A politicized person - is it an active liberal minority or a "passive" majority voting for power? There are different ways to answer this question in Russia. But we can definitely say that a significant part of the population already has experience of "political" discussions, at least at the household level.
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In everyday life, it is believed that only a small part of the population, measured on average 5-7%, is actively interested in politics. Only emergencies bring people to the streets. Even the collapse of the Soviet Union did not significantly increase interest in politics, except for a small burst of activity in Moscow. The population was more interested in questions of survival. Maybe because the politicized man was almost an endangered species.

If we take other countries, then the issue of a change of power only briefly politicizes the population, and mainly in the capital of the country. So it was during the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, when President Shevardnadze E. A. was overthrown, and during last year's "Revolutioncandles" in South Korea, when, as a result of mass rallies, President Park Geun-hye was impeached. The events in Ukraine can be called one of the rare cases when interest in politics was popular. Probably, then for the first time in modern Russian history it could be said that a politicized person - this is almost every inhabitant of the country. The interests of the authorities, which needed support and legitimization of their foreign policy, prompted them to carry out massive propaganda to attract the population to politics.
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In 2014, everyone felt for themselves what it means to be a politicized person. The politicization of the population took extreme forms, when any actions of "ours" were justified, while "strangers" always acted badly. A positive experience may be that the population is "used" to participate in the political life of the country, however, so far more in foreign policy.

If we consider the experience of developed countries, then the population is politically active when its vital interests are affected, for example, France - issues of same-sex marriages, England - raising tuition fees. Only in Russia is a politicized person more interested in foreign policy than domestic. The transformation of foreign policy politicization into domestic political is an expected Russian trend.