In our time, you can rise to the top of fame and popularity in just a few hours. It is enough to shoot an interesting video and put it on the network. And if you do this by organizing your blog, interesting enough for regular views, then you can also make good money.

Blog topics are so diverse that anyone can find something interesting for themselves. Even for a children's audience, dozens, hundreds and probably already thousands of blogs have been created, where the main character is also a child. Of course, you should not watch them all in a row, but here are some of the children's blogs that are of good quality content and are rapidly gaining popularity.
Modern parents of modern children
Of course, a child of 3-7 years old cannot yet decide on his own about blogging, especially about its informative content. All this is done for him by his advanced parents. So, parents for their children are producers, screenwriters, cameramen, costume designers, etc. How interesting the children's room will be depends on the talents of the
Of course, growing up, the child can independently decide to start his own blog, invent a scenario and set up a camera. But, if this is not an exceptional talent, then his blog is unlikely to be of such high quality and popularity.

Any experienced producer knows that in order to attract your audience, you must first find your topic. Consider what topics parents choose for their child bloggers, providing them with non-children's popularity, and sometimes excellent income.
Children - in children's language
The main topic that children bloggers make videos about is reviews and testing of toys. Many try to add their own zest, for example, telling stories or testing only unusual toys.
Then in popularity are educational channels and with cartoon views. Reviews of children's literature and various creative crafts are popular. Also, a large number of views are received by videos about the preparation of simple or, conversely, complex culinary dishes by children, about the impressions of children from traveling with their parents.
Very popular and finding more and more subscribers are children's humorous blogs, in which adult blogger parents also actively participate, making fun of their children.
Little Mister and Miss
Turning to the list of the most popular child bloggers, we can say that it is compiled based on the popularity, usefulness and kindness of the information provided. So, all records for views in the vastness of Runet are beaten by brother ssister from Odessa - Mr. Max and Miss Kathy (Maxim and Katya). Papa Andrei shoots famous children, and the plots of their videos are very diverse and interesting, which, probably, underlies the success achieved.

Katya and Maxim can make detailed reviews of toys by unwrapping them from the package, try giant sweets, invent new fillings for ice cream and immediately eat it, or they can just fool around, laughing merrily at the camera.
Recently, Papa Andrey made a production move, deciding to split Maxim's and Katya's channels into two separate ones, which did not prevent further growth in the popularity of child bloggers.
Baby Roma and Diana
Another pair of brother and sister touched many hearts. Roman and Diana Shaw are still very young, but already popular child bloggers. They also test games and toys, eat baby treats, try on holiday costumes, have fun swimming in the pool, and traveled to America in 2016.
Due to their young age, Diana and Roma are actively helped by their mother. She explains everything, deploys, sets up and tells what's what.
Incredible expensive toys, dolls, cars, goods for children's art, together with children's bright outfits and excellent design, attract new fans and raise the ratings of Roma and Diana in the list of children bloggers.

Girls next door
It would seem that ordinary girls living in the neighborhood share with us the details of their childhood life. The girl Sofia, with a childish sweet spontaneity and charm, tests girls' toys and kits for creativity. She also walks with her mom and dad around the shopping centers of Moscow, tests the operation of slot machines, draws, sculpts and talks about new products in the world of toys. Sophia's parents make out their daughter's blog with music and cute special effects quite well. On YouTube, her channel can be found under the name "Little Miss Sophia".
A whole group of girlfriends - Polen, Sonya, Nastya, Sveta and Varya created their own channel, calling it "Best girlfriends". In their reports, blogger girls talk about children, fashion toys, and also visit entertainment places, compose songs, have fun at parties and do many, many more things. As they say, it's better to see once…
Mimi Lissa - girl Alice's blog. On her channel, she, like other child bloggers, reviews toys, comments on her games, walks on playgrounds and in the zoo. In addition, the girl, together with her mother, tests children's cosmetics, hair accessories and applies festive face painting.

Children plus adults
As many as seven children's channels containing the same theme are united by the Tiki Taki Kids channel. The most popular on the network is the blog of the girl Yaroslava "Tiki Taki Cook", other children bloggers demonstrate their creativity and charisma on other channels of this network.
In addition to the usual testing of toys, unpacking gifts, walks and travels on the Tiki Taki Kids channel, you can see helping childrenadults in unusual images of superheroes or cartoon characters.
Another children's blog "Kapuki Kanuki" with an adult host Masha shows popular cartoons, conducts educational experiments, helps to learn the alphabet in a playful way, of course, reviews new products in the "toy" world.
Channel “Kapuki. Children and Parents” will interest not only children, but also their parents. There are no permanent hosts, parents with children always change. Well, the content of this channel is almost no different from others - popular toys in practice, joint creativity, active pastime and much more.
The most famous child bloggers
But what about the famous children of famous parents? They also keep up with modern trends and keep photo reports of their stellar life with the help of their moms and dads.
Children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - Harry and Lisa, for example, are shooting reports on various topics with their dad. And baby Lisa even gives beauty tips while relaxing in the hot sun.

Alla-Victoria and Martin are always with their star dad Philip Kirkorov. This is confirmed by their own accounts on the Instagram network, on which numerous fans of the brother and sister can see touching photos and videos from the holidays or about everyday life at home.
The son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Plushenko, Alexander, the middle daughter of Ivan Urgant, Nina, also run their pages on Instagram, and the one-year-old son of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan will soon probably show off notonly on their parents' pages.
Foreign stars
Foreign children's bloggers for children publish blogs with various topics. The most unusual and high-quality channel is Acton Movie Kid. Here the skills of the boy's dad are akin to the skills of a wizard, because his main job is a special effects artist in one of the Hollywood studios.
Short clips are breathtaking when you see fiery swords or lava under the feet of a child. Also, well-known cartoon characters and monsters are involved in carefully crafted stories, which makes this channel even more popular.
Culinary children's video blog Charlis Crafty Kitchen is run by two sisters. They prepare sweets such as cakes, yoghurts, ice cream and other children's goodies. The sisters do everything on their own, coping even with dangerous kitchen appliances. But they do it quite cleverly, positively and cheerfully.

Baby Evan (EvanTube HD channel) certainly has an acting gift, he emotionally tests novelty toys, eats huge gummy worms and other sweets. The videos are of good quality, and this is not surprising, because Evan's dad is a director by profession.
Does the baby need this?
Before you decide to make your child a star blogger, parents need to think about the consequences of such popularity on the psyche of the baby.
There are, of course, positive things about children's blogging. This is the development of a creative approach, and the formulation of one's own thoughts, and even writing scripts. But unfortunately,along with this, a consumer philosophy can form in a child, because the psychology of a person, and even a growing child, is such that he is always short of everything.
Of course, when blogging, selfish goals are primarily pursued by parents, as well as advertisers and toy manufacturers. That is, a child in their hands is just a tool that brings money to both. Do you want your child to be an instrument?
Famous child bloggers will grow up. Sooner or later, but they will have to give up this type of activity. Popularity will disappear as quickly as it appeared. Will the former "star" cope with this?
However, this question is better for parents to decide. But you can watch a few videos in which the most popular child bloggers are filmed.