Cartoonist Harry Bardin

Cartoonist Harry Bardin
Cartoonist Harry Bardin

What unites such different cartoons: "Flying Ship", "Road Tale", "Brack", "Freaks", "Conflict", "Little Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf"? The name of the world-famous director-animator Garry Yakovlevich Bardin. His works have been awarded many awards not only at domestic competitions, but also abroad. He is the owner of the "Palme d'Or" at the Cannes Film Festival in the nomination "short films". An amazing, unique, talented adult child - Harry Bardin.

Childhood and youth

Garry Yakovlevich Bardin is a child of war. His birth into the world can be considered a miracle. Father Yakov Lvovich went to the front in June 1941. Mother Rosalia Abramovna was not going to leave Kyiv until the very end, remaining in it, even when the bombing began. At the insistence of the grandfather, the family nevertheless left the city on the last train, en route to Magnitogorsk. And it saved their lives. But get todestination failed. The family was dropped off at the Chkalov station (now Orenburg) because Garry Yakovlevich decided to be born. In the city they were given one small room for 8 people. Soon, in 1944, the family moved to the city of Engels, where Bardin's father began to prepare recruits for the front. In this city, the whole family met the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

harry bardin
harry bardin

Harry Yakovlevich's father was a military man, so he was often absent. Mother was in charge of education. The woman was endowed with an excellent musical ear and voice. It was she who infected Bardeen with a love of music.

In 1947, Bardin's father was transferred to serve in the B altic Fleet. The family moved to Latvia, to the city of Liepau. All the youth of the future animator passed there. After school, Harry Yakovlevich wanted to enter the theater school. But the parents did not support the applicant, saying that a man should have a serious profession. As a result, Harry Bardin tried his hand at entering an architectural institute. He passed the first stage of the entrance competition with ease (it was necessary to draw a sketch), but in the second stage, which required drawing a drawing, Bardeen failed.

After, having worked for a year at the plant as a fitter's apprentice, Harry, again at the insistence of his parents, went to enter Transmash in the city of Bryansk. Failed the entrance exams. The third attempt to connect his life with technical professions, namely, admission to the Riga Polytechnic University, also failed.

The beginning of the creative path

Go to drama schoolHarry Bardin succeeded only the second time, after serving in the army. He became a student at the Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater. After graduating, he was assigned to the Moscow Gogol Theater, where he worked for several years. But he didn't enjoy acting. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the theater at that time mainly staged plays pleasing to the Soviet authorities. Bored within the walls of the Gogol Theater, Bardin, supported by his friends, left the temple of Melpomene.

In order to earn a living, Garry Yakovlevich took on any job: he wrote scripts for ABVGDeika, read on the radio, voiced cartoons. It was during this period that he had the idea to do animation. Soon Garry Bardin and Vasily Livanov were invited by Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov to write a script for the puppet show "Don Juan-75". After some time, only Garry Yakovlevich worked on the work, who was now officially employed at the Obraztsov Puppet Theater as a production director.

The premiere of the puppet show was great. For decades, this production has remained one of the most popular in the theater repertoire. Soon an offer was received from the director of Soyuzmultfilm to stage a film for Garry Bardin according to the script he had written. The author could not refuse such an offer. Thus began his journey into the world of animation.

harry bardin movies
harry bardin movies

First works

Gary Bardeen's first cartoon was Reach for the Sky. Soon the director of Soyuzmultfilm announced that Bardin should shoot animated films according to strangers.scenarios. So, “Flying Ship” appeared in his life. But the text written by Alexei Simukov was so boring that Garry Yakovlevich wanted to stop working on it at first. The management did not support his idea. Then Bardin completely redid the script of the cartoon, turning it into a musical. To work on the cartoon, Bardin invited Yuri Entin and Maxim Dunayevsky. Thanks to the creative collaboration of this trio, an ageless and timeless masterpiece of cartoon art has been born, which, even after 30 years, remains a favorite of many.

Working within the walls of Soyuzmultfilm from 1975 to 1990, Garry Bardin released 15 cartoons that were awarded various awards, including international ones.

harry bardin cartoons
harry bardin cartoons


Garry Yakovlevich is an experimenter in animation. His courage, enthusiasm, innovation allowed the birth of animation works, which are the treasures of Russian animation. In 1983, Harry Bardin's short animated film "Conflict" was released, in which he tried his hand at 3D animation. Soon, Bardin released several voluminous cartoons, where plasticine, ropes, and wire became the material for the characters. "Freaks" was created using ordinary wire, but the deep meaning invested in this short film and the unusual presentation of the material provided the cartoon with international fame.

Bardin Harry Yakovlevich
Bardin Harry Yakovlevich


In 1991, uniting aroundlike-minded people, Harry Bardin creates his own studio "Stayer", where he continues to write scripts and shoot animated films. The team that started working in a new place was formed back in the period of the creation of Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf within the walls of Soyuzmultfilm.

Stayer has been around for over 25 years. During this time, "Puss in Boots", "Adagio", "Chucha", "Chucha 2", "Chucha 3" were filmed. And today, under the roof of this creative workshop, works are in full swing under the guidance of a talented master Garry Yakovlevich Bardin.
