more than millions of people), living in the vicinity of Mount Kilimanjaro. However, they also move freely around the countries.
All the hard work is done mostly by women and children. Men are not supposed to do household chores, because they are primarily considered warriors.
Masai women at the age of 14-16 undergo an initiation ceremony (circumcision). This is a rather painful procedure, but after it the girl can get married. This people has a peculiar idea of beauty.
Holes in the ears are burned with pointed smoldering sticks in early childhood, and thenstretched with pieces of bamboo. The larger the hole in the earlobe, the more respect and honor from fellow tribesmen. The more jewelry on the body, the more we alth a woman has.
Mursi - the most unusual tribe in Africa

The Mursi tribe living in Ethiopia is one of the most aggressive. Although their dislike of tourists is easily explained, they are examined and photographed like monkeys in a circus. However, this does not prevent them from taking money for posing.
The women of the tribe are known for wearing plates resembling clay saucers in their lips. The size of the disk, as a rule, indicates the social status of the girl and the number of cattle that the man will receive in the event of matchmaking. They cut through the lower lip of a girl at a young age, the plates are changed regularly. On the wedding day, they are replaced with clay saucers. At the same time, two teeth of the lower row are knocked out so that they do not knock on the plate. When a woman eats, the saucer has to be removed.
Also, women wear peculiar convex tattoos on their bodies. They are made as follows: the skin is cut and placed inside the body of insect larvae. When the larvae die, covered with connective tissue, tubercles remain on the surface of the skin.
Hamer - hits means he loves

This unique tribe lives in southern Ethiopia. It is one of the most contact, so a lot is known about its customs. One of the traditions of the tribe plunges many tourists into shock - men have to beat their wives. This testifies to their love for the chosen ones. Scars are an indicator of female strength. The more markings on a woman's body, the more beautiful she is considered. Tourists note that during the ritual beating, the girls stoically endure the blows and even rejoice in them, although their backs resemble a bloody mess. After the ceremony, they can get married.
Polygamy is common here. A man chooses a woman who gives birth to his children. When she is unable to fulfill this duty, he takes the next wife. Often, women are much younger than their spouses, since a girl is considered a bride as soon as she turns 12.
Tsamai and family customs

Most women in Africa must keep their virginity until marriage. However, the Tsamai of the Omo Valley do not require this. But the relationship between the two must be kept secret. If sex results in pregnancy, the couple must marry.
But most often the future husband is chosen by the parents. In this case, no one is interested in the opinion of the girl. It is not easy to "buy" a bride for cattle, so all relatives often help a man to collect bride price. By the way, those who are related are strictly forbidden to marry.
During the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds shave their heads and grease them. They are released from work for 6-12 months.
Tuareg - the freest ladies in the world

As you can see, African women are not always Negroes. They are people living in the Sahara. Researchers believe that the Tuareg are descendants of the Berbers - the Zenaga. This is a Caucasian race, partially mixed withAfrican and Arab populations in Africa. This explains the fact that representatives of the people often have European features and bright eyes.
Their religion is Islam, but they have preserved pre-Islamic traditions. For example, a true Tuareg marries only once, although polygamy is allowed in Islam.
Men are known to be excellent warriors and merchants. But it is their wives who are in charge of property - they own housing and livestock. After a divorce, a spouse often has only one camel left.
Women enjoy a special position here. They learn to write and read from early childhood, while it is permissible for a man to remain illiterate. In this case, it is the representatives of the stronger sex who should cover their faces with a cloth. The cover is not removed even during meals or sleep.

Women also have complete sexual freedom and are free to have as many lovers as they wish before marriage. After marriage, they are also allowed to have friends.
The most unusual sexual customs of African wild tribes
Alas, it is difficult to describe the customs of all the wild tribes of the continent. However, we have collected the most interesting facts about them in this section.
In northwest Africa, several tribes hold a kind of lottery every month. Men, deciding with whom they will spend the night, draw lots. All women participate in the lottery, from babies to old women. The choice of a man can fall on any. He has a chance to refuse, but he will no longer be able to participate in the lottery.
In Kenya, a girl's virginity is very important. If she is herlost before marriage, it is unlikely that she will be able to marry. And anyone can check if a girl is virgin.
Some tribes of Central Africa (as well as Indonesia and Oceania) give their future wife to friends for temporary use. If they don't approve, the wedding is cancelled.
Some tribes practice a very interesting custom: a young man, wooing a girl, must first satisfy her mother. And then she will decide if he is worthy of her daughter.
Some tribes of equatorial Africa are sure that deflowering a girl is an unpleasant business. So she is sent to the jungle where she has to seduce a gorilla.
Numerous African tribes have from six children in one family. After all, the duty of every child is to take care of their parents. However, due to unsanitary conditions and genetic problems, many men are inferior. Therefore, in each tribe there is a "producer bull" who only reproduces the tribe.