There are no two identical women, just as there are no two identical busts. The proportions of the body are different for each person, and as much as there are shades of skin color, there are just as many different breast shapes around the world. Many scientists thought about the question of what breast shapes are in women - however, and not only them. Artists and poets sang the tender female breasts in their works. In the end, the development of knowledge about this area led to the formation of various classifications and descriptions of what breast shapes are.
"Fashion" on the chest

From the very beginning of the development of human history, there was a certain “fashion” for the female breast, which was explained by the most ancient instincts inherent in human psychology. The canons of beauty have changed from century to century, until by now society has come to the “ideal” form: rounded full breasts with even pink nipples pointing forward. How many women looking whatthere are breast forms of celebrities and models in the photo, they went under the knife of a plastic surgeon! In an attempt to achieve an imaginary ideal, they consider their bust to be “wrong”. Most of these ladies forget what forms of female breasts are, considering only one to be the only true one, although this is a cruel delusion. There is no single standard - there is only an opinion imposed by the fashion industry.
Fashion is fleeting, but individuality is valued from time immemorial. That is why it is important to keep in mind what breast forms women have, because there are a great many of them, and each of them is unique and beautiful in its own way.

For a start, it is worth considering the morphological classification of female mammary glands, which takes into account such important parameters:
- what are breast shapes in terms of volume;
- actual shape of the mammary glands;
- distance between glands;
- symmetry;
- direction, size and shape of nipples.
Female breast shapes

According to this classification, breast forms are divided into 7 varieties, according to which experts give recommendations on choosing comfortable and suitable underwear. So, here are the breast shapes and sizes:
- Round breast shape. Bust owners of this shape are lucky: they can afford almost any kind of underwear or even do without it.
- The chest “looks” in different directions: the mammary glands are located close to each other at the base, and downwarddiverge in different directions. Ladies with such breasts are advised to wear bras that will slightly bring the mammary glands together.
- Widely spaced glands - the distance between the breasts reaches the width of two fingers (about 5 cm). Sometimes they can be divergent in different directions. For visual correction, a triangular-shaped bra, as well as with a clasp in front, is suitable.
- Drop-shaped conical shape: the base of the breast is slightly narrower than the nipple area, the chest is small. Women with this shape of breasts should not worry about choosing underwear: any bra of the right size will suit them.
- Narrow chest: the base is narrow, the bottom of the chest is full and large. Experts advise owners of this shape corrective underwear with a wide base, which will slightly lift the mammary glands.
- Asymmetrical chest. Perfect symmetry does not exist in nature, but in girls with breasts of this type, it is broken a little more. Visually, you can correct the asymmetry by removing the lining from one of the cups, if we are talking about differences within the same size. If the shape of the glands differ by 2 or more sizes, experts recommend surgical correction.
- Spherical breasts: the base and bottom of the breast are the same shape. Symmetrical and round-looking breasts - most bra models are sewn exactly on a similar shape.
Nipple shape

The female breast is designed by nature itself to produce milk and feed children - the nipple is just responsible for thisfunction. The nipple is surrounded by an areola, which can have different shades and shapes, be larger or inconspicuous. The color of the areola ranges from transparent pinkish to deep brown. The shape of the nipples can be quite small, as well as quite large and medium in size.
What are the forms of the breast and which of them is chosen ideal, it's easy to guess. As for the nipples, those that are directed in one direction (forward), with small areolas, are considered ideal. Moreover, the descent of the nipples down in women after 40 is considered the norm: due to the loss of skin elasticity and muscle tone, this process is natural.
If everything is clear with the size, then with the other parameter it's a little more complicated. There are five types of nipples according to the degree of convexity:
- Normal: The nipple protrudes noticeably from the areola even when at rest, without stimulation. When stimulated, it slightly increases and hardens.
- Protruding: This nipple looks slightly swollen due to the fact that the areola around it is slightly raised compared to the surrounding skin. When stimulation is applied, the size of the nipple increases slightly.
- Inverted: The nipple is mostly inside the areola, but becomes larger and more visible when aroused.
- Flat: This type of nipple hardly protrudes or does not protrude at all from the areola and sometimes does not even respond to stimulation.
- Single-sided: These nipples are also called mixed nipples. One nipple in this case may be convex, and the second - retracted or flat.
Bra selection

Having figured out what breast shapes and types of nipples are, you can proceed to the selection of underwear. It must be remembered that each type of breast has the right to exist, and only rare cases of asymmetry or severe mammary glands, which can change the position of the bones of the spine and generally harm he alth, are subject to surgical correction.
As for the combination of breast shapes and sizes, there are specially designed tips and tricks for choosing a bra. Girls with a small size will fit almost any form of bra that will fit them, while girls with bulky breasts have to make an effort in the process of choosing underwear.
Large glands brought together
4-5th size. If the mammary glands are tightly brought together, then underwear with a jumper that is not tightly adjacent to the bones will cause a lot of inconvenience. The most ideal model for the owner of such a bust would be underwear, in which the bones only reach the middle, and do not completely cover the circumference. In addition, underwear with stitching inside the cups, as well as plunge bras, are a good option in this case.
Big heavy breasts
4-5th size, mammary glands are large and soft, heavy downwards. It is rather difficult for women with breasts of this type to choose a bra: it is better to prefer models with cups sewn from several parts, as well as with side inserts in the product. In this way, you can create a rounded look and lift the bust.
Smallflattened breasts
3-4th size. The chest is slightly flattened and lowered. With this shape, bodices with cups with a central seam at the bottom are suitable: this way the bra will help to slightly lift the chest up. In addition, a sports-type bra may suit such girls: it will not squeeze the mammary glands, but it will be able to fix them and, again, lift them.
Breast shape and sexy character

