Andrey Balin and his amazing orchestra

Andrey Balin and his amazing orchestra
Andrey Balin and his amazing orchestra

How often nowadays popular music cannot boast of a decent level. How often our stage makes us close our eyes, cover our ears and run somewhere far away! And yet, sometimes a popular trend in music can really please art lovers. Andrey Balin's pop and symphony orchestra is such a germ of quality music.

Balin Poster
Balin Poster

Such musical groups in the first place allow you to listen to even pop music performed live. How often now, instead of a proper musical accompaniment, a backing track, or even a phonogram, sounds? But thanks to such musical groups as Andrey Balin's orchestra, there is hope for the modern stage.

First, let's figure out how orchestras were formed in general, and what varieties of them currently exist.

The history of orchestras

Since ancient times, musicians have united in groups to play music together. Something similar to modern orchestras began to appear in the Baroque era. First of all, the fact of creating larger ensembles is connected with the appearance of modern musical instruments. An important tool for the development of orchestral music was the emergence of the violin, and then the entire bow-string group. It is no coincidence that the latter is the backbone of the symphony orchestra.

The large symphony orchestra was formed during the 18th century, and by the 19th century acquired a modern look.

Varieties of orchestras

The following types of orchestras are currently common:

  • Symphonic.
  • Chamber orchestra.
  • Wind.
  • Variety-symphonic.
  • Jazz.
  • Orchestra of folk instruments.

The Symphony Orchestra is a large group of musicians. All instruments of the musical group can be divided into 4 groups: bowed string, woodwind, brass and percussion.

Symphony Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra

The chamber orchestra is smaller in composition, it mainly consists of a string-bow group, occasionally individual instruments are added to it.

Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra

Brass band includes both groups of wind instruments, percussion instruments, often military bands.

Brass band
Brass band

Folk orchestra consists of folk instruments such as domra, balalaika.

Folk Orchestra
Folk Orchestra

The basis of a jazz orchestra is, of course, a group of wind instruments, in which there are more pipes, saxophones and trombones. Of the string instruments, there are violins and double basses, there is also a jazz rhythm section.

jazz orchestra
jazz orchestra

A variety symphony orchestra is almost the same as a symphony orchestra, it has a group of saxophones, electric guitars, a variety rhythm section can be used.

Variety Symphony Orchestra
Variety Symphony Orchestra

The story of Andrey Balin's orchestra

The musical group appeared relatively recently. The orchestra was formed at the end of December 2012, not so long ago celebrated its first anniversary - the fifth anniversary.

The leader of the orchestra - Andrei Balin - a hereditary conductor, he represents the fourth generation in this profession. Such a tribute to family traditions is simply amazing! Of course, this could not but affect the quality of the team's work, hereditary musicians, as a rule, have a much better quality of education.

Photos from the concert
Photos from the concert

If we talk about the professional education of the head of the team, then in 1990 Andrey graduated from the Tula Music College. A. S. Dargomyzhsky in the trumpet class, and in 1995 the Moscow Military Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. Balin is a military conductor, but this does not prevent him from leading a variety symphony orchestra first-class.

Andrey gathered the best musicians in his musical group. Over time, with a slightly changed composition, the orchestra began to be considered pop-jazz. The orchestra has performed at different times: Dmitry Kharatyan, Larisa Dolina, Mikhail Boyarsky. And Maxim Dunayevskycomposed an entire musical for the orchestra!

Orchestra members

Among the musicians of Andrey Balin's orchestra there are already well-known musicians, as well as beginners, but very talented. Experienced musicians include trumpeter Viktor Huseynov, drummer Yevgeny Ryaboi, trombonist Vladimir Andreev, guitarist Alexander Pozdeev and saxophonist Dmitry Kondrashov.

Musicians Balin
Musicians Balin

Trumpeter Vitaly Anisimov, pianist Artyom Tretyakov, saxophonist Pavel Skornyakov and trombonist Anton Gimazetdinov have already clearly shown and proven themselves by performing on the best stages of the country.

Concert activities

And of course, what good orchestra can exist without performances? So Andrey Balin's orchestra arranges concerts regularly. There are more than 500 works on the account of the musical group, and they need to be shown somewhere. You can see an example of a speech, for example, in this video.


A well-coordinated team, which usually includes not only musicians, but also those whose work we do not always notice - sound engineers, lighting designers, those who work on the video sequence, in the end create an amazing show.

But the main thing in Andrey Balin's orchestra is that they are also engaged in educational activities. Some works are aimed at a children's audience: these are melodies from cartoons. It's so important that children hear live music!


Moreover, in one of the schools, the musician showed the children how music is born, schoolchildren got the opportunity to play along withprofessional musicians and even try yourself as a conductor. Who knows, perhaps, it is through the efforts of Andrey Balin that one of these children will devote themselves to music.
