What flowers bloom in August: review, features and reviews

What flowers bloom in August: review, features and reviews
What flowers bloom in August: review, features and reviews

At the end of summer, gardens burst into bloom in August. The variety of varieties and species of this period is so great that the flower beds look like colorful patterned carpets. Many plants are able to please with colors from mid-summer to the end of September, and some - until the very frost. Knowing which flowers bloom in August, as well as in July and September, will help prolong the splendor of the garden. Moreover, among the plants of the second half of summer and early autumn, there are enough of those that do not require much effort to grow.


It's hard to imagine a summer garden without these colorful plants. All conceivable shades, simple and spherical shapes, different sizes of flowers seem to be exotic aliens that require painstaking care. But even a novice gardener will cope with growing dahlias. It is enough to know that their tubers are planted in the spring, and dug up in the fall and stored in the cellar. Plants love warmth and are afraid of excessive watering; the soil under them should be fertilized in spring. They are from such plants, the flowers of which bloom in August, but certain varieties allow you to decorate with dahliasgarden from June to mid-September.

What flowers bloom in August
What flowers bloom in August


What flowers bloom in August, September and fade only with frost? These are perennial beautiful chrysanthemums that can decorate empty gardens until late autumn. The life of each individual flower is very long, because the plant is so loved by florists and flower growers. Excellent in color, size, shape and abundance of flowers, different height and degree of branching of the bushes allow you to form the most magnificent landscape compositions. For such purposes, chrysanthemums are also convenient because they can be transplanted in the second half of summer and even when the plants begin to bloom.

what flowers bloom in august september
what flowers bloom in august september

Some species survive the first night frost. But it is better, as soon as the night temperature drops to zero, cut off the last chrysanthemums or, if they are medium and undersized species, transplant them into flowerpots. Then bright flowers, like the last hello of the past summer, will delight until December.


It is impossible to think of a better plant that would so successfully combine beauty and endurance. Perennial phloxes withstand harsh winters, depleted soils, shading, drought and dampness. They can be planted in any part of the garden, not paid attention, but they will still bloom with lush racemes of inflorescences.

what flowers bloom in july august
what flowers bloom in july august

Different types of phloxesable to decorate the garden from April to September. But if you are interested in what flowers bloom in July and August, then panicled phlox will be just such a plant. Due to the long flowering period, decorative and unpretentious qualities, it is most often cultivated in amateur flower beds. The tops of slender, meter-high stems are densely covered with lush brushes, on which many, sometimes up to ninety pieces, small flowers are collected. Their different saturation white, lilac, lilac-pink gamut in some types has color combinations and transitions.

Perennial aster

The most common varieties of perennial asters are flowers that bloom in August. Small, wild daisy-like flowers of white, blue or purple tone abundantly cover stems 25–150 cm high. The plant is easily propagated by bush division, unpretentious to care and conditions. The main thing is that the area under it should not be excessively wet and shaded: in open sunny places, the bushes will be completely covered in color so that the greenery is not visible.

what flowers bloom in early august
what flowers bloom in early august

Short varieties look good in borders, some of them are suitable for alpine slides and gravel paths. Due to the different heights of individual species, cascading compositions are wonderfully created from perennial asters. Once you have organized such a garden ensemble, you can no longer be puzzled by its formation for several years. When planting, one should only take into account that the bush grows in width fairly quickly every year.


Which flowers bloom at the end of August more magnificently than others? Maybe it's hydrangeas. Their first chic bunches begin to bloom at the beginning of the month, and at the summer-autumn turn the bushes bloom in full. If the plant is not constantly in direct sunlight, then until the end of September it will remain bright and fresh. Hydrangea, although photophilous, prefers not direct, but diffused lighting or partial shading.

what flowers bloom at the end of august
what flowers bloom at the end of august

The color of the inflorescences is limited mainly to white, green, beige. Moreover, colors can be simultaneously present on the bush. However, large-leaved hydrangea brushes (about 600 varieties) acquire rich or delicate shades of blue, purple, and pink. By affecting the pH level of the soil around this shrub, you can get a different color of flowers: white and cream - in neutral soil, from blue to blue - in oxidized, from pink to purple - in alkaline soil. Experienced flower growers say that if you create a different pH level for two nearby growing bushes, you can get an incomparable composition in which all shades will appear at the same time. This is due to the fact that over a long period of time, the flowers gradually change color as substances accumulate.


Some of them can be sown in the spring directly into the soil, others in Russia are planted as seedlings. In both cases, such plants do not require much fuss, and the effect of their abundant and colorful flowering exceeds any expectations. Especially annually varietiesand views on the site can be changed.

Most annuals give excellent results in any way they are bred. If from seeds placed directly in the ground flowers such as bloom in early August are obtained, then the same plants planted with seedlings will bloom in mid-July. Using this, the flowering period of your favorite plants can be extended by planting them in both ways, which flower growers note in their reviews. Calendula, cosmos, marigolds, mignonette, acroclinum, annual aster, zinnia, Drummond phlox, iberis - these are just some of the annuals that will fill the August garden with cheerful variegation.

Wild plants

Wildflowers give the garden a sentimental look with their sweet, unpretentious beauty, but by mid-summer almost all of them finish flowering. And when poppies, cornflowers and daisies wither, what plants will come to their wall? Yarrow and tansy are wildflowers that bloom in August. Both plants in nature are considered weed grass and adapt to conditions that are unfavorable for other flowers.

Tansy ordinary

She looks so decorative that you can't even call her a weed. Tall, up to 150 cm, the stems are crowned with brushes with numerous juicy yellow petalless flowers. The dense foliage of the plant in combination with bright inflorescences looks colorful in a rich tone. Tansy is a relative of chrysanthemum, and they have a common smell. In addition, the plant has many medicinal properties. In addition to the usual common tansy, there are other, no less decorative species.


Yarrow with its tiny flowers, collected in white umbrellas, looks more modest. But in horticulture, several varieties of plants have been bred with different stem heights and various colors of inflorescences: pink, red, yellow, blue, purple, orange. Yarrow is also a medicinal plant. It, like tansy, according to gardeners, is hardy, blooms for a very long time, is used in floristry as an additional material - both freshly cut and dried.

what wild flowers bloom in august
what wild flowers bloom in august

The plants shown here are a small part of the flowers that bloom in August. According to gardeners' opinions and reviews, they all take root well and do not require much effort for cultivation. Ease of cultivation, unconditional decorative qualities and a long flowering period make them one of the most preferred flowers in amateur and professional gardening.
