Biography of Oleg Tabakov, beloved actor, director and teacher, can take up many pages. After all, it is hardly possible to find a person with a more eventful life. In addition to constant filming in films, participation in theatrical performances, he voiced films and cartoons. Oleg Pavlovich managed to manage the theater, led the Moscow Art Theater for many years, was the rector of the Moscow Art Theater School, taught at GITIS, taught young talents in Russia, England, the USA, Hungary and Finland, lectured at many theater institutions around the world. At the same time, he managed to head the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov and open his own theater, named after him "Snuffbox".
There is not a single person in our country who does not know the biography of Oleg Tabakov, but there are very curious moments in his personal life that are of interest to many. Although our hero spent most of his time at work, readers are always interested in Tabakov's personal life.
In the article we will remember how a young Saratov boy turned outa world-famous theatrical figure and a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of Russia. Let's pay attention to a brief biography of Oleg Tabakov. The photos presented in the article will introduce the reader to his most famous roles, which have now become classics of cinema.
Childhood and youth
Oleg Pavlovich was born in the city of Saratov on August 17, 1935. A large and loving family lived in a cramped communal apartment: two grandmothers, an uncle, an aunt, a father and mother, and two children, Oleg's half-brother and sister. As Tabakov himself recalled, this is the sunniest and most serene time of his life. The family did not live in luxury, since childhood Oleg knew that every penny in the house should be earned by honest labor.
Tabakov's father - Pavel Kondratievich and mother - Maria Andreevna worked as doctors. From childhood, the boy loved the theater, often visited the Youth Theater, sometimes watched the same performance several times, memorized entire passages from the text of the characters. The serene life ended in 1941. The war forced my father to go to the front, where he, as an experienced doctor, took over the leadership of the sanitary-military train. Mother worked at one of the railway stations in the hospital as a general practitioner.

But the worst event in the biography of Oleg Tabakov happened later. His beloved father brought a new family from the front, and his parents separated. This was the strongest blow for the boy, he was very worried. Then he gradually got used to a new life, his mother returned with him to Saratov, where Oleg Tabakov studied at a school for boys and attended his firsttheater group "Young Guard". It was theatrical activities that saved the guy from the bad company into which he was drawn by a street chanter. Oleg Pavlovich spoke very warmly about the studio teacher Natalya Iosifovna Sukhostav, calling her his godmother.
Life in Saratov remained in the heart of the actor for many years. He often came with performances to his small homeland and even organized the Saratov Suffering festival. Grateful residents erected a monument to him in the city during his lifetime.
Beginning of theater activities
The creative biography of the actor Oleg Tabakov began after graduation, when a young man in 1953 took a chance and applied for admission to the two most prestigious theater universities in the country at once - to the Moscow Art Theater School. Nemirovich-Danchenko and GITIS. Having brilliantly passed all the exams in both one and the other, he chose the Moscow Art Theater to study. Since childhood, he was firmly convinced of the unsurpassed talent of the teachers of this university.
Training took place on the course of Vasily Toporkov. This is a wonderful teacher who considered Tabakov his best student. While still a 3rd year student, young Tabakov played his first role in the movie "Tight Knot". His character - Sasha Komelev - was a very ideological Soviet youth who opposed the chairman of the collective farm.
After graduating from the university, Tabakov, as a result of distribution, gets to work at the Stanislavsky Moscow Drama Theater, but fate was favorable to him, and soon he was transferred to the studio of young actors, which later becamethe famous theater "Sovremennik", which at that time was directed by Comrade Tabakov - Oleg Efremov.

Theatrical biography of Oleg Tabakov (whose photo is in the article) has a huge number of performances at the Moscow Art Theater, Sovremennik, a self-organized studio called Tabakerka. In addition, Tabakov played on the stages of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Finland, Germany, Denmark, the USA and Austria. The actor was known and loved far beyond the borders of our country.
The first Tabakov family
Oleg met his first wife when he was young. There are persistent rumors that Lyudmila Krylova first saw Tabakov during a performance in Sovremennik. The young and handsome guy had an undoubted charm, so it is not surprising that the girl fell head over heels in love with the handsome man. For the sake of an idol, Lyudmila entered the famous Sliver, and after graduation she worked at the Maly Theater and did not forget to spend evenings at Sovremennik, waiting for her pet to appear on stage.
A young, successful and handsome guy was also very popular at that time among the female half of society, which did not stop the girl's passion at all. After the first meeting, young people began to meet, and after 4 days they began to live together. Lyudmila became pregnant, but the couple married only when their son was 2 months old. Happy parents had two children - son Anton and younger daughter Alexander. In the biography of Oleg Tabakov, personal life has always taken a secondary role. On theThe first place has always been work, which could not but affect relationships in the family. Let's take a closer look at how Tabakov's wife and children spent their time.
Lyudmila Krylova
From the biography of Oleg Tabakov's wife, it is known that, unlike her husband, she is a native Muscovite, born on October 2, 1938. She grew up in a poor family, but from childhood she loved fiction, went to the library, since there were few of her own books in the house. After a friend entered the Shchepkinskoye school, she decided that she would also definitely go there to study. I enrolled in a circle at the Pravda House of Culture and the very next year I became a student of the coveted Sliver.

