Short biography of Igor Sosin

Short biography of Igor Sosin
Short biography of Igor Sosin

Each of us at least once thought about popular personalities. And everyone wanted to know more about their idol. Due to the development of information technology and the widespread introduction of the Internet, anyone can find out almost any information. In this article we will talk about the biography of Igor Sosin.

Where was born

The boy was born on January 30, 1967 in a large country called the Soviet Union. Almost nothing is known about his family, except that dad and mom loved their son and took care of him.

The boy grew up as the most ordinary Soviet child, loved to play soldiers and imagined how the Red Army was destroying the German occupiers. In general, the guy was cheerful and cheerful.


The boy was very smart and obviously not deprived of intelligence. At school, he first realized that he was endowed with an analytical mindset and innate pragmatism. It cannot be said that Igor Sosin directly did not like school, but still he did not mind skipping some lessons.

At a Glance

Igor Sosin is a Russian billionaire who is known in narrowcircles. Articles about him are often published by both domestic and foreign press. He is famous for his luxurious life and the fact that he owns quite large companies.

Igor bought the painting "Breakfast at Tiffany's" for his second wife named Inna, it is worth noting that the cost of the painting exceeds 300 thousand euros. He also bought a unique dress for Inna for 3.5 million euros.

He is the founder of a large company of goods for comfort and home called "Old Man Hottabych". He is engaged in a large number of business projects, which he leads very successfully.

Igor Sosin
Igor Sosin

A few words about the millionaire

Igor Sosin prefers not to talk about his biography. It is only known that at the moment he is over 50 years old. He spends most of his time abroad, in Russia it is extremely rare, and then only when it is absolutely necessary. Every year, he renews the lease on his 4-hectare mansion in Southampton, UK.

A small success story

He was able to reach such high heights due to the fact that he has an innate commercial "vein", which allows Igor Sosin to easily join new projects and interact with other people. At the same time, he always tries to seek benefits for himself and his partners.


Start your own business

Igor began to build his career in 1993, when the USSR had already collapsed. He worked as a financier and invested money in various areas, such as real estate.or retail chains.

In 2013, he launches the successful New Idea Investment Group, which is an investor in many Russian firms. Since that moment, 17 large companies have been subordinate to the oligarch.

He also owns Modis clothing stores, of which there are a little more than 130 and they are scattered throughout Russia. He was able to buy the Cats & Dogs chain of pet stores.

After all this, he acquires shares in the OBI company, which sells non-alcoholic soda. He plans to release it not only on the Russian market, but also place the goods on European shelves.

Igor invests in everything that can bring profit. And it doesn't really matter in what perspective it will be. At the moment he is a billionaire and he doesn’t care at all, he can stop working, and even his grandchildren will have enough money.

At the conference
At the conference

Private life

Igor Sosin's first wife was named Anastasia, and she bore him two children - a boy, Egor, and a girl, Taisiya.

But soon the couple divorced, and both children stayed with their mother on their father's alimony. After the divorce, Igor did not grieve for a long time, but married Inna in 2013, the wedding took place according to all the canons of social life in Monaco.

Igor and Inna Sosina loved each other, as evidenced by expensive gifts, which were described earlier. Soshin loves to go sailing and spend his free time entertaining.


As they say, even the rich cry. This is such a sad storyhappened to Igor's first wife. On December 10, 2015, when he and his mother were in the same room, Igor Sosin's son Yegor strangled his mother with a telephone wire.

Son of an oligarch
Son of an oligarch

As he admitted later to the investigating authorities, he was in a state of drug intoxication and did not even remember how he killed his own mother. The investigation carried out a series of events in which they found out that he was insane. As a result, the guy was sent to the hospital, where he will undergo treatment.
