How often do we hear and use the word "teleconference" in everyday communication? Rarely. It is mainly used in the media and means video communication.

The lexical meaning of the word "television bridge"
Such a phenomenon as a "teleconference", we can observe in television programs, news. The same example of connection is used in the "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin" program, which is held annually.
The lexical meaning of the word "teleconference" is a television communication of two or more people in real time. Teleconference is often used in online broadcasts that can be re-aired. But the teleconference can also be used in already recorded stories.
The main feature of the teleconference is the fact that absolutely anyone can take part in it, regardless of where they are in the world. A journalist on the air can contact a resident of another country and even a continent. It is especially important to use this technique in variousdiscussions.
Actually, the very meaning of the word "teleconference" defines a television "bridge" (communication) between the studio and the person, thanks to which they can communicate directly.

Pros and cons
The main advantage of using teleconferences on the air is that the event can attract a large number of viewers. Interest is aggravated by the fact that they also have the opportunity to participate in a program or event, ask questions of interest and receive long-awaited answers. For this purpose, you can use gadgets such as tablets, smartphones. Most of them have cameras. The presence of front cameras especially facilitates video recording. Computers are great too.
The disadvantages of organizing a teleconference is that hypothetically everyone can take part, but in fact not everyone has such an opportunity. The reason may be bad weather conditions, due to which Internet access may be closed, or the banal lack of any special technical means, such as cameras.
How to organize a teleconference
In such cases, in order for the teleconference to take place, the organizers must take all measures, technical and organizational, in order to ensure audio and video communication. First of all, human resources will be required (video cameraman, journalist). In addition, you need equipment, a video camera, a microphone and a connection with the studio. If all conditions are met, then the teleconference with the studio will take place.