Victoria Klyueva, wife of Boris Klyuev, is happily married to him. The couple got married when both had already burned themselves in a previous relationship. Both she and he were not free people when they met. However, mutual attraction overcame all fears and doubts. Plucking up courage, Boris began to look after the beauty.
They themselves did not notice how the relationship grew into something more. We often and for a long time talked on the phone, walked in the evenings along the embankment of the Moscow River, told each other stories from a past life. Boris read poetry and even sang songs, which he did not expect from himself. But his efforts led to a positive result. At one point, both discovered that they have a lot in common and really do not want to leave.
See you future wife
Boris Klyuev did not plan to become an artist as a child, he had completely different interests. However, when in the sixth grade he was asked to take part in the production, he was so imbued that he fell ill with the theater forever. He decided to enter the theater institute as soon as he graduated from school. Aspre-training attended a drama circle held at the House of Journalists.

In the first year of the Shchepkinsky school, the actor was drafted into the army, but even there he managed to do his favorite work - he starred in "War and Peace", since the shooting took place nearby.
At present, the actor continues to live the stage. Not so long ago, a new wave of popularity swept over him thanks to his appearance in the TV series Voronin.
A woman is not connected with the world of show business, she is far from theatrical activity and has never been interested in the work of her future spouse. Little is known about the biography of Victoria Klyueva. Only what she herself once told reporters was that she was seriously fond of sports. Since childhood, she loved acrobatics, athletics, in her youth she often disappeared at the training camp. The track and field career of Victoria Klyueva was quite successful, the woman was engaged in middle-distance running. The future spouses met by chance - both were invited to visit friends for a celebration.

According to the actor, the chemistry between them arose immediately. Boris, as soon as he saw the slender beauty, realized that he had lost his head. However, at that time he was married, the athlete was also married. But both there and there, relations were already beginning to crumble. The candy-bouquet period has begun. The man wanted to achieve the location of his beloved by all means - he sang serenades to her, called and confessed his love for hours, read poetry and took her to restaurants. Finally,the woman understood that the boyfriend was serious. True, in order to build a new family, it was necessary to destroy two old ones.
The beginning of family life
Boris and Victoria Klyuev after marriage lived in poverty - huddled in a small apartment, located far from the city center. There was practically no furniture in it, and there was nothing to buy. But both were happy - because they are together, love each other and hope to live together until the end of their days. In the Klyuev family, it was customary to invite friends. And even though the owners had to rush to work in the morning, they often stayed up late.
Victoria worked at the Institute of Management as a teacher of physical culture. Boris worked a lot at the Maly Theater, acted in films. But they both always had time for gatherings, and for travel, and for joint romantic walks.
How are spouses doing today?
Currently, Boris and Victoria Klyuev live in Arbatsky Lane, where they got a good apartment a long time ago. Not so long ago, a man gave his wife an apartment in Naples, where they often go on vacation.

In the suburbs, the spouses have a brainchild - a dacha, where they like to grow greens and vegetables. Like many years ago, they continue to look at each other with loving eyes and always find a place for romance in their relationship.