Socialite Ksenia Merz

Socialite Ksenia Merz
Socialite Ksenia Merz

Scandals, fights in public places, participation in talk shows - it is thanks to all this that the outrageous queen Ksenia Merz became famous. The socialite carefully hides her past. But her present is on public display. How do tens of thousands of Instagram subscribers and viewers of popular programs see a spectacular blonde? Today we would like to shed some light on this mysterious person, surrounded by gossip, intrigue and gossip.


About the biography of Ksenia Merz, or rather, about her childhood, nothing is known. Ksenia does not talk about her parents or where she was born and raised. There is information in the press that Merz is a native of the capital, that her childhood and youth passed in Moscow, but no confirmation of this fact has been found so far. Perhaps Ksenia chose such a tactic for herself (telling about herself only starting from the period of marriage) not by chance, but on purpose, in order towarm up the already unquenchable interest in his scandalous personality. A confirmed fact, by the way, and the only one that the woman personally told the public is the year of birth (1972) and her real name (Oksana).

Merz xenia
Merz xenia

The main thing for a spectacular blonde is a successful marriage?

Fame for the outrageous diva came after a successful marriage. She married the owner of a large construction company, Valery Demichev, and gave birth to his daughter Stephanie. Thanks to her husband's connections, she was taken to work as a presenter on the Muz-TV channel. She could not work at all, but the craving for popularity and recognition made Ksenia Merz follow the path of many wives of we althy men who want to gain recognition as singers and presenters. Ksenia admitted that her ex-husband had to pay a lot for such a service. As a result, after the divorce, sponsorship contributions to the TV channel stopped coming, and the program hosted by the socialite was successfully closed.

ksenia merz biography
ksenia merz biography

Treason, divorce and the realization of one's own mistakes

Merz divorced her husband after 4 years of marriage. The reason for the breakup was Valery's mistress, whom Xenia found out about. After Merz left the family and how she personally filed for divorce, the husband continued to pay some of the bills of the ex-wife, and also allowed her to take custody of her daughter. Ksenia Merz herself, some time after the breakup, shared in an interview that now she would not commit such a rash act and would never divorcethe man who idolized her. The fleeting affair of the ex-spouse was not worth such a serious turn in their life together. But after all that Ksenia said in her hearts to Demichev, their communication is currently reduced to a minimum, if not to say that it has completely disappeared. By the way, Ksenia always notes that her ex-husband is a wonderful person, generous, kind and positive. During their life together, he could give a woman just like that, for no reason, a fabulously expensive "Ferrari" to match the color of the dress or eyes.

ksenia merz age
ksenia merz age

The vent of the ex-wife of the oligarch

The new hobby of socialite Ksenia Merz has become her own beauty salon, where the entrance is open only to celebrities and close friends of a woman. By the way, in the salon, Merz was recently seen in another brawl with a client. To everything that happens, the young woman replies that she is a rather kind and sympathetic person, and people who want to take advantage of her celebrity and promote their person, with insults and intimidation, force the diva to defend themselves.


ksenia merz before and after
ksenia merz before and after

The most replicated story from the life of the outrageous queen is connected with the real father of her daughter. For a while, Merz claimed that she gave birth to Stephanie from the popular singer Mitya Fomin. The pop singer admitted that he had an affair with Ksenia, and even agreed to take a paternity test. DNA testing showed that Stefania is not his daughter. After that, the secular diva concluded that the girl's father is still her ex-husband. Thisthe scandalous story was unveiled in the studio of the talk show "Actually". Also on the air of the program, the former housekeeper Merz said that the socialite behaved boorishly with her, screamed and often refused to pay.

ksenia merz before and after plastic surgery
ksenia merz before and after plastic surgery

Young lover

Another scandal is connected with the young lover of Ksenia Merz, whose age is not a secret. The woman turned 45. We are talking about a fitness trainer who is 20 years younger than her. Merz met with a young man for two months and spent about 5 million rubles on him during this time. This amount included gifts and joint trips to sunny warm countries. After parting, the secular party girl demanded a refund, which she announced on the air of the next talk show. The young man agreed to take part in it and stated that Merz tried to buy his love, but she did not succeed. The guy believes that because of the wounded pride of the diva, the whole scandal happened.

Intrigues, scandals and fights

Ksenia Merz is known for her intemperance. Last year, she took part in the release of the program "Let them talk", where they discussed the life of another socialite - Alena Kravets. Outrageous blonde attacked the photographer with her fists. In the same year, she made a scandal in the bank branch. Ksenia was not satisfied that she had to wait until the VIP clients were served. In 2017, the blonde got into a fight with a car lady who nearly hit a man. When the girl parked the car, Merz decided to scold her, but the verbal skirmish instantly turned into a fight. secularthe diva went to the police with a statement about the beating.

ksenia merz socialite
ksenia merz socialite

Appearance inherent in all the wives of oligarchs

It's no longer a secret to the public that all avid party girls, socialites and many wives of fabulously rich men change their appearance by resorting to plastic surgery. If earlier ladies only tried to correct the natural physiological changes that inevitably overtake everyone without exception with age, now even young attractive girls are trying to adjust their parameters to someone invented standards. Before and after Ksenia Merz, there will be many more surgical operations that will fit more than one of the beauties of the secular society of the rich under the invented norms and standards of appearance. Nose, cheekbones, chest, lips - this is not a complete list of procedures used by the diva in pursuit of youth and type imposed by gloss. By the way, many ladies deny the fact of the intervention of the surgeon and say that it is nature that has awarded them such external data. However, even from children's photographs and those taken at the moment, one can draw a completely logical conclusion. Ksenia Merz before and after plastic surgery also looks different. By the way, it is worth saying that today's heroine never denied or hid the fact of plastic surgery.

France and the European mentality

The socialite classifies herself as a European woman, because she has repeatedly stated that she has lived in France for 10 years. According to the outrageous blonde, during this time she learned to think and live, as is customary abroad. Among the main features of the European mentality that Merz now boasts of, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Rejection of shoes with heels. This attribute of the women's toilet can only be used at ceremonial events.
  2. Modesty and no show. The woman does not demonstrate the possibilities of her wallet on social networks and does not show off expensive things.

I would like to believe that very soon this list will be supplemented by the item "refusal of public scandals and fights", because such behavior, regardless of mentality, does not paint a woman at all.


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