What is Malala Yousafzai famous for?

What is Malala Yousafzai famous for?
What is Malala Yousafzai famous for?

Malala Yousafzai is a girl from Pakistan who became the youngest Nobel Prize winner. She was awarded it in 2014, at the age of 17. The story of this girl inspires respect for her strong character and movement towards a high goal.

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai

Becoming famous

Malala Yusufzai (photos are presented in the article) was born in 1997 in the Pakistani city of Mingora. Her father is a school principal who advocated for the protection of the rights of Pakistani children. Probably, his life position influenced the formation of his daughter's worldview.

what is malala yusufzai famous for
what is malala yusufzai famous for

In 2009, a BBC journalist who visited a town in a valley in Pakistan suggested that Malala write a special blog in which she would talk about her life and the lives of Muslim girls like her. Malala agreed, and immediately her recordings became popular. They were translated into English, and people all over the world learned about the hardships of the life of children in Pakistan, about the oppression of girls and women, about the constant oppression of the Taliban movement. The father was proud of his daughter and supported her in every possible way.

Malala posted notes under the name Gul Makai("Cornflower"). Soon a documentary was filmed with her participation, telling about the fate of Muslim girls and women so exciting to her, and in 2011 Malala was awarded the National Peace Prize and the International Children's Peace Prize. Fame came to the girl, she had fans. Millions of people knew what Malala Yousafzai is famous for and eagerly awaited her new posts.

Brutal assassination attempt

In October 2012, while returning from school, Malala Yousafzai was almost killed. The school bus she and other students were traveling on was stopped by the Talibat. They began to find out which of the girls was Malal, and then shot her in the head. The bullet went right through. The girl, miraculously surviving, was hospitalized in a coma.

To save Malala's life, she was transferred to one of the best hospitals in the UK, where, after several operations and treatment, she began to recover.

malala yousafzai photo
malala yousafzai photo

Why did they try to kill Malala? For the fact that with her recordings and speeches she allegedly aided the opponents of the Muslim world. Before the assassination attempt, the girl was repeatedly demanded to stop such activities, but Malala Yousafzai, whose award brought her worldwide fame, did not want to hide the bitter truth about the life of her people.

Nobel Prize

It took the girl almost a year to get stronger and return to a full-fledged lifestyle after a serious injury. In 2013, on her 16th birthday (July 12), Malala Yousafzai performedat the UN Headquarters with a speech on issues of concern to protect the rights of Pakistani children. The speech was highly acclaimed and attracted the attention of politicians and famous people from all over the world. The girl was seen off standing.

Malala Yousafzai Award
Malala Yousafzai Award

During the year, Malala was awarded the Anna Politkovskaya and Sakharov Prizes, the Pride of Britain award, and she also won the Nobel Prize.

In 2014, at the young age of 17, Pakistani girl Malala became the youngest recipient of such a great award - the Nobel Prize.

Malala Yousafzai Nobel Prize
Malala Yousafzai Nobel Prize

Malala Fund

After receiving the award, Malala stayed in the UK, as the difficult political situation in her native country has not yet allowed her to return home. According to Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel Prize made it possible to realize her old dream - to organize a fund to help the children of Pakistan, whose rights are being violated by the Taliban extremist group. The girl devotes her free time and days off to work in the fund.

Malala Fund united Pakistani children who found themselves in a difficult life situation. Malala defends the rights of such children to education, to self-determination, to a decent life without constant oppression. Under the leadership of the girl, a scholarship was established for children who are forced to work due to the poor financial situation of their families. Such assistance is intended to enable them to learn.

The Foundation is also trying to help refugees fromSyria, whose children also cannot get an education. None of the countries that have become participants in military conflicts leaves young Malala and her associates indifferent.

I am Malala

"I am Malala!" the girl shouted as a masked gunman burst into the bus and asked which of the girls was Malal. These words could have cost her her life, but the girl herself would later say: "On this day my fears died."

A year later, the world saw the book "I am Malala. A girl who fought for education and was wounded by the Taliban." The book was co-authored by British journalist Christina Lem. In this edition - the complexity of life in the Muslim world and all the cruelty of terrorism, told in the simple and unpretentious language of a teenage girl. This is not only an autobiography - it is the story of a whole generation, a story about life and survival during endless wars. A story from the perspective of a man who has not come to terms with his oppressed position, who from a young age knows what the meaning of his life is and how to achieve his goal. It's hard to believe that this person is a little fragile girl, but this girl has truly indestructible fortitude and willpower!

One person can change the world

The story of a girl from Pakistan makes you believe that even one person can change the world. Even if the person is a teenage girl.

Malala Yousafzai is famous all over the world not only as the youngest Nobel Prize winner, but also as the youngest public figure. A schoolgirl miraculously can transform into a wise anda politically literate person when he gives interviews, participates in round tables and summits, develops a program for a fund to help Muslim children.

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai

Malala always firmly and boldly says what she thinks. She is listened to, her opinion is respected, her new articles are expected all over the world. The girl is not going to stop there. Her plans are to continue and improve the work of the foundation, publish new books and articles that will not let you forget that injustice can and should be fought. Her dream is to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan and end the bloody wars and the activities of terrorist groups forever.

Maybe a feature film with Malala Yousufzai will start soon (the idea was voiced in Hollywood), and the Pakistani girl's good cause will get even more fans!
