The world of Russian politics is literally full of bright personalities, each of which is always interesting to the public. But there are among them standing apart, especially attracting attention. This article will focus on a woman named Maria Zakharova, who is a speech maker of the department that oversees the conduct of foreign affairs in Russia. We will consider her biography as detailed as possible.

Birth and parents
Maria Zakharova, whose biography will be discussed in the article, was born on December 24, 1975. Her zodiac sign is Capricorn. The father of Maria Zakharova - Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov - worked in the diplomatic field and was a professional orientalist. In 1971 he graduated from the Leningrad State Institute. Zhdanov and received a diploma of a specialist in Chinese language and literature. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and Russia, he worked for 34 years from 1980 to 2014. Of these, for 13 years the diplomat was the head of the Russian consulate in China. From 1997 to 2001 he was an educational and cultural adviser at the same institution. Then there was work as the head of the department of the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. A little later, Vladimir took the post of chief adviser to the minister. From 2014 to this day, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the School of Oriental Studies at the Higher School of Economics. At the same time, he works as the head of the Institute for Scientific and Political Research of the Black Sea-Caspian Region.

The mother of our heroine - Irina Vladislavovna Zakharova - was born in 1949. In 1971 she graduated from the walls of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov. She began her career at the Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin. Today, a woman works as a senior researcher in a department specializing in aesthetic education. In 1949 she successfully defended her Ph. D. thesis at the Russian Academy of Arts. She was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Mary's childhood
Young Zakharova Maria (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will become a job for her much later) in the early years of her life was very fond of walking along the picturesque Chinese streets, exploring the monasteries and parks of the Celestial Empire with her parents. At school, the girl studied very diligently, regularly getting good grades. She paid special attention to the study of the Chinese language. Like her many peers, Masha became interested in dolls and making small houses for them. This childhood affection has transformed over the years into a real adult hobby - the implementation of miniature interiors.
Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova dreamed of being involved in the same stormy and serious work that her father had. Most likely,that is why the girl fell in love with a TV show called "International Panorama", the main topic of which was a discussion of the main economic and political events taking place abroad.

Education of M. V. Zakharova
After graduating from school, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova returned to her homeland with her parents in order to enter the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Journalism. As the main specialization, the girl chose oriental studies. In her last year at the university, in 1998, Zakharova went to China for undergraduate practice at the Russian Embassy.
Five years later, Maria brilliantly defended her dissertation at the RUDN University on the topic of celebrating the New Year in China. For this, she was awarded the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

Career start
Maria began her active career as an employee of the editorial office of the journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation "Diplomatic Bulletin". There she met her boss Alexander Vladimirovich Yakovenko, who later became the first deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia. The boss of our heroine adhered to the same life principles as her grandmother. Yakovenko always believed that only clear interaction between all team members ensures a positive result. Maria's grandmother also always told her that everything should be done with the highest quality, even if no one will be able to check it. Therefore, the infusiongirls in the team happened painlessly.
Having proven herself excellently in the editorial office, Maria Zakharova was transferred to the Press and Information Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the command of the leadership. Having quickly figured out the new environment for herself, Masha took another step up the career ladder - in 2003 she holds the post of head of the operational media monitoring department. A couple of years later, Zakharova Maria, for whom the Ministry of Foreign Affairs became a matter of life, was seconded to New York, where she assumed the functions of the press secretary of the Russian mission to the UN.

In 2008, Maria again finds herself in Belokamennaya within the walls of her native editorial office. But three years later, she gets the chair of the deputy head of the Department of Press and Information. Somewhat later, she heads this structural unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Such a high appointment of a woman is explained not only by her optimal professional qualities, but also by her enormous popularity in the media sphere. Zakharova was often invited to take part in various talk shows, and she also did not miss the opportunity to express her competent opinion on popular social networks. Her functional duties included organizing and holding briefings by the official representative of the Ministry, making entries in Internet resources on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as providing information support to Sergey Lavrov during his trips abroad. There is even a photo showing the minister, Maria Vladimirovna, a formerUS Secretary of State John Kerry and Jennifer Psaki.
In 2014, Zakharova received the "Runet Prize" as the head of the Department, which won the nomination "Culture, Mass Communications and Mass Media".
Also, Maria was a member of the organizing committee preparing the Eurasian Women's Forum, which was held in St. Petersburg on September 24-25, 2015.
At the end of December 2015, the ministerial worker was awarded the title of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the second class, which is a high-level diplomatic rank.
Maria Zakharova (the biography of this woman is interesting to many) is a member of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy of Russia. Fluent in English and Chinese.

State award
In early 2017, Maria Zakharova was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples in the Kremlin. At a solemn ceremony, Vladimir Putin presented such an honorary badge to a civil servant in the presence of three dozen public and other figures. The President, in his congratulatory speech, pointed out that all the awardees are actively working with maximum dedication, always achieving their goals. And before that, in 2013, Maria received a Certificate of Honor from Putin.
Also, Maria Zakharova, whose biography may well be an example for the younger generation, was included in the rating of the most influential women on the planet in 2016, according to the authoritative BBC television and radio company. In addition, a civil servant in February2017 received a diploma of trust from the journalistic communities of Russia.
In 2016, ranked second in terms of citation in the Russian blogosphere.
Displeased statements
Like many other public figures, Maria Zakharova (her biography is not burdened with discrediting facts) has both fans and critics. Many Western media are very negative about Zakharova's emotional and rather straightforward statements. In particular, Yaroslav Shimov, editor of Radio Liberty, noted that Maria's journalistic style, in which she maintains her blog on the Ekho Moskvy website, is far from patriotic, but extremely aggressive.
In turn, journalists Olga Ivshina and Jenny Norton even stated that against the backdrop of already too strained relations between Russia and the West, Zakharova's rhetoric looks too undiplomatic.
Abroad, Maria Zakharova, whose career is very important, is very often referred to as "the sexy, smart and terrible miracle weapon of Putin's propaganda." In Russia, she is considered a more perfect "analogue of Jen Psaki".
Marital status
Maria Zakharova, whose husband tries to help her in everything, is happily married. Her wife's name is Andrei Mikhailovich Makarov, he is an entrepreneur. The marriage took place on November 7, 2005 in New York, because at that moment Maria was working in the United States of America. Many years later, Zakharova's wedding photos caused a noticeable outcry in society. In 2010, the daughter of Mary was bornZakharova, who was named Maryana.
About profession
In one of her numerous interviews, Maria Vladimirovna said that she arrives at work at nine in the morning, but the length of the working day varies, but very often you have to fulfill your professional duties until late at night. Sometimes Zakharova even had to take her little daughter with her to work, who simply had no one to leave at home with.

In those very rare moments when a long-awaited vacation falls, Maria Zakharova (her husband is not such a public person) loves to write poems that she is not ashamed to post on various popular social networks. By the way, it was Zakharova who wrote the lyrics of the song "Bring Back the Memory", dedicated to the dead Russian soldiers in Syria.
Also, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, says that she independently updates her wardrobe, buying things with her own money, including for serious international diplomatic meetings. In addition, the civil servant notes that she never had any stylists.