After graduating, she played a lot in plays and acted in films, also worked on television and radio. She stopped acting productively only in 1989. The woman endured all the hardships of family life with the loving Tabakov, knowing about his adventures. But the family held on for the sake of two children.
Anton Tabakov
Let's continue our acquaintance with the children of Oleg Tabakov. The biography and personal life of the eldest son of the actor, Anton Tabakov, is known to many. The desired child was born on July 11, 1960. Because of the eternal employment of the parents, the nanny and grandmother raised the boy. The lack of attention from the father became the cause of internal insults and misunderstandings. Anton, of course, appreciated the talent of Oleg Pavlovich, but, in his opinion, his father did not take off the actor's mask even at home.
Although the boy had been acting in films since the age of six, his father did not wanthe followed in his footsteps and entered the theater university. He did not see the talent of his son. However, the guy acts out of spite and successfully graduates from GITIS. For ten whole years, Anton Tabakov worked at Sovremennik, remarkably playing many interesting roles. Finally, the father recognized his son's talents and invited him to the Snuffbox.

Everyone knows that if a person is talented, then he is talented in everything. Anton Tabakov is known in our country not only as an actor, but also as a very successful businessman. In addition to the network of popular restaurants throughout Moscow, he was interested in the cosmetology business.
The personal life of a young man is also rich in events. He has been married four times and has 4 children. The eldest Nikita works with his father, daughter Anna went to study in England, and the younger girls from the last (so far) wife - Tonya and Masha - are still schoolgirls. The girls' mother Anzhelika is a housewife, she devotes a lot of time to her family and Anton, so he is finally happy. See the photo of the couple above.
Biography of Oleg Tabakov's daughter
Anton's younger sister, Alexandra, was born 6 years later than her brother, in 1966. The girl, like all family members, had an innate acting talent, so no one was surprised that after graduating from school she hurried to enter the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio. The teachers noted the undoubted acting gift of the girl and predicted a great future for her. However, after filming in several films, Alexandra went on television, where she was the host of the Let's Go! program. Then she worked at a radio station, wasco-host of "Mishanina" on "Silver Rain".

The eldest daughter of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov (whose biography many do not know) did not have a very successful personal life. Marriage with Jan Liefers, a well-known actor in Germany, did not work out soon after the formalization of the relationship. Although the daughter Polina was born in the marriage, the couple broke up, and Alexandra returned to her homeland. Further attempts to find a life partner ended just as unsuccessfully. A woman's only joy is her beloved daughter.
Ratio of older children to father
The reader briefly got acquainted with the biography of Oleg Tabakov's children from his first wife Lyudmila. After the father of the family announced his desire to leave his wife and children and go to a woman who is almost the same age as his youngest daughter, everyone was shocked. Anton, who did not want to work with his father and went into business, had a severe depression, and Alexandra, who at that time was still studying at the Moscow Art Theater studio.
According to close people of the family, the children did not want to see their father and supported their mother in every possible way. Alexandra's teacher recalls that the girl even thought about suicide. Anton until the end of his life with his father was in a strained relationship. The resentment and bitterness of the loss of a loved one was present in the heart, although the son continued to communicate with his father and his new passion. Let's see who Oleg Tabakov spent the last years of his life with, whose biography and personal life we consider in the article.
Marina Zudina
Actress Marina Zudina while meeting Tabakovwas his student at GITIS, at that time the girl was only 16 years old. The age difference was 30 years, Oleg Pavlovich had a family and two children, but this did not stop the young assertive Muscovite. She was born in 1965 and was only 1 year older than Alexandra, Tabakov's youngest daughter from her first marriage.

For ten years the couple secretly met, but then Oleg Pavlovich announced to his wife about the break in relations and went to live with his young wife forever. Marina Zudina worked under the guidance of her famous husband, starred in many films, serials and theater productions. Often she could be found on stage with Tabakov. The girl undoubtedly has a great acting talent, so her work has been repeatedly awarded prizes and titles. In 2006, Marina Zudina was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

After the marriage, the couple had a son, Pavel. This "gift" turned out just in time for Oleg Pavlovich's 60th birthday. The boy followed in the footsteps of his parents and became an actor, now he is actively acting in films. This no longer surprises anyone, probably, the ability to reincarnate on stage is passed down from generation to generation.
After 11 years, when the master turned 71, he became a father for the fourth time. Marina Zudina gave birth to a daughter, who was named Masha.
Work Attitude
All colleagues and close families knew that the main thing in the life of Oleg Pavlovich is his creative activity. He devoted himself entirely to his beloved theatre. Spared no effortmental or physical. Once I had a heart attack right on stage. Probably, it was thanks to such an extraordinary sincerity in the performance of each of his roles that Oleg Pavlovich earned the love and reverence of all viewers.

Many people understood that since Tabakov was involved in the film, it must be seen.
Began work on the creation of his offspring - "Snuffboxes" Oleg Pavlovich in the difficult 90s, when, it would seem, people ceased to be completely interested in theater as an art form. However, the full halls that Tabakov's "cellar" collected instilled in his soul hope for a revival. So it happened, which could not but please the creator. Many novice actors aspired to get into the troupe in order to learn from the great master.
Death of the master
For three long months the indefatigable Oleg Pavlovich fought for his life. Due to the constant workload, he, like many of us, did not pay due attention to his he alth. Recently placed dental implants did not take root, and rejection began, which caused sepsis. The weakened body could not cope with the infection, and the heart could not stand it.
The life of the great actor, director and artistic director of the two most beloved theaters among the people ended on March 12, 2018. Half of Moscow came to say goodbye to their favorite actor, even Russian President Vladimir Putin was there. In recent years, Tabakov has been a confidant of the head of state in the Public Television Council.
The master was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, next to otherswonderful actors of Russia - Zeldin and Armor.
In the article, we briefly reviewed the biographies of Oleg Tabakov, the wives and children of the great man. More than one generation will keep his memory.