The biography and personal life of Ziraddin Rzayev are of interest to many fans of the show "Battle of Psychics". Do you also consider yourself one of them? Do you want to know where he was born and in what family he was brought up? How did you find out about your incredible abilities? The answers to these and other questions are in the article.

Biography of Ziraddin Rzayev
He was born on November 10, 1981 in the Azerbaijani city of Shamkhor. Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, his mother began to have strange dreams. What exactly are we talking about? In a dream, a woman often saw herself in a store. She was holding a baby in her arms. An elderly lady suddenly approached her and said: “Call the boy Ziraddin.” Mother distinctly remembered this name. She recounted her dream to her relatives. The family decided that sleep is a sign from above. Therefore, it was decided to name the son Ziraddin.
In the family of our hero, it is believed that he is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad himself (on his mother's side). It was this relationship that predetermined his unusual fate. The Almighty endowed Ziraddin with a great gift and the ability to helppeople.

The fact that he is not like everyone else, our hero learned in the 11th grade. Then Ziraddin began to hear voices "from the next world" and see ghosts. His relatives were sure that he had supernatural abilities. Rumors of this immediately spread around the area. People began to come to Ziraddin with their problems. But the family forbade the boy to receive visitors. They wanted his gift to increase.
In 1997, the guy left for Moscow, where he began to practice extrasensory perception. At one of the sessions, Ziraddin met his future wife. He cured a woman of a severe form of epilepsy. They began an affair. Soon the lovers played a wedding according to Muslim customs. The psychic took his wife to Azerbaijan. The family settled in the city of Shamkhor.
“Battle of psychics”: Ziraddin Rzayev
In 2008, the TNT channel announced the casting for the 6th season of the paranormal show. Our hero would hardly have dared to go on television. After all, by nature he is a modest and shy person. But a good friend helped him. The man called the editorial office and spoke about Ziraddin's abilities. The next day, Rzayev was invited to a casting. He successfully passed the qualifying tests and was among the participants in the "Battle".
Throughout the 6th season, Ziraddin never ceased to amaze viewers. Looking at the photographs, he told the details of the person's past, present and future.
The hardest tests for him were those related to murders or accidental death of people. All spiritual andhe let the physical pain go through him.

Ziraddin Rzayev is a psychic who reached the final of the show. According to the results of the audience voting, he took second place, losing only to Alexander Litvin. However, numerous fans claim that for them Ziraddin is still the best and strongest participant in the 6th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Forecasts for 2016
Many of us want to know what awaits his beloved country and the whole world in the near future. So what should we prepare for? Here are some forecasts of Ziraddin Rzayev for the current year 2016:
- US is waiting for numerous volcanic eruptions. Fire and ashes will cover several settlements.
- After the financial setbacks of 2015, Russia is on the rise. The country's leadership will find a way out of the crisis.
- Western Europe and the US will try to harm the Russian Federation through low-quality and unhe althy food. But such tests will only strengthen the spirit of the Russians. The country is waiting for success and prosperity.
- This 2016 will be a dangerous year for the whole world. It will bring natural disasters, financial difficulties, famine and mass loss of life.
- What is happening on the planet today (wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq), Ziraddin considers the beginning of the apocalypse. There is a battle between God and the Devil. Those who speak on the light side and are a believer will be able to be saved.

Job reviews
Every month, hundreds of people who come from different regions of the Russian Federation sign up for an appointment with Ziraddin Rzayev. The finalist of the 6th "Battle of Psychics" is ready to listen to everyone. Did Ziraddin Rzayev help many people? Customer feedback suggests that their problems have indeed been resolved. At least 90% of those who applied were satisfied with the results.
Ziraddin just needs to look a person in the eye to figure everything out. He "reads" each visitor like an open book. Rzayev can look both into the distant past and into the near future.
There are also negative reviews about this psychic. But they are presented in negligible quantities. They are connected with the methods and results of his work. It's just that some people complain about the high prices for services.
Negative feedback is often written by envious people, ill-wishers and direct competitors of Ziraddin. He does not take offense at this, but warns that such methods can backfire on them.
Private life
It is customary for Azerbaijanis to have large families. The man is the main breadwinner in the family. And the duties of a woman include three things - to keep the family hearth, take care of her husband and raise children. Our hero is trying to stick to the traditions of his ancestors.
How is the personal life of Ziraddin Rzayev developing today? He has been married for a long time and has three children. Psychics have to "torn" between two countries - Azerbaijan and Russia. His family lives in Shamkhor. And in Moscow he works, helps people. Ziraddin rents an apartment in one of the sleeping areasRussian capital. He dreams of saving money for his own housing and moving his wife and children to Moscow.
Interesting facts
- Ziraddin sings beautifully, draws and plays the violin. He also writes poetry in Russian and Azerbaijani.
- Our hero collects rare minerals and precious stones.
- Rzaev provide material assistance to Moscow shelters that keep dogs.
- Famous psychic is interested in psychology and philosophy.
- Ziraddin Rzayev is a psychic with 5 diplomas of higher education. He has mastered such professions as a psychologist, livestock specialist, primary school teacher, philosopher and clinical psychologist.
In conclusion
Now you know what abilities Ziraddin Rzayev has. Reviews of people who turned to him indicate that he is not only a psychic and a healer, but also a good psychologist. After all, sometimes a person can be helped with just a good word and valuable advice.