Spouses Roman Kurtsyn and Anna Nazarova have been together for more than twelve years. Every year their relationship only gets stronger. The couple brings up a joint child who is 3 years old, travels, builds a house in Yaroslavl and works a lot in theater and cinema. Both are building the most ambitious plans for the future - to raise a child with dignity, give him a good education and send him to the sports section.
Read this article about how the relationship between actress Anna Nazarova and actor Roman Kurtsyn developed, as well as their grandiose plans for the near future.
Childhood of Roman Kurtsyn
The future actor was born in Kostroma, in a simple family that has nothing to do with creativity and the world of cinema. Since childhood, the guy went in for sports, participated in major competitions, won several times. Tempering was useful to him in life - now, flashing on the big screen in one project or another, the man does not hesitate to demonstrate his pumped-up torso.
School for Roman Kurtsyn was the most boring institution. He did not like the lessons, constantly poring over textbooks is absolutely notwanted. After all, there were other interesting activities - participation in performances, friendship with girls. Now the actor admits that he was very windy in high school. He fell in love at first sight, hooliganized and even fought with the boys for the attention of one or another person he liked. He finished ninth grade with twos, but in the last two years he was able to catch up and graduate from school with good marks in the certificate.
The creative path of Anna Nazarova and meeting her future husband

Anna, unlike her husband, grew up as a calm child. She dreamed of becoming an actress, therefore, after graduating from school, she entered the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. There, with her future husband, her fate brought her together. Before meeting Roman, the girl had already starred in several TV series: "The Right to Happiness" and "Everything is Fair".

Acquaintance happened non-trivially - both played in the same performance. Chemistry arose immediately. Roman realized that such beauty and grace of a girl no longer exists in the world. Began courtship, began a relationship that has lasted for more than 12 years.
Family idyll
According to Roman, Anna Nazarova is the embodiment of a real wise Russian woman. She never rolls up scenes of jealousy, she understands that only creative activity unites her husband with film partners. The actress trusts her husband, because in their family there is complete harmony. He, in turn, does the same.

Despite the length of their relationship, the romance of them hasn't gone anywhere. For example, a man always strives to make an unusual and expensive gift for his beloved for the holiday, and she, in turn, is funny and original. They love to spend time together - they fly in balloons over Moscow, ride a pony, travel around Europe, participate in each other's filming processes.
Educational process
The couple has a little son who was born three years ago. Both Roman and Anna Nazarova (photo in the text) try to instill in their baby eternal, unshakable values: they read a lot of books, review good cartoons. The man admits that in his childhood, his parents trusted him, his mother especially liked to repeat: “You are a wise guy, you won’t do anything stupid, I believe in you.” He himself adheres to the same canons in education.
The couple's baby grows up in a sports environment - Roman teaches the child gradually to physical education, hardens. The actor believes that his child will someday become a famous athlete and become a winner more than once. So far, the baby is learning to sit on the splits, practicing stretching, a little later, the father-athlete plans to teach the offspring to stand on his head and walk on his hands.