Municipal districts of Moscow are an integral part of the districts. The latter were created after the 1991 reform to facilitate coordination and bring self-government bodies closer to the population. The districts are governed by prefectures. Today Moscow is divided into 12 districts and 125 districts. Let's take a look at some of them.

Northwestern District
It occupies 11% of the total area of the capital. This is about 107 square kilometers. The Northwestern District is considered the most favorable for living in terms of ecology. It includes such municipal districts of Moscow as Shchukino, Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Strogino, Northern and Southern Tushino, Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, Mitino, Kurkino. The population of the district is about 990 thousand. The most populated area is Mitino.
It includes such municipal districts of the city of Moscow as Yasenevo, Cheryomushki, South and North Butovo, Teply Stan, Obruchevsky, Lomonosovsky, Kotlovka, Konkovo, Zyuzino,Gagarinsky and Academic. The Southwestern District occupies 10.3% of the territory of the capital. It contains "light capitals". This is the name given to vast green areas that provide Muscovites with clean and fresh air.

It is bounded by the Moskva River, the ring highway and Leninsky and Vernadsky avenues. The district occupies 14% of the area of the capital. Its population exceeds one million people. The Western District includes such areas as Filevsky Park, Kuntsevo, Vnukovo, Solntsevo, Novoperedelkino and others.
This district occupies about 6% of the territory of Moscow. It is home to 650 thousand people. Its feature is the high population density. Many administrative, public, commercial, cultural and other institutions are located here. There are many attractions in the Central District, including the Kremlin.
This is one of the largest regions. Its area is 113.3 square kilometers. It stretches from the Moscow ring road to the Belorussky railway station. The northern district is quite densely populated. It is home to 880 thousand people. Northern District includes 16 districts.

North East
This district occupies 9.4% of the territory of the capital. It contains many buildings of general city significance. Among them are the Botanical Garden, the Ostankino Television Center. The population of the North-Eastern District exceedsone million people. It includes 17 municipal districts.
South Eastern
It takes up 11% of the entire page. The district extends beyond the Moscow Ring Road. It is home to over one million people. The South-East District is divided into 12 districts. Among them are Yuzhnoportovy, Tekstilshchiki, Lefortovo, Nekrasovka, Kuzminki.
Municipal nuances: management of Moscow districts
The uniqueness of the capital of the Russian Federation is expressed not only in its political and economic significance for the whole country, but also in the system of local governments. Before the collapse of the USSR, Moscow was divided into 33 districts. One of them is the city of Zelenograd. Moreover, the municipal districts of Moscow were relatively independent in ensuring the socio-economic development of their territory. However, this state of affairs gave rise to a number of problems related to the control and accessibility of power. In 1991, a self-government reform was carried out. 10 districts were formed. The municipal districts of Moscow became part of them. In total, there were 125 of the latter. This made it possible to bring the authorities closer to the population. Prefectures were created within the administrative districts. Councils became the executive body of the districts. Thus, a three-level system of power was formed in Moscow.