What is the biggest nut in the world?

What is the biggest nut in the world?
What is the biggest nut in the world?

There are so many amazing plants and fruits in the world. There are more than 40 types of nuts alone, but not all of them are edible. Many are familiar with the beneficial properties of nuts, but not everyone knows which of them are the largest and where they grow.

Having made a small overview of the varieties of the largest fruits of plants, we will determine which is the largest nut in the world and where it grows.

General information

Undoubtedly, the largest nuts grow in Sri Lanka. Some specimens can reach a length of up to one meter, and a width of up to one and a half meters. The weight of such a nut can reach unimaginable sizes - up to 30 kilograms. This miracle is called the Maldivian, Seychelles or sea coconut, as it was first discovered by the inhabitants of East Asia on the shores of their residence.

Once, old nuts were thrown out by a wave. People did not understand what it was, so they decided that it was coconut demer, which translates as "sea". They suggested that these plants grow under water, and after ripening, coconuts are thrown to the surface from under the water. Learn more about this miracledescribed later in the article.

It should be noted that in ancient times this nut cost a lot of money - as much as was placed in the fruit's shell. This was due to the fact that healers and doctors of those times claimed that he had unique healing abilities - it helps to cure poisons, increases male sexuality, and is also useful for epilepsy, colic, paralysis and nervous diseases.


This very tasty and satisfying fruit is not the largest nut, but it has long been widely cultivated in different countries of the world as a high-yielding crop. There are many varieties, among which the largest is the Trebizond hazelnut. The oblong-shaped fruit grows up to 2.5 centimeters in length (1.5 cm in diameter). The hazelnut kernel is a storehouse of many useful substances. It contains amino acids (the human body cannot produce them on its own).


In ancient times, people planted shrubs near their dwellings, which are the source of these he althy, satisfying and tasty fruits. These plants also protected people from evil spirits.


Walnut is on the list of the largest. For each country, their varieties of this variety have popularity. To a greater extent, for gardeners, it is not the size of the fruit that is important, but the yield, although the size also plays an important role. The largest variety is the Giant, which is actually unusually large.

Elongated fruits have a thin shell. The nucleolus in dried form has a mass of 30-35 g. Gardeners are attracted by the precocity and unpretentiousness of the variety, as well as disease resistance and sufficient frost resistance. The variety also has a small drawback - the tree bears fruit only in its upper part, so it is rather difficult to get ripe fruits.


An annual fast-growing variety (the largest walnut in the world) - a tree that grows up to 5 meters in height. The fruit reaches a length of up to 4 cm with a weight of 33 g. From one tree, the yield can reach up to 100-120 kg. The Giant variety was bred relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity in Europe.

Even in the era of Antiquity, the wise Greeks called these nuts the gifts of the gods and were widely eaten. It should be noted that there were periods when they were forbidden to eat.


This variety of the largest nuts (see photo below) is distributed from the islands of Japan to Gibr altar. It also grows in Australia with North America.

The size of chestnut fruits differs depending on where the plant grows. For example, Russian varieties are distinguished by smaller fruits than their European counterparts. The largest chestnuts (3-5 cm in diameter) grow in Spain and France. The Guinean chestnut, belonging to a completely different biological species, has oblong olive-colored fruits. Their length is 25 centimeters. The inside of the nuts are edible seeds.

chestnut fruit
chestnut fruit


This fruit is also one of the largest nuts. Its name suits it well. It is important to note thatit is one of the most dangerous and unusual fruits in the world. The walnut, covered with sharp thorns, has a not very pleasant smell. In diameter, it grows up to 25 cm with an average weight of 4 kg.

If suddenly this miracle fruit falls on your head, the sensations will be the most unpleasant. And the sensations of the taste of its pulp are completely different for everyone. For some, it is associated with the taste of butter cream on a cake, and for some, the unpleasant smell repels at all and the desire to try durian completely disappears. Local Malaysians have learned how to cook various delicious dishes from this fruit, covered with a rather hard shell.

durian nut
durian nut


These fruits deservedly occupy the second place among the largest nuts. Length - 30 cm, weight - 1.5-3 kg. Coconut fruits grow on tall palm trees in not very large groups (up to 20 pieces). Nuts ripen within 8-9 months.

The fruit is a drupe with a sharp differentiation of layers. Many legends and myths are associated with this amazing fruit, and its beneficial properties have been highly appreciated in various parts of the world. The nut is famous for both its juice and pulp.


Coco de mer

Some of the names of the largest nut in the world were presented at the beginning of the article. Only in the Seychelles (Praslin Island) this amazing unique palm tree grows, on which huge and unusual fruits ripen. Coco de mer is called Lodoicea maldivica in the scientific world.

Some fruits according to their size in diameterreach 1 meter with a weight of about 25 kg. An interesting and unusual shape, reminiscent of some spicy parts of the body. The nut has 2 layers of shell. It cracks during fruit ripening.

The biggest nut in the world
The biggest nut in the world

If you split this giant fruit in half, you can see the seeds, slightly resembling two huge slices of tangerine. The nut tastes like cedar.

The fame of this Seychelles miracle reached the expanses of Russia in the 17th century. Where the world's largest nut grows, the bright sun of the tropics floods the May Valley of the Seychelles with its hot rays (usually twilight reigns here). This place is like a mysterious and fabulous world. Impressions from what he saw are growing due to the presence in these places of pleasant aromas of vanilla and cinnamon, as well as the sounds of the wind and the rustle of leaves. It is in this place that the most amazing walnut in the world grows. Coconut palms form long tunnels, and their branches bend to the ground under the weight of overweight fruits.

Growing coco de mer
Growing coco de mer

Some interesting facts

  • Drugs were made on the nutshell, infused in water with the addition of almonds, and a tonic drink was made from the juice of young pinkish-white nuts.
  • All sea coconuts sailing to the Maldives were forbidden by the tribal leaders to collect and hide, otherwise they promised in advance to cut off the hands of those who tried to hide the find.
  • Rudolph II of Austria (Emperor of the Roman Empire) announced at the end of the 16th century that for one Seychelles nut, anyone would be rewarded with 4000golden florins. The owners of the nut refused him. Nevertheless, Rudolph II managed to get a goblet made from the shell of the famous sea coconut.
  • Seychellois came to Russia in the 17th century, but only the tsar could buy them with precious sable fur.
  • Walnut shell carvers made perfume holders, ladles and other items.
Walnut shell products
Walnut shell products

In conclusion

The information presented in the article about the largest nut in the world once again proves that the terrestrial flora is amazing. According to the findings of scientists, palm trees originated at the time of the dinosaurs (about 66 million years ago). Their seeds were spread by gigantic lizards across the expanses of the earth. When the split of Gondwana happened, the method of such reproduction ceased to exist. Today, Seychelles palm trees grow in the shade of their giant counterparts.

Practically, this plant has been sufficiently studied by researchers. However, until now, scientists do not understand how pollination of this plant occurs. The presented giant coconut is also the longest growing. It takes about ten years for the fruit to fully mature.