In the daily bustle, people rarely pay attention to significant events that radically change the whole world. The fighting in Syria has been going on for years. Maybe that's why their meaning is being erased, eluding the attention of the public? But this war was predicted long ago. And the future of the planet depends on its outcome.

How did it all start?
At the beginning of 2011, the Arab Spring came to the country. That was the name of a whole series of popular unrest that broke out in the Middle East and demolished the government in force at that time. The reasons for such activity of the population have been arguing for several years. Some say the fighting in Syria is caused by external interference. Others point to the problems accumulated by 2011. Apparently, more important is the fact that the country's leadership was unable to prevent a civil tragedy. In response to the actions of the people, it used the troops. The whole country was worried, but the city of Dar'a is considered the starting point of hostilities. There, in March 2011, particularly powerful demonstrations took place. People demanded the resignation of Bashar al-Assad. The government deployed army units. Several nearby cities were under siege. Strangely, the events in Tunisia and Egypt, countries that had previously experienced the Arab revolutions, did not serve as a lesson to the Syrian leadership. But in their homeland the same scenario was realized. The people turned out to be much wiser. The soldiers flatly refused to shoot their fellow citizens.
First Blood
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had to take urgent measures to resolve the conflict. He began to change the top of the power structure. He dismissed the government, took up the change of governors. And in the dissatisfied people there were their own processes. Real battles in Syria were already close. People formed armed detachments, which were joined by deserters. By summer, clashes had engulfed the entire country. The government forces pressed in. They did not enjoy the support of the population, outraged by social inequality, the arbitrariness of officials. Even at the beginning of the unrest, the authorities made a fatal mistake. In order to influence people, water and electricity were cut off. Such measures pushed the population to armed struggle. Moreover, there were also good sponsors who provide funds for attacks on army units.

Tanks and artillery
By the end of 2011, the situation in the country became critical. The people, outraged by the decisions of the authorities, quickly united. Tanks and cannons were brought to the city of Homs. Fighting in Syria began to be conducted with the use of heavy weapons. Bashar al-Assad called the rebels conspirators supported from outside. What can not be called a complete misunderstanding of the situation. By this time, someGulf states have imposed sanctions on Syria. Unprecedented pressure was put on the country's president to force him to transfer power to the opposition. By 2015, only a small piece of the territory of the once whole and rich country remained under the control of Assad. The rest of the provinces were in chaos. Many refugees rushed to neighboring states. Eleven million people were divided by this "revolution". Relatives became enemies, brothers killed each other.

Network war
A very important role in the organization of the Arab Spring, according to experts, was played by the Internet. It was in the network that publications rapidly scattered, causing a powerful response from the population. This was done, as they say, using the latest technologies to influence people. Thus, photos of the fighting in Syria were distributed in all social networks of the world. A strictly defined picture was formed among the peoples, the essence of which was that Assad was a tyrant and a murderer. Particular attention was paid to casu alties among ordinary civilians. Photos of the corpses of children, tortured women and the elderly have been scattered around the planet, forcing people to sympathize with the rebels, fuel (responses to) and support their hatred of Assad. And the unrest itself, as experts found out, was largely organized via the Internet. Calls to start a “Syrian revolution” came to the street from social networks.

Autumn 2015 was a very important period for Syria. To help the "tyrant" Assad and those who support his struggleRussia came to people. The fighting in Syria began to take on a different character. Headquarters and camps of illegal gangs were destroyed from the air. The government army went on the offensive, gradually pushing the front line away from Damascus. All of humanity is now wondering with bated breath where the fighting is taking place in Syria. After all, how the world will be organized in the coming decades depends on the development of events. It is no longer just about Assad's relationship with the long-suffering Syrian people. Having entered the war with its VKS, Russia announced the destruction of hegemony and the beginning of a new history. America will no longer be able to dictate its will from a position of strength. After all, a power has appeared in the world that can withstand the fleets and missiles of the hegemon. Whether this situation will be fixed depends on the outcome of the conflict in Syria. The famous Vanga spoke about the importance of this country for humanity. The whole world tried to understand why, when asked about the Third World War, she answered: "Syria has not yet fallen." Now only people are beginning to realize the essence of the words of the prophetess. Let's end it with the words: "Syria will fall at the feet of the winner, but he will be the wrong one!" Surely this phrase gives hope to people striving for peace.