Mobilization prescription: what is it and to whom is it issued?

Mobilization prescription: what is it and to whom is it issued?
Mobilization prescription: what is it and to whom is it issued?

Due to the difficult circumstances that are developing in the world, questions about mobilization are becoming increasingly popular. In particular, many questions most often arise among men in the reserve, and among persons of military age. In particular, many are interested in the mobilization order. What it is? To whom and for what purpose is it issued?

mobilization order what is it
mobilization order what is it

General concept of mobilization order

Because of their ignorance, many Russians begin to panic and flood thematic forums, friends and acquaintances with questions when they receive a mobilization order. Mostly their panic is connected with the military operations that are currently taking place in the neighboring country - Ukraine. The press, social networks and other "well-wishers" also add fuel to the fire. For example, recently residents of the Cherepovets region and Cherepovets, who received such notifications, became victims of panic. So, the mobilization prescription: whatis this?

This concept is in no way connected with the political and military crisis in Ukraine. According to the military commissar of Cherepovets V. Tolstikov, the distribution of such notifications is the daily work of military registration and enlistment offices. Most often, it is associated with a planned "audit" of male citizens. This is a kind of collection of information about existing reservists, since many of them have already reached retirement age and should be excluded from the lists of military registration and enlistment offices.

mobilization order on a military ID
mobilization order on a military ID

A mobilization order (you can see what it looks like in the photo) is a kind of document issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation liable for military service. Its issuance indicates that the reservist falls into a certain virtual team, which is formed as soon as possible in the event of a general mobilization in our country.

Why should you not panic when you receive a mobilization order?

Don't panic when you receive this notification. A mobilization order in a military ID does not mean at all that the person who receives it will necessarily be drafted into the armed forces of the country. On the contrary, it is these people who will help to compile the most up-to-date list of citizens liable for military service and weed out persons unsuitable for service. Military registration and enlistment offices should know how many people they have in reserve, how many have retired, the number of citizens of military age.

Besides drafting into the army, the main tasks of military registration and enlistment offices are: implementation and preparation for activities to mobilize human and technical resources.

What does a mobilization order look like?
What does a mobilization order look like?

Mobilization order: to whom is it issued?

Such a notice is issued to citizens liable for military service who were previously included in the relevant lists of city or regional military registration and enlistment offices at the place of registration. We remind you that persons liable for military service include male and female persons (mainly medical and military professions) from the age of 17, enrolled in the reserve (up to 45-60 years old) or registered with the military. In the passport of such people, as a rule, the stamp “enlisted for military service” is put.

What does a mobilization order for those liable for military service look like?

Those who have or have ever received a mobilization order know that it looks like a tear-off colored insert. Most often it is red or light purple. It contains the following data:

  • Full name and address of registration of a person liable for military service;
  • year of birth;
  • date of delivery of the notice;
  • grounds for obtaining an order (for example, based on the decision of the draft commission on mobilization Protocol No. 1 of 08/16/13);
  • military rank of a person liable for military service (for example, corporal);
  • code and job title;
  • VUS number;
  • name and number of the team (to which the conscript is assigned);
  • duties of the person called to the training camp;
  • address of estimated fees;
  • list of documents that citizens with mobilization orders must have with them when they appear;
  • signatures of responsible persons and date.
who hasmobilization order
who hasmobilization order

How can I get a mobilization order?

You can get an order directly at the military registration and enlistment office, for example, after a phone call. There you can also learn in detail about the mobilization order (what it is, and how it differs from the summons to the army). You can also be given a notice of fees in your own apartment or house if representatives of the military registration and enlistment office personally visited you. And also in the personnel department at the place of work.

Usually, this notice is enclosed or pasted into the military ID of a person liable for military service. In the first case, a mark on the delivered notification is entered on the military ID. In the second, the prescription is simply pasted without making a mark. But what does a mobilization order mean for the person who received it?

citizens with mobilization orders
citizens with mobilization orders

What should people who receive a mobilization order do?

In the event of a mobilization announced in the country, they are required to arrive at the place specified in the notification within a strictly specified time. At the same time, their conscription takes place within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation and provides for the arrival of a person liable for military service at their destination without a preliminary summons. That is why those people who have a mobilization order on their military ID must be ready. But you should not worry in advance.

mobilization order to whom is issued
mobilization order to whom is issued

What threatens to receive a mobilization order?

This question worries many people the most. Due to their ignorance, many conscriptsindividuals have not only never seen a mobilization order (you can see what this notification looks like in the photo), but they often confuse it with a summons. The order, unlike the agenda, does not force the person liable for military service to appear on the same day for military service. On the contrary, this document informs citizens of military age and those who are in reserve of their possible conscription in the event of mobilization being announced in Russia. Therefore, often the prescription remains glued or enclosed in a military ID paper, and the person liable for military service continues to study, work and live his life further.

What can threaten a person liable for military service if he does not appear at the draft board?

As we have said before, receiving a mobilization order occurs most often in military enlistment offices (where a person liable for military service comes after a call or mail notification). Failure to appear at the military commissariat, in turn, threatens with an administrative fine ranging from 100 to 500 rubles.

But even a failure to appear at the draft board will not save you from serving a notice. You can even get it at work. In addition, each failure to appear upon notification threatens to increase the fine, for example, you ignored the call to arrive at the right place 5 times, therefore your fine will increase 5 times.

what does mobilization order mean
what does mobilization order mean

What is the risk of not fulfilling the mobilization order?

Those who have a mobilization order are obliged to arrive at their destination in the event of a mobilization announcement on the basis of the federal law “On mobilization preparation andmobilization in the Russian Federation” dated February 26, 1997, Section 3 (Art. 9-10). In case of non-appearance (when mobilization is announced in the country), those liable for military service face criminal liability.

What pen alties are provided for employees of military registration and enlistment offices and other organizations?

In addition to those liable for military service, military registration and enlistment offices and citizens responsible for the implementation of military registration can bear administrative responsibility. For example, deliberate failure to notify or untimely notification of persons liable for military service about their summons under the agenda is fraught with a fine in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles.

Untimely submission of lists of citizens liable for military service, as well as failure to make changes to the documentation (for example, regarding persons who have changed their place of residence) threatens with an administrative fine ranging from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Intentional destruction of documentation and lists necessary for the full-fledged maintenance of military records threatens with a fine of 100 to 500 rubles.

Who can be exempted from military duties?

It is not enough to know what a mobilization order means (what it is, we have already said earlier), one should also remember about the rules of military training. So, for example, the following citizens can be exempted from them:

  • females without military occupations;
  • booked by government agencies and local councils for the duration of mobilization (including wartime);
  • firefighters, police, EMERCOM;
  • civilians serving in the AFRF, VV, state fire services and othersdefensive organizations;
  • heads of the highest executive authorities of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who have two or more minor children in care;
  • people who do not live on the territory of the Russian Federation at the time of conscription, etc.

Can I legally refuse to participate in military training?

You can also legally refuse military fees by appealing the decision of the military commissariat in court.

In this case, it is necessary to send a copy of the statement of claim to the military registration and enlistment office, which issued the notice. To achieve the truth in court is possible only if there are good reasons. For example, in connection with a mistake made (due to the fault of the military commissar or other responsible person). For example, due to the deterioration of he alth as a result of a serious injury at work, which led to the loss of a limb.