Many men are convinced that a woman's sexuality depends on the shape of the female breast. It is likely that some connection does exist. Indeed, according to statistics, indeed many women with a similar breast shape are comparable to each other in terms of behavioral type. What are the breast shapes compared to fruits and other fruits?
- Melons: large, set apart, heavy breasts approximately size 4. It is generally accepted that such women appreciate sexual caresses and really know how to please their partner.
- Lemons are essentially cone-shaped breasts. Usually 2nd or 3rd size, high breasts with nipples "looking" in different directions. Girls with this type are often collected and focused, keep everything in order and follow a schedule. However, next to a loving man, they are also not alien to relaxation and emancipation.
- Pineapples - chest, wide at the base and at the bottom, usually size 5. However, it does not sag, which is quite rare - which is why it is comparable with exotic. Men find these ladies sexy.liberated and ready for experiments, although often these girls have a rather subtle romantic nature.
- Cherries - such an affectionate epithet is called a small elastic girl's chest. The nipples are pointing upwards, which evokes associations with an accommodating and calm disposition, as well as with moderate sexual activity.
- Oranges - small spherical breasts of 2-3 sizes. Its owners are usually distinguished by talkativeness and easy character. Such girls are caring and friendly.
- Pears are mammary glands with a narrow base and a heavy full bottom. Most often, such breasts have a 3-4th size. Women with such breasts, as a rule, have a rather passionate nature, but they are not frivolous: they are ready to reveal their full sexual potential only with mutual love.
Type of breasts and features of nature

The basis of the next classification on the topic of what forms of breasts and nipples are, was the correlation of the type of breast with the nature of a woman. It is difficult to say how reliable these data are, but one can argue that such classifications often hit the nail on the head.
Girls with small breasts
There is a stereotype that girls with small breasts are insecure and have a boyish disposition, but this is a stupid delusion. Sometimes these women turn out to be much more romantic and elegant natures than their buxom rivals.
Small breasts up to size 1 cone-shaped, with a wide areola and protruding nipples may belong to a girl-an idealist who is prone to wandering in the clouds and daydreaming. Such ladies have a rich inner world and a subtle sensitive nature.
Small but firm breasts with a medium-sized areola and equally firm nipples usually belong to gullible and naive girls, whose disposition is similar to that of a child. They are often deceived and mistaken in people, which is why they are very worried. This vulnerability is also often combined with self-doubt and frivolity.
Average bust size
Many men consider average breast size to be ideal, often mistakenly believing that girls with such a bust have common character traits. However, the owner of an average size can be both a passionate and scandalous lady, and a calm, caring wife.
Widely spaced small breasts with a swarthy, well-defined areola belong to passionate natures with a hot, ardent disposition. Such persons have a dazzling femininity, they are seductive and desirable, but at the same time they remain good housewives and attentive mothers.
Small elongated breasts with raised nipples, which is distinguished by a dark areola, can tell the following about her mistress: the girl is witty and sociable, moderately sociable and able to find a common language with everyone.
Round neat breasts of about size 3, with a moderate areola and a small nipple - the very "ideal". Such girls, as a rule, are self-confident and know how to behave in society. Career women, caring housewives.
Big Breasted Ladies
Many girlsthey envy the owners of a magnificent bust, but even here their pitfalls lie.
Large soft breasts of a beautiful shape with a clear areola belong to girls who confidently carry their beauty and charm. Lovely and charming, they value strong and permanent relationships, they strive for a family.
Large, swarthy mammary glands with protruding nipples, "looking" in different directions, characterize their owner as a prudent, cunning lady, able to seduce and skillfully lie. It could also be a sign of a girl's secret life that she doesn't want to expose to the public.
Large, slightly swollen but well-shaped breasts with wide, flat nipples are often found in born mothers and wives who are ready to devote themselves wholeheartedly to family and raising children.
What are the shapes and sizes of breasts in women, it is easy to see by looking around. And just as there are no two identical women, the same mammary glands do not occur in nature: the world is beautiful in its diversity. In addition, it is important not to forget that tastes and ideas about beauty are different not only for every woman, but also for every man: there is a lover for any shape and look. Therefore, you should not worry and worry if the chest differs from the fashionable ideal, because even now the opinion has become popular that every person is beautiful and perfect in their imperfections and features. So it's not so important what breast shapes are, how important is love for yourself and your partner.