People tend to be actively interested not only in the personal lives of stars, but also in the biography of their children. The younger generation is a reflection of the parents. Accordingly, if a child shows only good qualities, then others think that his famous parent has become an excellent mentor, and if he has a bad job in life, then everyone condemns the star, and his child becomes just another reason for negative PR. So, everyone has been actively discussing the life of the son of Sergei Zverev lately. Let's find out what deserved such close attention of the public Zverev Sergey Jr., how his childhood passed and how the guy's personal life is developing now.
Childhood of the son of Sergei Zverev

Zverev Sergey (junior) was born on August 25, 1993. As the artist stated earlier, the boy is his son from an early marriage with his common-law wife, who died in a car accident. But a few years ago the pressthe following information was leaked: Zverev Sergey (junior) is the adopted son of a famous hairdresser. Previously, no one knew about this fact, because Sergey did not mention it anywhere, and the birth and earlier childhood of the boy fell on the years when the artist was not yet popular.
The stylist himself admits that, despite the fact that Sergey Zverev Jr. is his adopted son, he loves him like his own. The artist took him at the age of three from an orphanage in the city of Irkutsk. As he says, there were terrible living conditions: children were literally fed garbage, there was not enough space for living, there was no medical care. As a result, in 1995, Sergei moved the boy to Moscow, where he began to treat him and raise him as his own son, but he still has many chronic diseases to this day.
Boyhood of Sergei Zverev - Jr

The boy grew and grew stronger, while Sergei Zverev, meanwhile, was gaining popularity by leaps and bounds. He first spoke about his son in the late nineties, at the same time he began to bring his son to light. The people around noted that the boy was very similar to the artist, and this is true, even despite the fact that they are not related by family ties. Sergei Zverev, the youngest, whose biography is discussed in this article, had the same facial features and hair color as his adoptive father, so those around him had no doubt that they were father and son by blood.
As a teenager, the son of Sergei Zverev often attended fashion shows and social events withby his father. The stylist really wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and become a hairdresser and stylist. But, while still a teenager, he realized that he did not like such a life.
Wedding of the son of Sergei Zverev

At the end of 2014, information appeared that Sergei Zverev, Jr., was going to marry. In the same year, the general public was shocked by the information that the artist kicked his son out of the house because of disagreements over money: Sergei Jr. did not want to follow in his father's footsteps and accept his financial assistance, the latter was extremely upset.
Either out of spite for dad, or because of pure love, Sergei Zverev, the youngest, got married. The wedding was very modest: there were no gourmet treats, expensive outfits from world-famous couturiers and hundreds of eminent guests. In total, there were about thirty people at the wedding, and reliable sources claim that Sergei Zverev, the eldest, was not at the wedding. However, he had a day off, as the paparazzi captured him in one of the Moscow cafes. From this we can conclude that the disagreements between the artist and the son have not passed.
Rumor has it that the famous stylist is dissatisfied with the choice of his offspring's wife: Maria Bikmaeva is far from the world of glamour, she is not distinguished by beauty and attractiveness. However, Sergei Zverev, the youngest, whose wedding nevertheless took place, was completely absorbed in love.
Divorce of the son of Sergei Zverev
Already in 2015, six months after the marriage, it became known that Sergei Zverev Jr. and Maria Bikmaeva were getting a divorce. Their marriagedidn't even last six months. Journalists learned this news from the wife of the stylist's son, who said that within a few months after the wedding, they realized that they were connected more by friendship than by love. Maria also added that she hopes that the news of her son's divorce will be joyful for the outrageous stylist. She sincerely hopes that soon the Zverevs - the elder and the younger - will reconcile after several years of lack of communication.
Relationship of Sergei Zverev - Jr. with his father

According to sources, the famous stylist has not found a common language with his son to this day. Sergei Zverev - the youngest does not communicate with his father. The latter is very upset that his offspring refused to follow in his footsteps and chose the life of an ordinary worker. The younger Zverev admits that he does not like glamor and everything connected with it, so he does not deceive his father's expectations and says everything in plain text. But this does not make the situation easier: the relationship between father and son is still spoiled. We can only hope that the situation will soon change for the better.