Ken Robinson is an expert on creativity. He challenges the school system of education, fights for a radical rethinking of it in order to develop creative thinking in children with different types of intelligence.
He has been named one of the "Main Voices" of the joint project Time, Fortune, CNN. Robinson chaired the British Government's Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education in 1998, which conducted a massive investigation into the value of creativity in education and the economy. In 2003, he received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for services to the arts.
Not much is known about Ken's personal life. He was born in the UK and lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife Lady Teresa Robinson, an author and novelist.

Ken Robinson's book "Vocation. How to Find What You're Made for and Live in Your Element, published in 2009, is a bestseller and has been translated into 21 languages. So far Ken Robinson's book"Vocation" is considered one of the main expressions of his ideas.
The 10th anniversary edition of his work on creativity and innovation, In Our Minds: Learning Creativity, was released in 2011.
His 2013 book Find Your Element: How to Unleash Your Talents and Passions and Change Your Life is a practical guide to help you find your personal element.
In his latest book Creative Schools: A Grassroots Revolution That Transforms Education, he calls for an end to our outdated industrial education system and offers a highly personalized organic approach. The author draws on today's unprecedented technological and professional resources to engage all learners.

Line of business
Ken Robinson, PhD, is a globally recognized leader in education and the development of creativity, innovation and human potential. Listed by companies as "one of the world's elite thinkers in creativity and innovation" and one of the world's top fifty business thinkers, he has worked with governments in Europe and Asia, international agencies, major companies, and national and national education systems. As well as some leading non-profit and cultural organizations.
For 12 years he was Professor of Education at the University of Warwick in the UK and is now Distinguished Professor. His famous speechin 2006 at the prestigious TED conference is the biggest lesson in the world of Ken Robinson. It was visited by about 300 million people in more than 150 countries.

Cooperation with organizations
Sir Ken Robinson works with governments, education systems and some of the world's leading cultural organizations to unleash the creative energy of people. He has led national and international creative and cultural education projects in the UK, Europe, Asia and the US. Sir Ken Robinson is the most popular speaker in the history of TED (an American private conference foundation). His 2006 talk "Killing Creativity in Schools" has been viewed over 40 million times online.
Fields of activity
In 1999, he chaired the UK Government's National Commission on Creativity, Education and the Economy. He was also central to the development of the creative and economic development strategy for the Northern Ireland peace process, working with the ministers of education and culture. The resulting "Unblocking Creativity" scheme of change has been adopted by politicians of all parties, as well as business, educational and cultural leaders across the province.

Achievements and awards
According to Ken Robinson himself, one of the greatest pleasures is that people and institutions give him awards and honorary degrees. He considers it a great honor to receive them.
What did Ken achieve foryears of being active?
- 2003 - Knight Bachelor for services to the arts. Awarded by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
- 2004 - Rhode Island School of Design, Athens Award for Excellence in the Arts and Education.
- 2006 - Open University and Central School of Speech and Drama, PhD.
- 2008 - PhD from Birmingham City University.
- 2008 - Johns Hopkins University, George Peabody Medal for Outstanding Contribution to American Music.
- 2009 - Rhode Island School of Design, PhD.
- 2009 - Ringling College of Art and Design, Doctor of Arts.
- 2009 - Aston University, Birmingham, PhD.
- 2010 - Benjamin Franklin Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Cultural Relations between the United Kingdom and the United States
- 2011 - Gordon Parks award for outstanding contributions to creativity and education.
- 2011 - LEGO Children and Youth Award for Outstanding Contribution.
- 2012 - Oklahoma State University, Ph. D.
- 2012 - Sir Arthur C. Clarke Foundation Imagination Award.
- 2013 - Queen's University, Belfast, Doctor of Social Sciences.
- 2014 - Bammy Award for Excellence in Education.
- 2016 - Doctor of Philosophy University of Miami.