Everyone has long known that many Ukrainian and foreign politicians like to build luxury houses away from the noisy city. They are attracted by nature, silence, beauty of the territory and ample opportunities. Thus, the long-standing topic of Yanukovych's Mezhgorye is attracting great attention today from ordinary people, journalists and politicians themselves.

Mezhhirya today
At this stage of life, Mezhhirya is another residence of the former president of Ukraine, furnished with indescribable luxury. It is located in the village of Novye Petrivtsi (Kyiv region). Previously, Yanukovych could easily get from a country house to the center of the capital and enjoy the stunning scenery, traveling both by car and by helicopter. The former president was located in the residence from 2002 to 2014. The name "Mezhhirya" has become especially popular in light of recent events that have shown the whole world how greedy and unfair some politicians can be.
Today anyone can visit this house as a museum of corruption. The scale of the residence, as well as the luxury with which it is furnished, amaze many people. Everything around just “screams” about we alth and power. Every picturea statue or the material the walls are made of would cost the average person a fortune.
Rent Mizhhirya
Yanukovych's residence in Mezhhirya was rented by the politician for twelve whole years. Having assumed the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine, Viktor Fedorovich received a house with an area of 325 square meters. A little later, the former president of Ukraine rented another 3 hectares of land. According to the concluded agreement, the monthly fee for the use of the territory cost Yanukovych 3.14 hryvnia per hundred square meters. Note that the lease period was 49 years. And, of course, one should not miss the fact that Viktor Fedorovich made it clear that the purpose of the agreement is to be able to carry out activities aimed at the implementation of various programs (including international ones).

Privatization of Mezhhiria
According to some reports, in 2007 Yanukovych privatized the government dacha. This was evidenced by the decree signed by Viktor Yushchenko. An interesting fact is that the document was not published. However, there was a pseudo-confirmation that was published in the newspaper. It testified that Mezhgorye is part of the recreation center "Pushcha-Voditsa".
At the moment, many are trying to visit Mezhhirya Yanukovych. Thousands of tourists and locals are interested in how to get to the miracle residence, which is often compared with Versailles. This is due to the fact that earlier the government dacha was closed and was private property, the territorywhich no one had the right to cross. Today, this is a real museum, which people from different parts of Ukraine, as well as foreigners, tend to come to.
What does Mezhhirya consist of?

Many people have heard that Mezhhirya Yanukovych is a palace of indescribable beauty. But besides this, the object also includes a lot of other institutions and even a zoo. So, in the residence of Viktor Fedorovich you can find a club house, a landing stage, an artificial lake, a garage for 70 units, a park, a golf course and other objects.
One of the most interesting houses is "Honka". It is built from ecological wood and fascinates with its design. Some often compare it with a house from a fairy tale, and not in vain. In addition to the external charm, the interior decor is striking. The former president needed 76 million hryvnias to buy materials for a fantastic house.
An equally interesting object is the landing stage - a houseboat, or rather a palace, which cost Yanukovych about $97,000. You should also pay attention to the zoo, where you can see peacocks, pheasants, kangaroos, Australian emus and other exotic inhabitants. And finally, an artificial lake, which requires the work of ten artesian wells.
In general, Mezhhirya Yanukovych (whose photos fascinate with their luxury) may well become a dream for every person. Everything around is conducive for a wonderful holiday, as if in a five-star hotel. Nevertheless, the former president of Ukraine once claimed that, in addition to hishouse, nothing else is located on the territory of Intermountain.

Government House
Before the wonderful residence became known as "Mezhhirya Yanukovych", it housed other political figures. Earlier, during the Soviet Union, there was a monastery on its territory. In 1934, the government decided that the city needed a residence for officials, which would be located outside the city. It was this place that was chosen as a dacha for politicians. In those days, the government carefully concealed the location of the residence. This is not surprising, because such a luxury would greatly an eyesore to ordinary people. And only now everyone can look at it.