Model Gait: Rules and Requirements for Beautiful Walking

Model Gait: Rules and Requirements for Beautiful Walking
Model Gait: Rules and Requirements for Beautiful Walking

Often, model girls attract admiring glances not only due to their appearance, but also due to their alluring gait. This is one of the components of a spectacular image of a girl on the catwalk. For some eminent designers, it is the beauty of the walk that is the main criterion when selecting models for the show.

Types of Model Gait

fashion show
fashion show

Despite the fact that each fashion designer puts forward their own requirements for the walk of a model on the catwalk, there are several recognized types of walking:

  • Classic: the leg is placed on the floor fully extended and only then bent. This is the kind of walk that most model schools teach.
  • The pendulum model swings her hips back and forth slightly in time with her steps.
  • Cross-cross - the right leg is brought to the left, and the left - to the right. You need good coordination and long training to master this type of gait.
  • Clubfoot - before bringing the foot forward, the model slightly tucks it inward. Despite the name, this gait looks very impressive duringfashion show.
  • Heron - you need to walk, raising your knees high. At the same time, the toes of the foot spring and throw the leg up. Then she straightens up and sharply leans forward. This type of walk is often used in shows of lingerie and swimwear collections.

The confident gait of a model, full of feline grace, is not given to anyone from birth. This is usually the result of daily training and careful attention to your body. By following a few simple rules, it is quite possible to develop the graceful gait of a professional model.

Rule 1. Straight posture

Models on the show
Models on the show

Surprising as it may seem, you need to start teaching the correct gait of the model from the formation of an even posture. After all, girls at fashion shows always have a perfectly straight back and a confident look.

There are many ways to learn how to keep your posture right. Girls starting to study at modeling schools are recommended to purchase a special orthopedic corset that will support their back in the right position.

But to train the model's gait, a corset is not required at all. There is a simple exercise that was used even in the institutes of noble maidens to improve posture. You will need a book, preferably not very heavy and hardcover.

For training, you need to take your shoulders back and down, and the hips, on the contrary, slightly forward. Put a book on your head and try to balance it with confidence so that it does not fall. If at first it is difficult, you can lean against the wall and try to balance the center of gravity, and not rely only onbody and legs.

Rule 2. Head position

Victoria's Secret fashion show
Victoria's Secret fashion show

Along with beautiful posture, it is very important to learn how to hold your head correctly. You need to find a middle ground between an arrogantly raised head or a tilt that emphasizes the second chin. It is optimal to hold the head so that a right angle forms between the neck and the chin.

You need to look in front of you, for a start you can find a fixed point and do not take your eyes off it while walking. Often, in training at a modeling school, it is recommended to "stretch the top of your head", while the head should be motionless.

In addition to the position of the head, the look is very important for the model. It is not enough just to look over the heads of the audience, the look must convey openness and confidence. Supermodel Tyra Banks always advises girls to learn how to smile with their eyes.

Rule 3. Relaxed hands

Fashion show in London
Fashion show in London

Starting to learn how to walk a model, you may suddenly encounter the problem of how to achieve graceful hand movement. At first, it is difficult to combine a strict posture and soft, smooth hand movements at the same time, this will come with experience.

Before walking, you can shake your arms or shake them to relieve tension. You can bring your elbows a little closer to the waist line, this will emphasize the slimness of the figure and will not allow the arms to hang down completely lifelessly along the body.

Rule 4. The right move

Models on the catwalk
Models on the catwalk

After getting used to the correct posture, you can begin to learn the correct gaitmodels. Steps should not be measured and the same, legs should be placed one in front of the other. Models always walk from toe to heel, while the socks need to be turned a little to the sides, and the heels should be tried to be on the same line. It's a bit like walking an imaginary tightrope.

However, this rule does not apply to the male model's gait, they can walk more naturally by putting their feet together instead of one behind the other.

One of the conditions for a beautiful walk is short steps: the step should not be wider than the length of the foot without shoes. For example, the famous Marilyn Monroe walked with short steps, whose exciting gait thousands of girls are still trying to copy.

For training at home, it is recommended to draw a straight line to the mirror and walk along it, while not forgetting about the correct posture and head position.

Rule 5. Heels

high heels
high heels

Despite the fact that girls always wear high-heeled shoes on shows, you need to start learning how to walk a model with bare feet or in comfortable flat shoes. You can walk on tiptoe, this will prepare you for high heels and improve coordination.

Only having worked out the correct posture and gait, you can move on to the technique of walking in heels. First you need to learn how to maintain balance, high heels should feel like a natural extension of the leg. When walking in high heels, the leg is first lowered to the heel and only then the weight is transferred to the entire foot. First, the thigh is brought forward, then the knee and foot. It is important to keep your legs straight, notbending at the knees.

It seems difficult, but with perseverance and daily practice, learning to walk as smoothly and gracefully as models walk can be done in a few months. Then you can improve this skill by trying different types of gait and developing your own unique style.

Inimitable gait

Supermodel Tyra Banks
Supermodel Tyra Banks

Of course, there are general basic rules for how to walk the catwalk. But the gait of each recognized supermodel has its own distinctive features that make the girl unique and successful. When deciding how to learn how to walk a model, you can view the catwalk recordings of girls who have achieved significant success in the modeling business.

For example, the movements of supermodel Naomi Campbell with their plasticity and grace resemble a big predatory cat. This girl first took part in the show at the age of 15 and has since been considered one of the most sought-after models.

The famous American model Tyra Banks is known not only for her spectacular figure, but also for her famous incendiary gait. It seems that the girls on the catwalk always stopped for a few seconds in a spectacular pose, so that it would be more convenient for photographers to take pictures. But it was Tyra who came up with this spectacular move. She has also been named one of the "Most Beautiful People on the Planet" twice by People Magazine.

Go through life like a model

Fashion show at the Chanel show
Fashion show at the Chanel show

Many elements of the model's gait, if used in a discreet way, will add extra charm to the image. Of course, in real life, walking like a fashion show would be a little unwise.

A beautiful model walk makes it clear to others that they are a successful and self-confident girl. Such movements excite the imagination of the opposite sex and help to achieve significant success.

Even if there is no desire to make a career in the modeling business, it is worth learning the flying gait. Once you get used to getting admiring glances, it will be difficult to give up a new look and start slouching again and looking down uncertainly.
