Aiza Anokhina: biography, personal life, photo

Aiza Anokhina: biography, personal life, photo
Aiza Anokhina: biography, personal life, photo

Modern television and the Internet can make a person famous, even if he does not have any achievements in any area of life. True, a happy accident in the form of a marriage with a celebrity is not a guarantee that the fairy tale will last for a long time, and many young people and girls after a stellar divorce disappear from the media horizon as quickly as they appeared there. Among them, of course, is not Aiza Anokhina, whose biography and personal life this article is devoted to.

Anokhina Aiza
Anokhina Aiza


Not much is known about the girl's childhood, and the available information is quite contradictory.

Aiza Vagapova was born in 1984 in Grozny. It is difficult to say exactly who she is by nationality, although many sources call her a Chechen. Isa herself does not comment on this information. Regarding the nationality, the girl told her fans literally the following: “I'm not exactly Russian. Like we haveaccepted, my place is near the man below him.”

Aiza Anokhina's husband
Aiza Anokhina's husband

In the capital

When Aiza Vagapova was 16 years old, her family moved to Moscow, and the girl began to study at he alth school No. 1941. However, the heroine of our story often traveled to her homeland with her mother. In 1994, they fell into the very epicenter of hostilities and were able to escape unscathed to Moscow only thanks to the determination of Aiza's mother.

Life in the capital without the bans that Chechen society imposes on girls turned the beauty's head. She often disappeared at parties and indulged in carefree fun. In fairness, we note that Aiza did not forget about her studies, so she was able to enter the Faculty of Economics of MSLU.

Student life turned out to be even more reckless. If you believe the information that exists in the public domain, once Aiza even woke up on the Russian-Finnish border in the company of a gay friend. And neither she nor he could remember how they got there.


Far from the most exemplary behavior of Aiza Anokhina caused a lot of trouble for her father and mother, although the future TV presenter still did not forget about decency and did not allow herself to appear in front of her parents with a cigarette or drunk.

By the way, not many people know that the girl's father Vitaly Vagapov is a retired FSB general. According to Aiza herself, she never tried to resolve issues by "trump cards" of her father. She knew perfectly well that he would not interfere if she was detained for racing around the capital or other "arts", which are considered signs of "coolness" ingolden youth.

Aiza Anokhina and Guf
Aiza Anokhina and Guf

Meet Guf

As already mentioned, Aiza Anokhina in her youth loved to spend time in nightclubs. Once, near one of them, the rapper Alexei Dolmatov, better known to the general public as Guf, saw a girl. At that time, the young man was the lead singer of the CENTR group. It turned out that the young people have a mutual friend, so they exchanged phone numbers. After this meeting, Guf and Aiza Antokhina met repeatedly in different companies. Once, the rapper accidentally got to a meeting of snowboarders, although he did not know how to use this projectile at all. Alexei's helplessness aroused Aiza's desire to teach the young man to ride on snowy slopes, which made an indelible impression on him.

A vivid romance

Returning home, Guf realized that Isa should become his girlfriend. He dedicated the song "Ice Baby" to her and decided to invite the beauty on a date. As Aiza Anokhina later recalled, at first she perceived Guf only as a good friend, with whom she was always comfortable and pleasant to communicate. However, his perseverance took its toll: the girl fell in love, and the composition "Ice Baby" became one of the hits of 2010.


Oddly enough, the retired general of the FSB liked his daughter's fiancé, and he did not interfere with the marriage of Aiza and Alexei. True, neither Vitaly Vagapov nor the bride knew about the young man's addiction to drugs. Be that as it may, the wedding took place in 2008, and in 2010 a baby was born - Sami Dolmatov. The name of the child was not chosen by chance: onin Chechen it means "close to God".

Aiza Vagapova
Aiza Vagapova


Soon the life of Aiza Anokhina and Guf turned into a nightmare. The young man adored his family, but he could not hide his drug addiction for a long time. The girl did everything to heal him. However, despite all her efforts, Aiza Anokhina's husband broke down all the time. The last straw in the girl's patience was betrayal, which was repeated with enviable constancy. When the beauty realized that there was no hope of correcting her husband, she decided to divorce. In 2013, it became known that Aiza Anokhina and Guf broke up.

Attitude of relatives

The girl's parents did not support their daughter's decision and refused to give Sami not only to her unlucky ex-husband, but also to herself. The Vagapovs made such a decision, since they believed that neither one nor the other was able to provide the child with appropriate living conditions. In addition, Dolmatov claimed that Isa behaved unworthily in marriage. Apparently, he was able to give such arguments that seemed convincing to Vitaly Vagapov, and he pointed his daughter to the door.

Parents returned Aiza son only after she proved her worth as a mother. They even bought their daughter a separate apartment and helped her financially.

Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina
Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina

Television and film work

After the divorce, Isa decided to start a new life and took up her career. In 2013, she first appeared on TV, replacing Roma Acorn on the popular show "Neformat Chart". Aiza in a new fieldAnokhina showed her best side and gained new fans.

In addition, the beauty blogger played in the film "Gasholder", took part in the dubbing of the cartoon "Ollie and the Pirates' Treasures" and presented to the public her debut video for a joint song with rapper Kravets.

Second marriage

Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina was not alone for long. In 2015, in Bali, she met businessman Dmitry, who, like the girl, was fond of surfing. After a candy-bouquet period that lasted 6 months, the young people got married. The wedding of Aiza and Anokhin took place in the same church in Las Vegas, where Frank Sinatra, Britney Spears, Elvis Presley and other celebrities were married at one time.

The second husband of Aiza Anokhina was not a public person before this event, but he does everything to make the girl feel happy and confident in the future.

A girl's life today

At the beginning of 2016, Aiza took part in the TV project "The Young Lady and the Peasant Woman". She went to sell milk at the Orenburg market, switching places with a girl from the Urals, who temporarily took her place in a house on the island of Bali.

In October of the same year, Aiza became a mother for the second time. She had a son from Dmitry, whom the couple named Elvis. The birth took place live on one of the domestic TV channels.

Aiza Anokhina biography personal life
Aiza Anokhina biography personal life

Now you know who Aiza Anokhina is. The biography, personal life and career of the girl are of interest to many of her fans. It remains only to wishthe girl pleased them with new works on television and in the field of design.
