Abandoned houses in the villages of the Krasnodar Territory are a curious object of research for many people. They are wielded by "black seekers", and lovers of everything unknown, and the descendants of the inhabitants of these places. There are quite a few abandoned villages in the Krasnodar Territory, but with a high degree of probability, the same curious people have already visited all of them.
Reasons for depopulation
In total, there are two categories of settlements that are empty. First, these are abandoned villages. And secondly, disappeared. The second category is formed during military conflicts, disasters. Sometimes this happens under the influence of time. There are forests and fields on the site of former settlements, but there are no houses left. Such objects are of interest to treasure hunters.

The abandoned villages of the Krasnodar Territory still contain dilapidated houses. Their condition is satisfactory. Settlements are emptying as economic activity dries up as residents move to the city.
How to search
Despite the fact that a number of abandoned settlements are highlighted on the Internet, in reality there are many more. And iforganize independent searches, you can stumble upon villages about which nothing is said on the world wide web. But before that, it is necessary to find out the approximate search area.
Special sites of treasure hunters, photographers, blogs will help with this. There are separate bases of settlements. Satellite maps of Russia will also help. For the most part, the presence of abandoned villages in the Krasnodar Territory will be indicated by overgrown roads, a small number of houses, there should be fewer of them than indicated in official data. They should have broken roofs and no power lines.
Wikimapia will prove invaluable in the search for abandoned settlements. It is here that it will be indicated how many people currently live in the village. If you look for villages with a zero settlement, the abandoned villages of the Krasnodar Territory will not be difficult to find. But when you find empty villages on this resource, you must be sure that they have already been explored by someone.
Another source is topographic maps. If you take those produced by the General Staff, you can find that there are marked tracts, non-residential settlements. But it is important to know that the tracts are not only empty settlements, but also ordinary plots that differ from the surrounding area. Which means it may not be a former village.

When going on a raid, it is important to make sure that local houses that look like abandoned ones are no longer used as summer cottages. Indeed, otherwise it will be a direct violation of the law, and local residentsmay offer aggressive resistance.
It will be useful to compare the maps of the General Staff and modern analogues. In this case, the changes that have taken place over decades will tell about where the abandoned villages were formed in the Krasnodar Territory. If there were roads on old maps, but none on modern ones, this indicates that people left the settlement, or it was almost deserted, and they simply stopped repairing communication lines.
Another valuable source of information will be local newspapers and museums. It is best to communicate with the population of the Krasnodar Territory, pay special attention to the elderly. They will tell you more about the abandoned settlements.

Local media often publish articles from local archives. Here you can find interviews of old-timers who will tell a lot about the now empty area.
You can also explore local museums. They come across quite interesting expositions, and the stories of guides can also be useful.
Known empty settlements of the Krasnodar Territory
At the moment, the following abandoned villages of the Krasnodar Territory are known. Firstly, this is the Staroshabanovsky settlement. It is located in a fairly mountainous area, you will need to use a jeep. It will not be difficult to find the location of the village on old maps. According to the reviews of those who have been here, this area is quite picturesque.

Podpokrovskaya women's community is mentionedfew documents. There is evidence that women lived quite well here, earning their bread by their labor. Therefore, with a high degree of probability, the finds here should be interesting if something is left after the same lovers of antiquity. However, to get to the settlement, you will need a guide: the area is overgrown with forest, and it is extremely difficult to find the road.
It is known that the village of Penza once existed in the Krasnodar Territory. Not so long ago, people were digging around the remains of dwellings in search of metal. And it was found quite a lot, according to the stories of local eyewitnesses. Probably, in the depths of the local bowels something still remains. According to official data, there are 1,726 settlements in the Krasnodar Territory, 11 of which are once abandoned villages. But current trends are such that there are more and more empty villages. And since this data was collected, the number may already have increased.