Dita Von Teese, in her youth Heather Rene Sweet, is shocking, eccentric and the brightest star of burlesque. Each of her appearances on stage drives the men in the audience crazy. Her style, make-up, behavior are unique, and there is no one on the red carpet who would somehow resemble her.
Star Childhood
America, Rochester, Michigan, September 28, 1972 - in the family of a machinist and a manicurist, a second daughter is born, who is given the name Heather. Subsequently, another girl appeared in the family, but of the 3 sisters, only Heather was able to break into the Olympus of fame.

When she was very young, her passion was dancing. The girl devoted all her free time from school to ballet. Dreaming of a career as a professional ballerina, Dita tied her pointe shoes and stood at the barre every day, exhausting herself to the point of exhaustion. The baby's labors were not in vain, and already at the age of 13 she had solo performances, and by the age of 15 she had reached the top of her abilities. Maybe the girl would really have expected the future of a ballerina, but a sharp change of scenery did not come truethese plans.
Dita Von Teese in her youth

Due to the change of work of the father, the family was forced to change their place of residence, moving to California. There, in Orange County, in the city of Irvine, Dita went to school to continue her education. But already at the age of 15, the girl helped her parents financially, getting a job first as a waitress, and then as a saleswoman in a lingerie store.
Dita Von Teese studied historical costumes in her youth, leaving her dream of becoming a ballerina for a profession as a costume designer in Hollywood. And although she did not become one, the profession was very useful to her when Dita became a burlesque star. After all, she comes up with all the stage costumes for her programs and photo shoots herself.
But there are moments in her biography that she remembers with dislike, although she does not deny their positive impact on her current life. The last school years became such sad memories.
As a teenager, Dita was not a beauty, for which she became the subject of ridicule and humiliation of classmates and other children. She was even injured, so strong was the hatred of her peers around her.
But when she was 14 years old, young Heather decided to radically change the situation in which she found herself. Completely transformed with make-up and provocative clothing, she began to learn the art of flirting and flirting. She soon broke the hearts of guys with ease. As you can see in the photo, Dita Von Teese was charming in her youth.

Closer to the age of 20, the girl became a dancer at club parties, and soon a regular participant in the striptease show at the Captain Cream club.
Career start
After a year of work on the show, Heather becomes Dita thanks to her love for actress Dita Parlo. And a few years later, when she was supposed to decorate Playboy magazine, the second part of the name appeared. This time the telephone directory helped. The editors of the magazine demanded the full name of the young artist, and when she opened the directory page, she saw the name "von Treese". But even here the printers mixed up and missed the letter "P", so Dita became von Teese.
From the very beginning of her dancing career, Dita used a retro style in her performances. Endless employment and fatigue brought the girl to thinness, which, in general, she needed and needed. Dita immediately undergoes breast augmentation surgery, dyes herself brunette and creates the image of a diva in a corset and stockings, which the public enthusiastically accepts.
Until now, the figure of Dita Von Teese is the envy of women and the admiration of men. With the help of a corset, she reduces her waist by 12 cm. And although corsets greatly deform the internal organs, this does not frighten Dita. The stage for her is life, and for the sake of a magnificent performance, she is ready to sacrifice a lot. Dita Von Teese is 1.63 cm tall and weighs just over 50 kg.
Borrowing ideas for her performances from musicals of the 30s and 40s, Dita surprises the audience with unusual productions every time. Today she is in the bathroom, and tomorrow she is already in a cage with a swing, like a bird, she opens huge fans from a boa,seducing everyone around. The performances with a glass of martini, on the carousel and in the Chinese boudoir turned out to be especially spectacular.

In New York, during a performance, Dita was wearing diamonds worth $5 million. 2006 was marked by a performance in France and filming in the project "America's Next Top Model", where she was invited to teach girls to dance. In 2009, Dita appears on the Eurovision stage with a German band.
Musical Olympus
Despite her passion for dancing and indifference to other aspects of stage life, Dita still tried her skills both in vocals and in acting. In 2013, she made her debut with the British tandem "Monarchy" with the song "Disintegration". In 2015, she starred in the video for the song "Black Widow" with the same group.
In 2016, Dita sang Die Antwoord with the Africans. And at the end of 2017, she released a solo track "Rendezvous".
Matters of the Heart
There are so many rumors about the personal life of the "Queen of Burlesque" that fans do not have time to receive confirming facts, as the media publishes another name next to Dita. The diva herself talks about her life as a series of fleeting romances in which there was never love.
The artist admits to having affairs with hundreds of men and even a woman. She had a marriage with the outrageous Marilyn Manson. Then at the wedding, everyone was shocked by the stunning purple wedding dress, but after 2 years the couple broke up.

After the divorce, Dita was credited with novels with other famous singers and actors, but there is no constant companion in her life, just like children.
Other activities
In addition to dancing and singing, the young woman also plays in the movies. Dita Von Teese even starred in porn in her youth. She did not aspire to become an actress at all, but sometimes she acts "for the soul" and even receives awards.
Also, Dita often appears on the catwalks in haute couture shows. Her name is often heard among those who are best dressed on the red carpet.
Several times Dita became the face of major cosmetic brands. She appeared on the covers of the famous glossy magazines Vogue, Elle and others.
Dita created 2 lingerie collections and her own perfume "Femme Fatale".
She writes beauty books, creates her own line of cosmetics.
Dita loves to collect pointe shoes and has a huge collection of antique china.
She is actively involved in horse riding and Pilates to maintain her already impeccable figure.