SUGS: what is it, how is it decoded and applied?

SUGS: what is it, how is it decoded and applied?
SUGS: what is it, how is it decoded and applied?

Variants of various slang expressions on the Internet are sometimes bewildering. For example, in all sorts of near-political discussions, strange abbreviations began to slip. SUGS - what is it, and why do the same users sometimes write another variant, SUHS? It is worth noting that this strange concept is found only in the so-called “khokhlosrachs”, where, in one way or another, there are users condemning Ukraine. The topic of the conversation doesn't really matter, the holivar can flare up under an innocent article about an exhibition of achievements of the national economy somewhere in Argentina, or about a new breed of dogs. What is really happening and how to decipher the mysterious abbreviation?

sugs what is it
sugs what is it

SUGS: what is it and how is it applied?

There is no big secret in this concept, but how and why the expression was reduced to an abbreviation is unknown. Perhaps the roots of the phenomenon lie in the peculiarities of network communication, where any more or lessa stable concept sooner or later mutates to its short form.

Deciphering the abbreviation SUGS - an abbreviated expression "Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes." Over the past few years, the situation in Ukraine has been unstable, and experts' assessments seriously contradict each other. The confrontation on the Maidan led to many serious events and, unfortunately, not without human casu alties. The slogan gained sharp popularity precisely during the Maidan, although it was used to some extent before.

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sugs decryption

Origin of the slogan

Some Internet sources claim that the exclamation "Glory to Ukraine!" and the review “Glory to the Heroes!” - this is a kind of Ukrainian tracing paper from the fascist greeting “Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil! According to documentary evidence, the greeting "Glory to Ukraine" with a recall was used by Ukrainian nationalists from 1917 to 1921 on the territory of the Kholodnoyarsk Republic. Later, this greeting, in combination with the Roman salute thrown up with the right hand, was used by the OUN (organization of Ukrainian nationalists). Researchers trace obvious parallels with similar greetings of fascist and semi-fascist organizations in Germany, Italy, Croatia, Spain and Slovakia. Is it possible to unequivocally say about SUGS that this is a fascist greeting?

Perhaps a large part of the blame lies with the Roman salute. At one time, the Nazis "spoiled" many positive signs, gestures and symbols, making them their hallmarks. The swastika, which is originally a stylized image of the sun inancient civilizations, will remain a symbol of fascism for a very long time.

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sug what does that mean

Comparison with similar expressions

If you take apart the discussed greeting, it turns out that SUGS is not a unique phenomenon. The exclamation “Glory to the USSR” or “Glory to the CPSU” circulated in huge numbers does not make anyone want to fight phantom fascists.

There is a familiar expression structure: glory (long live, as an option), the name of a country or state, in some cases the names or surnames of state leaders were used instead. In particular, the Nazi salute "Heil Hitler!" translated precisely as "Long live Hitler", or "Hail Hitler".

Search for fascist ideology

A clear sign of populism and political manipulation is the deliberate substitution of concepts. For example, an equal sign is put between Nazism, nationalism and just patriotism and national pride. In this case, Ukrainians are blamed for the notorious expression SUGS. What does this mean through the prism of populism? Of course, the ring of fascists is shrinking around, ready to kill everyone who cannot prove their nationality. In the vast majority of cases, this is a classic witch hunt and the search for some hidden meaning.

sugs abbreviation decoding
sugs abbreviation decoding

In ideological debates, it is always convenient to use the principle of dehumanizing the enemy. For example, if you say "Glory to Russia" - this is a sign of patriotism. But if you say "Glory to Ukraine", thenin front of you is a fascist, and he is subject to destruction. Of course, sane people do not succumb to such primitive manipulation. Glorifying your country is absolutely normal. Deciphering SUGS as a slogan of fascist ideology is either an attempt to fan the conflict or a sincere delusion.

Moral and ethical evaluation and use

Slogan “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! on Euromaidan was actively pushed by members of the Svoboda party. Any radical political trend, one way or another, seeks to appeal to the patriotic feelings of the crowd, this allows you to effectively guide the masses. In order for the decoding of the SUGS to be perceived precisely as radical, it is necessary to scrupulously study the conflicting political currents, and the Svobodovites never concealed their intransigence. Another issue is that not all people who use this slogan belong to this party, and a much smaller number of them are radicals.

Currently, the slogan is used quite sparingly, and the abbreviation itself is most often used in a sarcastic sense to hurt users with Ukrainian IP addresses in a holivar. Often it is replaced by the combination of letters SUHS - “The fat was dropped, the heroes of the fat” or other similar expressions, constructed on the principle of classic children's teasers.

sugs what does it mean
sugs what does it mean

Inside view

How did ordinary citizens of Ukraine perceive the sudden appearance of the “winged slogan”? SUGS, which means "Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes", is used in everyday speech both extremely seriously and with a bit of humor. Probably everythingdepends on the involvement of the citizen in the national question. The nationalist ideology is not without a certain attraction - one really wants to feel chosen without making any effort.

"Russia for Russians" is the slogan of militant skinheads. "America for Americans" is a slogan used to push for tougher immigration laws. Every country has its own radical stratum, driving to the point of absurdity quite acceptable national pride. But understanding requires getting out of the influence of populists and starting to think logically and without prejudice, and this is not an easy task for the average layman.
