Georgy Gamov: biography and photos

Georgy Gamov: biography and photos
Georgy Gamov: biography and photos

Georgy Gamov is a world famous astrophysicist, theoretical physicist and popularizer of science. Fame came to the scientist thanks to the written works on biology, cosmology, nuclear and atomic physics, astrophysics and quantum mechanics.

The scientist is the first to clearly formulate the problem of the genetic code. Also considered the first to come up with a quantitative theory of alpha decay, became the founder of the "Hot Universe" theory.

Childhood and adolescence

Gamov Georgy Antonovich was born on March 4, 1904 in the city of Odessa, in a family of teachers. The boy's mother died early. My father was a teacher of Russian language and literature at the local gymnasium. George's ancestors were military men and priests.

Georgy Gamov
Georgy Gamov

Georgy's father was pleased that his son was fond of biology, physics and astronomy. That is why Georgy Gamov entered Odessa University in 1921, choosing the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. He managed not only to study well, but also to earn extra money as a calculator in an astronomical observatory.

Leningrad University

In 1922 Georgy Antonovich Gamov entered Leningrad University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. This educational institution was then the center of the emergingphysical science in the Soviet Union. Money was needed for life, so the future scientist had to get a job as an observer at a meteorological station.

Georgy Gamov
Georgy Gamov

In September 1923, he became the head of the field meteorological observatory of the first Artillery School, where he lectured on physics. Already in 1924, Gamow worked at the State Optical Institute, developing methods for rejecting optical glass.

Work abroad. Alpha decay theory

In 1926 he graduated from the university and entered the graduate school Georgy Antonovich Gamov. The biography of the scientist continued with the fact that he became an elected candidate for an internship in Germany. But all the documents needed for this were ready only in 1928.

Gamow seriously decided to study the theory of the atomic nucleus and chose the problem of atomic decay. Using the tunnel effect, the scientist was able to show that particles with even the smallest energy can fly out of the nucleus with a certain probability. Such a theory was the very first explanation of the behavior of radioactive substances. In addition to Gamow, Edward Condon and Ronald Gurney de alt with this issue, but only Georgy managed to get the best quantitative results.

physicist Georgy Gamov
physicist Georgy Gamov

Based on his conclusions, physicist Georgy Gamow was able to determine the size of nuclei (about ten to thirteen centimeters) and explained the Geiger-Nettol law, which connected the energy of emitted particles with the half-life of nuclei. In July 1928, the young scientist published his article in the well-knownscientific journal that made him famous in the world of physics.

Return Home

In 1931, Georgy Gamov, whose biography is described in detail in this article, returned to Leningrad and began working in the field of nuclear physics. In the same year, the personal life of the scientist began to improve. He met Lyubov Vokhmintseva, a graduate of Moscow State University. Soon the wedding took place.

In October 1931, Gamow received an invitation to the Rome Conference, but could not leave the country. After that, he began to look for an opportunity to do this (and not only legally). While on vacation in Crimea, a young couple tried to sail to Turkey by boat, but a strong storm prevented them from doing so.

Georgy Gamov The Adventures of Mr. Tompkins
Georgy Gamov The Adventures of Mr. Tompkins

But in 1933, an opportunity was found. Georgy Gamov, on the recommendation of Ioffe, was appointed to the post of Soviet representative at the Seventh Solvay Congress. The scientist was able to obtain a visa not only for himself, but also for his wife. Georgy's main goal was to work abroad and, if desired, return to his homeland.

Georgy Gamow: The Big Bang Theory

In 1946, the scientist began to study the field of cosmology and proposed a model of the "Hot Universe". The basis for this theory was the estimate of the age of the entire universe, which was approximately equal to the age of the planet Earth, and the ratio of helium and hydrogen.

In 1948, physicist Georgy Gamow, together with his students, developed the theory of the formation of chemical elements by nucleosynthesis,or sequential neutron capture. However, she did not receive due attention, and for a very long time she was unnoticed. As Sniven Weinberg said: "Gamow and his students explored the early universe, namely the first three minutes of its existence."

Genetic code

In 1954, immediately after the discovery of the double-stranded DNA molecule, Gamow was able to make an invaluable contribution to the formation of a new science - molecular biology, putting the primary solution to the problem of the genetic code. Through scientific experiments, the scientist was able to understand that proteins, consisting of twenty natural amino acids, are encrypted in a certain sequence and are part of DNA.

Gamov Georgy Antonovich biography
Gamov Georgy Antonovich biography

Thus, Gamow was able to understand that DNA is encrypted from a sequence of four nucleotides, which result in sixty-four possible combinations. And this is quite enough to record hereditary information.

Only in 1961, this theory was finally proven by Francis Crick and his assistants, for which they received the Nobel Prize.

Trip to America

After the scientist left the Soviet Union, he worked part-time in different countries, but for a very long time he could not find a permanent job. And only in 1934 did they receive invitations from America. He was appointed to a professorship at the University of Washington. He decided to hold annual conferences, which brought together famous physicists from all over the world. At the same time, the scientist became interested in the relationship between the atomicenergy and sources of stellar energy.

georgiy gamov giant of three sciences
georgiy gamov giant of three sciences

In 1941, after leaving the University of Washington, the physicist decided to develop the atomic bomb. However, he was not allowed to the process itself, so he was forced to perform secondary work. And only in 1948, George received a military permit and personally took part in the manufacture of a hydrogen bomb.

Georgy Gamov, "The Adventures of Mr. Tompkins"

The book, written by a famous physicist, is intended for students, schoolchildren and just people interested in modern scientific concepts.

The edition consists of two works. The first one is Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland. This is a funny story that tells readers about a humble bank worker who works in the world of relativity. The second story, "Mr. Tompkins Explores the Atom," is very interesting and simply shows all the processes that take place inside the atom and the atomic nucleus. The book consists of fifteen chapters that can easily interest readers.


Another interesting book about his life was written by Georgy Gamov - “My world line. Informal autobiography.”

Georgy Gamov biography
Georgy Gamov biography

In 1934, the scientist and author of this book moved from Europe to America. The autobiography described many jokes that he liked to tell his friends. There was nothing serious about her, Gamow claimed.

In the USSR, "My World Line" existed in only one copy, which was kept in Leninskayalibrary. However, Ya. B. Zeldovich was allowed to take this book home, and he gave it to his acquaintances and friends to read. Therefore, many people knew the content. We can say that Georgy Gamov drew a "World Line" between America and Russia.

One more piece

Georgy Gamov "The Giant of the Three Sciences" wrote for a wide range of readers who are interested in the history of cosmology and physics, as well as problems of fundamental science.

The works of the outstanding scientist left a bright and unforgettable mark in the field of nuclear physics, astrophysics, genetics and elementary particle physics. This book is also an autobiography and describes the most important achievements of the scientist. Here readers can learn about the "Big Bang Theory", the quantum theory of alpha decay, as well as unraveling the genetic code.


Documentary film “Georgy Gamov. Physicist from God”was filmed in 2009 by director Irina Bakhtina. The author showed how an outstanding American physicist, who put forward a large number of scientific theories, dreams of the Soviet Union.

Despite the fact that during the lifetime of the scientist, most of his works were not appreciated, now they are of great value, as they became the beginning for many sciences and theories. So we can assume that the Soviet-American physicist did not live his life in vain.
