There is such a charming region in Russia, the attractiveness of which is given by the magnificent mirror-like surface of countless lakes. Some information about this wonderful place can be found in this article. Here we will talk about the diversity of the landscape of this region, about where Lake Ladoga is located. A description will also be given.
This territory occupies the northwestern part of great Russia. It is discreet and at the same time surprisingly attractive and diverse. Taiga landscapes give way to swamps rich in cloudberries, lingonberries and cranberries. The more elevated areas are decorated with spruce forests and small-leaved forests.
Where is Lake Ladoga?
This is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. The length is 219 km, and the largest width is 138 km. The eastern and northern parts of it belong to Karelia, and the southern and southeastern shores belong to the Leningrad region. The water capacity of this lake is 908 km³.

Whereis the source of Lake Ladoga? How are its water resources replenished? This is mainly due to the numerous rivers flowing into it (there are 35 in total). And only 1 river flows out of Ladoga - the Neva.
The length of the shore line of Lake Ladoga is more than one and a half kilometers. The area is 18135 km². The bottom relief has rather sharp drops in the northern part and is more gentle in the south. The depth of the lake varies in different places: in its northern part from 60-220 meters and 15-70 meters in the south.
Local features
Where Lake Ladoga is located, one feature is observed: the higher and steeper the coast, the deeper the lake is in these places. The largest one is near the Valaam archipelago. It is 233 meters.

There are about 500 large and small islands on the lake. The largest of them represent the Valaam archipelago in the complex. Many islands are separated from each other by small straits - skerries, which give this amazing land a unique beauty. Gorgeous and original Lake Ladoga.
Where is the source of the Neva River?
This is the only river originating from Lake Ladoga. The mouth of the Neva is the Neva Bay (Gulf of Finland) of the B altic Sea. The river flows through the Leningrad region. On its banks there are four cities and many small settlements. The river is fully navigable.
About the formation of the lake
The basin of the lake has a glacial-tectonic origin. Once (in the Paleozoic era) about 400 million yearsago, the territory of today's basin of the lake was covered by the sea. The terrain was formed under the influence of the glacier cover of the Valdai glaciation (about 12 thousand years ago). After its retreat, the Littorina Sea was formed, the surface mark of which was 7-9 meters higher than the water level of the modern B altic Sea.
Earlier, the Littorin Sea was connected to the lake by a wide strait, and the river. Mga flowed to the east and also flowed into it.

Where Lake Ladoga is now, the land rose quickly, and thus the lake, after time, turned into a closed-type reservoir. The water level began to increase, its waters flooded the river valley. Mga and broke into the Tosna valley. 4000 years ago, a strait appeared between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, which is now the valley of the river. Neva. The relief has not changed much over the past 2.5 thousand years.
The northern section of Lake Ladoga is located on the B altic Crystalline Shield, and the southern section is on the East European Platform.
From the history of Lake Ladoga
The described lake is present on one of the very first geographical maps of the Moscow state, which was compiled in 1544 by Sebastian Munster (German cartographer). A more detailed map was presented in 1812 at the Admir alty Department.
Ladoga has always been a territory of great strategic importance for Russia. In the 9th century, an important water route from the Varangians to the Greeks passed here. There is also a documentaryconfirmation of the existence of the great Lake Nevo (the name of Lake Ladoga in the old days) is an Old Russian chronicle dated 1228. And the first capital before Kievan Rus was at the confluence of the river Ladoga. Volkhov. Petrovsky time is also associated with this lake. Lake Ladoga also witnessed the battles of the Great Northern War.

Where Lake Ladoga is located, a huge number of significant historical events took place. Do not list everything. But it is important to note that Lake Ladoga is the "Road of Life" during the Second World War. Most of the coast of the lake during this difficult time for the country was under the German-Finnish occupation. The people of Leningrad were cut off from the whole world. Only the southwestern part of the lake was open for communication with the Soviet troops (1941-1943). This route started from the port of Osinovets on Lake Ladoga and ended at the docks of Leningrad.
Over the entire period of the existence of this road, more than 1.5 million tons of cargo was transported and transported along it, which allowed the surviving residents of Leningrad to hold out until the blockade was lifted. Also, about 900 thousand people were evacuated along this road.
Much of history is kept in this great lake. Today, at the place where the most important "Road of Life" ran, there are 102 memorial pillars and 7 monuments. All of them are included in the "Green Belt of Glory". This is a memory of the past very difficult times.