Getting into the Russian hinterland or cities, where you can still see wooden houses between high-rise buildings, you admiringly admire the carved shutters and walls neatly folded from solid logs. The history of such buildings is ancient, but no less fascinating.
What is a crate?
Houses built in Russia had several rooms: a vestibule (corridor), a crate and a heated room (a chicken hut). If the terms of the passage and the chicken hut are quite understandable, then a logical question arises: what is a crate?
The crate is the cold part of the hut, which was ready for use immediately after the roof was arranged. Depending on the region, it could be built both on the first floor and on the second, rebuilding a chicken hut or a tower with a stove. Sometimes it was made one of the extensions to the upper room with a fireplace.

The crate was used as bedrooms in the summer, as the floors were earthen, and the room did not have time to heat up during the day. And in winter, the cold part served as a kind of refrigerator, in which perishable food, grain and unnecessary things were stored.
But, in addition to the main one, there is not yetone meaning of the word "cage". This term is used in mining, as well as in metallurgy. It has entered the life of the workers so tightly that it is impossible to imagine if another name had been used instead.
In metallurgy, a stand is a special device that helps to automate the work of a rolling mill and the production of a certain type of product. The rolling stand may have different modifications in different industries.
The main task of the named stand is to compress (compact, flatten) the rolled metal with the help of rolls of different sizes and, using rotating bearings, redirect the movement of the finished product in the right direction for the next stage of production.
Companies involved in the production of metallurgical stands offer many types of them for various stages of rolling. The main task of such devices: resistance to stress, easy access to all parts in the event of a breakdown, automation of the entire process.
The concept of "cage" is also used in mining. In mines, a cage is a special device used by miners to bring coal, ore, and other minerals to the surface.
Until the end of the eighteenth century in the mines, the raising of the worked out material was carried out manually or with the help of a winch. The basins were filled with shovels, and then raised to the surface. With the advent of electricity, everything changed, and instead of people or horses, the cages began to be raised using a special mechanism.

Bmines use three types of stands: cargo, cargo-passenger and passenger. Depending on the type, they have additional functions. This is how passenger cages are closed on all sides so that in case of an emergency, passengers are not injured.
But the cargo stands are tipping and non-tilting, depending on the production. With tipping cages, 24/7 mining operations can reduce the time it takes to deliver and ship materials.
Arabs and cages
Some sources say that "cage" is a translation from the Greek words "hut", "tent". But this is not the only use of the word. Most are inclined to believe that the Arabs called a cage for animals a cage.

Also, that's what the Polish word for birdcage sounds like. Many similar-sounding words in other languages most often mean a closet, a barn, a pantry, a hut, a covered room, or even a pack saddle. But most of the languages in which the word "klet" occurs in various variations are Slavic.