Anfisa Ibadova is an ordinary young girl from the city of Engels. Thanks to her photographs, self-made video and beauty, she became a famous and recognizable figure not only in the country, but also abroad. How is this possible? What efforts did she make for her rampant popularity? All this and much more will be considered in today's article.
Biography of Anfisa Ibadova
In the family of Svetlana and Viktor Ibadov, on August 9, 1996, a beautiful girl was born, who grew up to the joy of her parents. The people around her always paid attention to her: black hair, deep green eyes looking at the world with genuine interest - all this attracted extraneous admiring glances. Yes, the baby grew up beautiful.
Studying at school was easy for her. She participated in various olympiads, various competitions, relay races and fun starts. Everything was interesting to her then, but she remains curious now. Currently, the girl is studying at the Stolypin Volga Institute, lives with her parents in her hometown. Anfisa Ibadova's family has petspets. This is a cat and a dog (Musya and Ted).

Anfisa's hobbies and achievements
Some admirers of the girl are interested in the question: how old is Anfisa Ibadova? So, in August 2017, she will turn only 21. She has been earning a living on her own for several years, she has managed to do a lot. Among the most significant achievements in the life of Anfisa Ibadova are the following:
- In 2010 she registered in the social network "VKontakte". She posted several of her photos, which almost instantly gained a huge number of comments. A few months later, the number of its subscribers exceeded the mark of 50 thousand people. Moreover, according to Anfisa herself, she did nothing for her promotion, she just put up a few photos. Now she has been recognized as one of the most beautiful girls on the Web.
- In 2015, Anfisa became the winner of the Miss Students beauty contest. Such an event in the girl's life gave her confidence. By the way, Anfisa Ibadova's height is 1.68 cm. These are quite model parameters.
- Walks on stilts, considering this hobby to be very exciting and interesting.
- In 2014, I made my first video on YouTube because I always wanted to be a vlogger. Then Anfisa was 17 years old. Since then, she has gained more fans and followers. By the way, Anfisa Ibadova considers blogging to be a very difficult task, taking a huge amount of time and effort.

Fears younggirls she doesn't hesitate to talk about
In her videos on social networks, Ibadova appears to users as an ordinary simple girl. She has many complexes, fears and worries. She speaks frankly about this and, perhaps, such a presentation and openness made her popular. Anfisa says that she is very afraid of birds and any insects, but her main complex in life is shyness.
In her blog, the girl devoted several videos to this topic. She said that she used to be very shy to look the interlocutor in the eye, feeling ugly and insecure. Looking at popular bloggers who safely communicate with a bunch of fans, and her ideal was Roma Acorn and Katya Klep, Anfisa wanted to learn how to interact in the same way, without complexes and embarrassment. By the way, it was these two bloggers who gave her the desire to record videos and try to become a media person. Thanks to social networks and a YouTube channel, Anfisa was able to overcome her low self-esteem and believe in herself.

Anfisa Ibadova has always shown genuine interest in beauty. She liked to spend hours looking at beautiful pictures and photographs. Over time, she herself wanted to try photography. Responsibly approached the issue, read and studied a lot. Unbeknownst to myself, she began to take good quality pictures. She was able to correctly catch the right angle, catch the light and click the shutter in time.
Then the girl put her favorite hobby on public display insocial networks. Many of her pictures began to be used as avatars on other people's pages by people completely unfamiliar to Anfisa. Others downloaded her photos to their resources and advertised something. In general, according to Anfisa Ibadova herself, the circulation of the mass media began to spin, absorbing the girl into their networks.
Speaking about the hobby of a young video blogger, it is worth noting that she loves to sing. Performs covers and pop compositions, takes part in various student concerts. By the way, talking about her plans, the girl would like to develop her career as a pop singer. She does a lot of vocals and takes leaps and bounds towards her goal.

What lies behind success?
Anfisa Ibadova, whose photos and videos are gaining as many reposts as world stars can boast, in an interview with the television channel of the city of Engels, spoke about the reverse side of fame. So, according to the girl, for a very long time she could not get used to the fact that they recognize her on the streets, see her off with their eyes, try to get acquainted or talk. The girl notes that her admirers are teenagers who want to repeat the beauty's success story or seek to imitate her.
But there are obsessive and envious people who want to put the girl in an awkward position with stupid questions, do not respond to refusal. There was even a case when they wanted to beat Anfisa. Now she is used to such close attention to her person, but she is still afraid of impudent and annoying people.

With the rapid spread of social networks, many people have learned to earn on them, and advertisers - to promote their product. When Anfisa Ibadova's page acquired a huge number of subscribers, advertisers began to offer the girl a job themselves. It consisted of promoting clothes, shoes, gadgets and more. Anfisa agreed and has been supporting herself for several years.
Behind a successful girl hides a vulnerable nature who dreams of love. In an interview, Anfisa Ibadova admitted that she was in love with Justin Bibber. She considers him a handsome guy, a talented musician and an extraordinary personality. The girl knows all his songs and sings them with great pleasure.