This charming blonde from Australia has long won the hearts of men all over the world. She has acted in many films as she is as talented as she is beautiful. In life, Nicole is a closed and modest person, so little is known about her personal life. For some coldness in her character, the actress received the nickname "The Snow Queen", which does not bother her at all. However, the life of a star is not as perfect as a career.
At some point, the boat of love, carrying Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise for about ten years, crashed hopelessly on the rocks of alienation. Unfortunately, among creative people this is not uncommon, as we can see it in other inhabitants of Hollywood. By the way, the children of Nicole Kidman and Tom suffered from their breakup, probably the most, and after the divorce, they remained to live with their father. But fate was favorable to the woman and yet gave a new love and two charming daughters.
Wild Youth
Glory overtook Nicole afterthe first appearance on his native Australian television in the distant 83rd. A young blonde with huge blue eyes and the features of a real aristocrat then realized that being an actress was her only vocation. Getting an education sharply got sick, and the girl, along with a fellow Dutchman, waved to Paris towards the mysterious unknown.
A little later, Nicole moved to Florence. This period of life was filled with romance, but one day the lack of finances brought her to the native walls of her parents' house. Then she seemed to herself an adult and did a lot of stupid things typical of young girls. The relationship ended quickly until the girl met Tom Cruise.
Love Story

Director Tony Scott chose non-US actors for his films. Therefore, he invited the unknown Kidman in the distant 89th to a minor role in the sports drama Days of Thunder. It was on the set of the film that the girl met the handsome Tom, who also starred in the film.
According to the actor, at the sight of Nicole he was as if struck by an electric current - Cupid hit the top ten. A statuesque and tall beauty with honey hair felt something similar, and a flame of passion flared between them. At that time, Tom was already married, but this did not stop him. Mimi Rogers gave him a divorce without objection, because the family was already on the verge of breaking up.
Nicole and Tom were very happy and in the 90th year they celebrated their wedding in a ski resort in Colorado. They did not part for more than 12 days,for it was a sacred promise made to each other. But not having children of my own has become a nuisance.
What difference does it make, relatives or adopted - they are children

Once the star was expecting a baby from her husband, but later it turned out that the pregnancy was ectopic. For many years, Nicole tried to get pregnant, but, alas, to no avail. However, this did not stop the couple from wanting to become parents, and in 1993 a boy named Connor Anthony was adopted, and two years later, a girl, Isabella Jane.
But Nicole Kidman's adopted children once stopped calling her mom (since 2007). Such human "gratitude" hurt the star, because she did not deserve that they called her just by her first name, like a girlfriend. Unfortunately, misunderstandings arose between Nicole and the children, and to such an extent that after the divorce they decided to live with their father.
Possible causes of disagreement

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's children attend the Church of Scientology, and perhaps this is precisely the circumstance that interferes with a normal relationship with their mother. The actress considers the ministers of their temple to be sectarians, but Tom, on the contrary, has been going there for a long time and successfully introduced the children.
Kidman is a deeply religious Catholic and is categorically against any other religious trends. However, there are suspicions that this is not the only reason that Nicole Kidman does not get along with children. Let it remain their family secret, only Connor stated in an interview that he had an ideal relationship.with his mother, and everything else is the speculation of hacks from the yellow press.
Happiness still did not bypass the star

Motherhood is the greatest joy, the path to eternal life and the highest destiny of every woman. After all, this is laid down by nature itself, and it doesn’t matter whether they are rich and famous or mere mortals. Fate gave Nicole Kidman true love and the birth of her own children.
In early 2005, the star met Australian singer Keith Urban, and in June 2006 a magnificent wedding took place. The celebration took place in Sydney, and all the world's media tirelessly discussed this joyful event. A year later, on July 7, 2008, the couple had a daughter named Sunday. And on December 28, 2010, Nicole and Kit (who resorted to the services of a surrogate mother this time) became the parents of the charming Faith. Now the star has four children, two of whom are adopted. And this means that you should never give up, and then everything will be fine.
Children of Nicole Kidman (photo)

Once a happy couple, their adopted children Connor Anthony and Isabella Jane, who have become quite adults, are pictured in the article. You can also see Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban with their princesses.

Girls actively participate in fashion shows, and perhaps become as famous as their caring mother.
Being good for all kids is too hard
The actress has long been accustomed to the fact that Connor and Isabella are closer to their father, because they are already quite adults and do notneed her care. She rarely visits them, but now the children and mother have an even and calm relationship.

Belated motherhood helped the actress understand how important it is in life, so she adores her own daughters until she loses her memory. Nicole Kidman with children appears at fashion shows and presents them to the public with undisguised pride. There is no doubt that the girls will grow up with the same good taste as their mother and, perhaps, follow in her footsteps.