Climate of Kirov: features and characteristics

Climate of Kirov: features and characteristics
Climate of Kirov: features and characteristics

Kirov (Kirov region) is one of the largest cities in the Urals. Belongs to the Volga Federal District. It is the administrative center of the Kirov region. The city is located at a distance of 896 km from Moscow, in a northeasterly direction. It is an industrial, scientific and cultural center of the Urals. The population is 507,155 people. In Ancient Russia it was the easternmost city. This is one of the most ancient cities, which appeared many centuries ago. The climate of Kirov is continental, closer to moderate, relatively cold and quite humid.

kirov kirov region
kirov kirov region

Geographic features

The city of Kirov is located on the Vyatka River, which flows through the north-east of the European territory of Russia. It is located on the Russian Plain. Time in Kirov corresponds to Moscow.


The nearest cities are: Perm, Kazan, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara. The terrain is flat, hilly in places. Most of the citylocated on the left bank of the river.

Kirov's coordinates are: 58°36´ north latitude and 49°39´ east longitude.

City Ecology

The environmental situation in Kirov is far from favorable. Air pollution is affected by both transport and industry. The contribution of both these factors to the total pollution is approximately the same. The most important pollutants are dust, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

The water in the Vyatka River is also heavily polluted. The strongest pollutant here is the Kirovo-Chepetsky chemical plant. plant. The accumulation of municipal solid waste is also a problem.

Natural vegetation is represented by spruce-fir and pine forests, which have been heavily affected by human activities.

Climate of Kirov

Kirov is located in the temperate climate zone (in the temperate zone), closer to its northern border. The climate of Kirov is continental and rather cold. The proximity of the Arctic Ocean has a significant influence on the formation of weather conditions. Because of this, severe frosts often occur in winter, and sharp cold snaps in summer. In Kirov itself, it is warmer than in the surrounding area, on average, by 2°С.

winter in kirov
winter in kirov

The coldest month of the year is January. Its average temperature is -11.9°C. The warmest is July, the average temperature of which is +18.9°C. The average annual temperature is +3.1 degrees. The absolute minimum is -45.2°C and the absolute maximum is +36.9°C.

The annual amount of precipitation is quite significant for these latitudes - 677 mm. Their maximum number falls in the summer (77-78 mm per month), and the minimum - in February-April (33-38 mm per month).

In winter, southerly winds prevail, in autumn and spring - southwestern. Humidity is high throughout the year. Its average annual value is 76%. The highest values are recorded in autumn and winter.

The average cloud cover is high throughout the year. This means that the weather in Kirov is mostly gloomy and dull. Clear days are rare.

cloud cover in kirov
cloud cover in kirov

The frequency of thunderstorms is maximum in June and July (9 and 10 days per month, respectively). In August and May, thunderstorms are 2 times less, and in the rest of the year they are almost absent.

In December and January it snows almost every day, and in February and March on most days. Fogs most often occur in autumn (3 days per month), a little less often (2 days each) in July, August and April, and in other months - one day each.

Seasons of the year

Classic Russian winter lasts in Kirov from early December to early March. Spring begins in mid-March and continues until the end of May. During this period, the weather is relatively dry, with the sun often peeking out. Summer is not hot and rather gloomy. Autumn is rainy and overcast.

weather in kirov
weather in kirov

Urban transport

In Kirov (Kirov region) there are various types of transport: buses, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis. The most common form of transport is the bus. The total length of bus routes is 695 km,and the number of buses themselves is 545 units. Fixed-route taxis play the least role, and their total number in the city is only 39 units. Bus transport is increasingly dominated by large buses.

Kirov is located on the Trans-Siberian Railway and is an important center for rail and road transport.


Thus, Kirov's climate is rather damp and cold, but not extreme. The level of continentality is significant, but also without extreme. The Arctic Ocean has a cooling rather than softening effect on the weather in Kirov. Inside the city, the temperature is noticeably higher than in the surrounding area. The climate zone of Kirov is moderate.
