Yevgeny Tsyganov's biography is of interest to many of his fans. Do you also consider yourself one of them? Do you want to know where your favorite actor was born and trained? Is he legally married? What films does he act in? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Biography of Evgeny Tsyganov: childhood and youth
Our hero was born in 1979 (March 15). His hometown is Moscow. Nobody in Evgeny's family has anything to do with cinema. His mother and father devoted many years to work in the capital's Research Institute "Titan".
Zhenya grew up as an active and inquisitive boy. From an early age, he showed interest in music and cinema. He liked to watch Soviet films with Yuri Nikulin, Andrei Mironov and other actors. The boy wanted to become as famous as they are.
At school, our hero studied well. If unsatisfactory grades appeared in his diary, he tried to correct them as quickly as possible. The teachers never had any complaints about Zhenya's academic performance and behavior.
Several times a week the boy visitedmusic school. His parents enrolled him in the piano class. Eugene immediately took a liking to this instrument.
The beginning of creative activity
In high school, Zhenya became interested in theater. At first, he went to performances and watched others perform. But soon the guy managed to get into the additional group of the Taganka Theater. He played the roles of fairy-tale heroes - the cat Basilio, the bunny, the king, Koshchei the Immortal and others. The head of the group predicted a bright future for Zhenya. And he was right.
In 1993, Tsyganov Jr. became a musician. Members of the rock band A. S offered him cooperation. The guy agreed. Eugene quickly joined the team. The guys performed in Moscow clubs, where they were received with a bang. Unfortunately, in 1997 the group ceased to exist. But Tsyganov did not give up his musical career. Together with a friend, he created his own team "Groutki". The project turned out to be very successful.
Diligent student
In 1996 Zhenya graduated from high school. He submitted documents to VTU them. Schukin. A self-confident and purposeful guy managed to enter this university the first time. But a year later, our hero decided to transfer to the RATI (directing department). The management of "Pike" went to meet him.
Working in the theater
In 2001, Tsyganov graduated from the walls of the RATI. He had no problems with employment. Evgeny was accepted into the troupe of the theater "Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko". He was involved in various performances - "Daddy", "Dowry" and so on.

Evgeny Tsyganov: films
For the first time on TV screens, the young actor appeared in 2001. He played one of the main roles in the film "The Collector". Zhenya 100% coped with the tasks assigned to him.
The second film with his participation was released in 2002. It was called "Let's Make Love". The actor successfully got used to the image of Postnikov.
Evgeny Tsyganov has starred in 43 serials and feature films so far. The films in which he got the lead role are listed below:
- "Space as Premonition" (2005);
- "Hunter" (2006);
- "Red Pearl of Love" (2008);
- Forgotten (2011);
- Red Mountains (2013);
- "The Thaw" (2013);
- Paradise (2015).

Acting art is not the only area of activity of our hero. Not so long ago, he tried himself as a director. In 2014, E. Tsyganov staged the play Olympia at the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater.
Evgeny Tsyganov: children and wife
In his youth, our hero was a womanizer and conqueror of women's hearts. The girls literally did not give him a pass. There were always many anonymous notes with declarations of love in his mailbox. Many girls saw in him the future husband and father of their children. Eugene did not think about a serious relationship. His studies and career came first.
Tsyganov's personal life changed after meeting actress Irina Leonova. It happened on the set of the film ChildrenArbat, where Zhenya played the main role. The girl immediately took a liking to him. But at that time, Ira was legally married to Igor Petrenko. Our hero made every effort to win the heart of the beauty. And he succeeded. Irina divorced her husband and moved into Evgeny's apartment. In 2005, the lovers got married. The celebration turned out to be modest. However, the guests were satisfied with everything.

Yevgeny Tsyganov's wife managed not only to build a career, but also to maintain comfort in the house. In 2005, she gave birth to her first child, a charming daughter. The baby was named Polina. The young father doted on his blood. He himself swaddled her, bathed her and lulled her to sleep.
Between 2006 and 2014 5 more children were born in the family. Of these, 4 sons and 1 daughter. All kids were welcome and loved. Tsyganov Evgeny with his wife and children moved to a country house. There are more places, and the air is cleaner. Grandparents help raise kids.
Due to a busy work schedule, Evgeny Tsyganov and his wife and children do not see each other as often as we would like. Often he has to spend the night right on the set.
In 2015, Irina and Evgeny had their seventh child. This time a girl was born. She received a beautiful Russian name - Vera.
In September 2015, many print media and online resources spread information that Evgeny Tsyganov was having an affair with a young and attractive actress Yulia Snigir. Allegedly, he went to her, leaving a pregnant wife and seven children. Eugene and Yulia flatlydeclined to comment on these rumors.

It soon became clear that the actress was in an "interesting position". Journalists tried to find out from Yulia Snigir the name and surname of the father of her unborn baby. But the girl asked them not to interfere in her personal life. Representatives of the acting fraternity have no doubt that the future baby Yulia is from Tsyganov.
In March 2016, a joyful event took place. Actress Yulia Snigir gave birth to a he althy son, whom she named Fedor.
If our hero really is the father of the baby, then this is already the 8th child of Evgeny Tsyganov. One thing can be said - thanks to such men, Russia will be able to quickly get out of the demographic crisis.
In closing
Biography, career and personal life of Evgeny Tsyganov - all this was considered in detail by us. Before us is a talented actor, a loving man and a true patriot. We wish him creative success and family happiness!