Political scientist, historian and educator Natalya Narochnitskaya, a biography whose family is connected with academic science for more than one generation, is known for her fundamental works on Russian foreign policy. She has a bright public position, which is based on conservative Orthodoxy.

Childhood and family
The idea that the family is the main determining principle in a person's life finds a lot of evidence. A striking example of this is Natalya Narochnitskaya, whose biography moves along the vector set in childhood. She was born on December 23, 1948 in Moscow, in the family of an outstanding historian. Natalia's paternal grandfather was the director of a public school, and her grandmother worked there as a teacher.
Her father is an outstanding scientist, academician, historian. He was a prominent specialist in Russia's foreign policy in the first third of the 19th century; he began his scientific work under the guidance of E. Tarle. The parent was the author of serious works on international politics and history. Even though he liveshad in difficult Soviet times, he retained the traditional patriarchal views. The academician headed the authoritative scientific journal "New and Contemporary History", for many years he headed the Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences. Natalia's uncle, a historian, was arrested in 1937 and went missing. The presence in the questionnaire of an entry about the brother as an enemy of the people did not prevent the father of our heroine from making an impressive scientific career, testifying to his remarkable abilities, which turned out to be necessary for the state.
Natalia's mother, another historian, de alt with Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century. In her youth, she participated in the partisan movement in Belarus, was captured and managed to escape from a concentration camp. In 1947 she became the wife of Narochnitsky, with whom she lived happily for over 40 years. The couple had two daughters: Natalia and Elena. Both later became historians, continuing the family tradition. Natalya says that her childhood was extremely happy: her parents loved each other and their offspring, the family read a lot, talked about history. Children were taught foreign languages. A governess took care of them. Already at the age of 7, Natalia read Heine's poems in German. She also studied music, learned to play the piano, danced.

Having received good training at home, Natalia studied at school with excellent marks. She graduated from a special school with an in-depth study of the German language with a gold medal, the choice of a future profession was not difficult. In 1966, Natalya Narochnitskaya, whose biography waspredetermined by family interests, enters MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations. Five years later, she graduated with honors. Over the years of study, the girl has mastered three more languages: English, French and Spanish.
Academic and professional career
After graduation Narochnitskaya Natalia Alekseevna comes to work at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. She also enters the graduate school of MGIMO. Having defended his dissertation, he continues to work at IMEMO, first as a junior and then as a senior researcher. From 1982 to 1989 he worked in New York at the UN Secretariat. Then he returns to IMEMO again.
In the 90s, new social perspectives capture her. Narochnitskaya is fond of restoring a domestic idea in Russia. In 2002, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Russia and Russians in World History". She wrote several fundamental works on the history of international relations of our country. For example, the book "Russian World".

Community activities
Since the time of Perestroika, Natalya Narochnitskaya, whose biography is closely intertwined with the Christian movement in Russia, begins to engage in social activities. In the 90s, she became an activist of the People's Freedom Party, a member of the Derzhava and Zemsky Sobor movements. She co-chaired the congresses of the first and second World Russian Councils - this platform was created for people interested in the unity of the Russian nation around the world.
Narochnitskaya was ina group of authors of the most important documents adopted by the Council. In particular, the Act of Unity of the Russian People, which declared our compatriots a divided nation with the right to reunite. The woman took an active part in the creation of a large number of social movements that significantly influenced the post-Soviet Russian society: the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, the Russkiy Mir Foundation, the Unity of Orthodox Peoples Foundation. In 2004, she created the organization "Historical Perspectives", which deals with the problems of the country's future.
In 2008, by the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a woman stands at the head of the European Institute for Democracy and Cooperation in Paris, she does a lot to strengthen friendship between Russia and France. Over the four years of its work, the Institute, under the leadership of Narochnitskaya, has held about 50 events aimed at maintaining democracy in Russia and at establishing the country's external relations.

Political activities and views
Politician Narochnitskaya Natalia Alekseevna, brought up on Christian values, preaches conservative Orthodox ideas, and is also a supporter of democracy. In 2003, she was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Rodina bloc, and worked on the International Affairs Committee. The woman was the deputy head of the delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, she ensured that PACE began a constructive discussion on the global problems of interaction between Russia and Europe. During the 2012 election campaignNarochnitskaya was registered as a confidant of V. V. Putin, represented him at the debates, for example, met with V. Zhirinovsky.

Outreach activities
Narochnitskaya Natalia Alekseevna, whose photo can be seen in many popular science magazines, is active in educational activities. She is an experienced debater and actively participates in TV and Internet discussions. The woman writes a lot of articles for various magazines, gives interviews, publishes brilliant journalistic works. For example, the following works belong to her pen: “The Great Wars of the 20th century”, “For what and with whom we fought”, “Orthodoxy, Russia and Russians on the threshold of the third millennium”, etc.
Awards and achievements
Narochnitskaya Natalia Alekseevna, whose biography is closely connected with the activities of the Orthodox Church, was repeatedly awarded her high awards. She is a holder of the Orders of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga and the Great Martyr Barbara. She was also awarded the Olympia Prize for social activities, and from the government of the Russian Federation the woman received the Presidential Certificate of Honor and the Order of Honor for her great contribution to the preservation of traditional Russian culture. Natalya Alekseevna also has several awards from other states, for example, the Medal of Merit from the government of Serbia.

Private life
Natalya Narochnitskaya, whose biography is full of social activity and work, took place as a woman. She got married while still a student. The couple had a son who followed in the footsteps of his ancestors and also engaged in international activities. Today he works as an attaché at the Russian consulate in Edinburgh. The marriage of Narochnitskaya lasted more than two decades, but still fell apart. Today, Natalya Alekseevna continues to do what she loves, in addition, she reads and travels a lot.