Every person dreams of a beautiful figure and good he alth. Without a balanced diet, it is difficult to achieve good results, so in some cases the competent opinion of a qualified specialist is simply necessary. Natalya Zubareva is an experienced nutritionist who is trustworthy due to her knowledge and education. But first things first.
The heroine of the article considers her work a real vocation. The reason for this is the fact that Natalia became a doctor by family tradition. The sixth generation doctor had an example of the right attitude to her he alth, nutrition and lifestyle in general all her life.

Member of the Russian Society of Dietitians and Nutritionists. She graduated from the Kuban State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine. Then she continued her studies in clinical residency in a therapeutic profile. After that, she mastered dietetics and nutrition. Constantly on the lookout for new training opportunitiesin leading clinics in Russia and abroad.
Training workshops
Natalya Zubareva is a nutritionist whose biography contains a lot of facts of gaining valuable knowledge. She shares important information at self-organized seminars. The personal website is constantly recording new classes of the online school headed by Natalia. At the moment, a new author's interactive project "Be thin, but not head" is gaining momentum. He has already gathered a huge number of followers who are making significant progress in losing weight and restoring he alth.

Also Natalya Zubareva is a nutritionist from Krasnodar who does not sit still, but actively travels around the country with her training programs. Thousands of fans are waiting for her in their cities to get firsthand answers to their questions.
I'm flying with food
By the time she entered the medical school, the future student already knew a lot about the principles of nutrition, the composition of food products, the effect of chemical compounds on the human body, and much more. During the training, knowledge gaps were filled, and gradually everyone learned who Natalya Zubareva was. A 30-year-old nutritionist has come up with a unique formula to treat people with proper nutrition.
Out of the box
Any doctor always has his own schemes to help the patient recover quickly. Natalia's technique is to eliminate stereotyped thinking. She teaches not to go on strict diets, not to starve, not toset yourself global dietary restrictions. But it promotes the complete exclusion of "garbage food", which is not needed by the body, but only pleasantly satisfies the taste buds. Also Natalya Zubareva is a nutritionist with the makings of a psychologist. She explains to patients the correct distribution of food products depending on the daily rhythm and lifestyle of a particular person. Sees the client's body as a universe in which order must always be maintained.

Myths about weight loss
Natalia has thousands of followers on social networks. In her microblogs, she debunks the prevailing stereotypes about nutrition and diets. In her work schedule, time is always allocated for communication with followers, she considers it right to give them as much attention as possible.
"Brain PP" and food tolerance
PP is an abbreviation for the phrase "proper nutrition", which is on the lips of every losing weight person. Natalya Zubareva is a nutritionist who is tolerant of all food, but does not eat everything. Does not consider fast food and other low-grade food tasty. He believes that it is necessary to receive the necessary energy resources from any food in the first place, and only then pleasure. Has no particular food habits, loves to cook for his family.
At the heart of nutrition is the lack of principles that are the same for everyone. For example, you cannot assign the same eating pattern to a large mass of people and claim that it is right to do so. The concept of "correctnutrition" as such does not exist for everyone. It is individual for everyone and is selected in accordance with the lifestyle, the constitution of the body, the state of he alth and other related factors.
The Secret of Slimness
Natalia has two children, and many are amazed at her harmony. She always talks about the main thing: a conscious relationship with food can help a person always be in the desired physical shape throughout life. During the second pregnancy, the doctor gained only 8 kg. After giving birth, it was not difficult for her to return to her usual routine.

Nutrition during pregnancy largely determines how many extra pounds will remain on the body after the birth of the baby. Physical activity is also permitted within the patient's capacity in consultation with the supervising doctor.
Natalya Zubareva (nutritionist): reviews
On pages on social networks you can find a large number of enthusiastic reviews from patients of Dr. Zubareva. The girls tell their stories about how the process of establishing nutrition and external transformation attracted other positive changes into their lives. For the majority, changes are taking place exclusively for the better: self-confidence appears, the desire to look good, to buy beautiful outfits. A positive attitude appears in relations with a partner, they change for the better.
Natalia has several assistants who book patients for appointments and consultations. They fill out applications and send questions for collectioninitial personal information. They also acquaint the patient with all the ways of possible communication with Natalya Zubareva herself. The doctor consults through video chats and through all types of instant messengers.

Parting words from a nutritionist
Harmony in relationships with food is an integral part of human life. You can not take he althy food and exercise as a temporary measure to maintain he alth. This process should be a permanent way of life and taken for granted. This is the only way to preserve beauty and he alth and stay at the same weight that is comfortable for you.