Districts of the Oryol region and administrative division

Districts of the Oryol region and administrative division
Districts of the Oryol region and administrative division

Orel Region is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Central Federal District. It covers an area of 24652 km2. The population is 739327 people. The population density is 29.99 people/km2. The share of citizens is 67.48%. The national composition is dominated by Russians. The capital of the region is the city of Orel. The Oryol region includes 24 districts and 3 urban districts. This entity was formed on September 27, 1937. Districts of the Oryol region are quite numerous.

This subject of the Russian Federation has borders with the Kursk, Lipetsk, Kaluga, Tula and Bryansk regions. The governor is Andrey Klychkov. The time zone corresponds to Moscow. Orlovsky district of the Oryol region is its center.

Geographic features

This area is located in the west and southwest of the European territory of Russia. From north to south it stretches for >150 km, and from west to east for >200 km.

The climate corresponds to temperate continental: with warm summers and coolin winter. As in other parts of the continental temperate zone, the difference between the seasons of the year is well pronounced. The average temperature in January is about -10 °С, and in July - +18.5 °С. The annual amount of precipitation is 520 - 630 mm.

nature of the area
nature of the area

The terrain is hilly, with ravines and cliffs of river valleys. Forests cover only 9% of the area, mostly deciduous.


Agriculture dominates in the Oryol region. The industry was hit hard in the 90s. The least developed extractive industries. The first places are occupied by mechanical engineering and the food industry. More than half of the products are produced in the city of Orel.

Regions of the Oryol Region

There are 24 districts and 3 cities of regional significance in this region. The administrative center is the city of Orel, which is divided into 4 districts. In total, there are 17 urban settlements and 223 rural settlements in the districts of the Oryol region.

Oryol Region
Oryol Region

The districts are: Soskovsky, Shablykinsky, Uritsky, Khotynetsky, Trosnyansky, Sverdlovsky, Pokrovsky, Orlovsky, Novosilsky, Novoderevenkovsky, Mtsensk, Maloarkhangelsky, Livensky, Kromskoy, Krasnozorensky, Korsakovsky, Znamensky, Kolpnyansky, Dolzhansky, Zalegoshchensky, Glazunovskiy, Dmitrovsky, Verkhovsky and Bolkhovsky.

Orlovsky district

Is one of the administrative-territorial units of the Oryol region. The center is Orel, which, at the same time, is not part of the district.

Orlovsky district is located in the central part of thearea, surrounding the city of Orel on all sides. Its area is 1701.4 km2. It was formed on July 30, 1928. For some time it was part of the Kursk region.

The population of the area grew rapidly until 1970, and then the growth was very slow. The population has declined slightly in recent years. The share of the urban population is 16.5%. In total, 17 municipalities are included in the district (1 urban and 16 rural).

Agriculture is in great decline. In the future, it is planned to build a waste processing plant. Basically, the population living in the region studies and works in the capital of the region.

The villages of the Orlovsky district of the Oryol region are 4 settlements:

  • Zilina village;
  • Polozovsky Yards;
  • village Stanovoye;
  • Nizhnyaya Kalinovka.

The rest of the settlements in this category are divided into villages and towns: 8 villages and 4 settlements.

villages of the Oryol district of the Oryol region
villages of the Oryol district of the Oryol region

Administration of the Orlovsky district of the Oryol region

The building of the district administration is located at the address: 302040, Orel, st. Polyarnaya, 12. The administration has its own website where you can view the data or ask questions by e-mail, phone and fax. The resource also publishes regional news, which means that there is no need to buy a local newspaper. The site itself is designed in official colors, has a good and user-friendly design that does not hurt the eyes. It has three columns: the main one (in the center of the page) and 2 additional ones on the sides.
