Creating a state is impossible without experience. Some countries rely on their own, others on the development history of other states. In any case, the study of the structure and operation of the government machine is necessary in order to introduce successful forms and avoid errors. What is Germany interesting from this point of view?
Form of government

This country is federal. That is, it consists of several equal parts, which can adopt and establish their own laws, legitimate along with the all-German ones. The form of government in Germany fits the definition of a parliamentary republic. This means that power in the country is distributed between the president and parliament. At the same time, virtually all effective guiding power is concentrated in the hands of the first person in the executive branch. The position is elective. The head of government is the chancellor, who is responsible for the foreign and domestic policy of the state of Germany. The form of government with this distribution of roles is a republic. Let's take a closer look.

Functions of the President of the country
The forms of government in European countries are quite different. This is clearly seen inpowers of heads of state. Germany, whose form of government does not involve vesting the president with serious functions, is different from the rest. In fact, this position has a representative and ceremonial basis. The President is elected for five years. He represents the country on the world stage, issues acts of pardon for criminals. The real policy of the state is led by the government and parliament.
Legislative body
The process of education and issuance of laws in the country has a two-stage structure. The lower house - the Bundestag - creates laws. Deputies are elected for a term of 4 years. The laws are approved by the Bundesrat - the Upper House. It is formed from representatives of the lands in proportion to the number of their inhabitants. It is believed that a rather complex process of lawmaking allows the production of a fairly successful "product". In any case, Germany, whose form of government allows for a complex domestic policy, differs from other European countries by a high level of compliance with norms and rules by citizens.
Executive branch
The government in Germany has the basic powers. This branch of power decides all issues related to the work of the state, its foreign policy. The Federal Chancellor forms the budget, controls the implementation of national programs. It must be borne in mind that each of the states of Germany forms its own development plans, establishes taxes, forms budgets. The supreme power deals only with national issues. Financing of global tasks comes from nationwide taxes, whichdo not exceed twenty percent of the total amount.

The state structure of Germany is interesting with the experience of separate land development, coordinated by common programs. Each subject of the federation has its own powers, but develops in a common rhythm and in one direction. At the same time, they determine and form the financial base for development on their own, which allows them to solve pressing issues quite effectively.