Life on Earth is constantly changing, and civilization is developing with it. Relations between peoples and states are subject to various conditions that require a certain settlement. Each state has its own diplomatic service, thanks to the work of diplomats, countries regulate their interests and achieve certain goals in the world political arena. Who are they, diplomats? What kind of people are these and is it possible to learn this art or is it necessary to be born a diplomat?
Meaning and meaning of the word
Diplomacy is often misunderstood, believing that diplomacy is pleasing everyone, the ability to keep one's opinion to oneself and not express it to others. However, a diplomatic person is one who knows how to assess the situation before speaking out and taking action. The diplomat does not show haste and suppresses self-confidence with the help of reasoning. He is a tactful person, capable of objectively evaluating events and having a developed sense of proportion. Such a person knows how to be restrained even inthe most difficult situations. The meaning of the word "diplomatic" is evasive, political, able to act subtly. A diplomat, according to Ozhegov's dictionary, is a public official whose main occupation is foreign relations.
Profession of a diplomat and personal qualities
The unique profession of a diplomat involves responsibility to the state in representing the interests of national politics abroad. To be a diplomat, you need to have many qualities, be able to communicate and be creative to a certain extent. This profession promises many privileges, however, and requires a person to first go through a long, thorny path. Such activity involves not only meetings, negotiations and various events, but also a long routine work. Besides, this profession is dangerous.

A diplomatic person is an intellectual, talented and comprehensively developed personality. It is believed that diplomacy is an innate quality. Of course, such data must be developed, since the success of the diplomatic service depends on a person's education, his cultural potential, the ability to use the accumulated historical experience, adapt and navigate in any difficult and unexpected situation.
The diplomat studies the culture and traditions of foreign countries, foreign languages, psychology. He is constantly working on his intellect. He should have an excellent sense of humor, charm, developed strong-willed qualities, memory, high working capacity, intuition. All these qualitiesdefinitely needs to be developed. But, of course, knowledge and skills fall on fertile soil that has the potential for such development.

Signs of diplomacy
The art of communication in everyday life, the ability to smooth out conflicts, achieve peace and harmony in the environment - the qualities necessary for a diplomat. A diplomatic person is a skilled psychologist. A lot can be achieved by such a professional who has a subtle feeling of the interlocutor, the ability to find the necessary approach to him, to convince him that he is right, and in such a way that the opponent will consider that he came to such conclusions on his own. A person with diplomatic behavior achieves his goal without the slightest pressure on the interlocutor.
Moreover, a person with the qualities of a diplomat knows how to correctly not only build a dialogue, but also conduct correspondence. The appearance of people with diplomatic qualities is comprehensively described in the literature. It is not uncommon for these people to be presented in a sarcastic and negative light. This suggests that not every person can make diplomacy their profession. Particular attention should be paid not only to the merits, but also to the shortcomings of the individual. After all, they, as a rule, can play a negative role in negotiations at all levels.