Sotnikova Elena - theater and film actress of the USSR and Russia. The best films with her participation are considered "Just don't go" and "Murder Method". Most often, Elena Viktorovna can be seen on the stage of the State Theater. E. Vakhtangov. Since 2001 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Sotnikova Elena was born in 1961, April 29, in Moscow. Her father was a pilot and her mother was a teacher. Dreams about the acting profession appeared in Sotnikova in early childhood. At the same time, preparations began for their implementation: the girl studied ice dancing, attended a drama club and performed at school concerts. Having received a secondary education, Elena went to the Shchukin school (workshop of L. Stavskaya).
In 1982 she graduated with honors and was accepted into the troupe of the theater, where she still serves today. Sotnikova rarely gives interviews. Once she admitted that if she had not managed to become an actress, she would have chosen the profession of a writer or a psychologist. Almost nothing is known about Elena Sotnikova's family life. The artist devotes her free time to traveling around Europe and the USA. Sotnikova is also engagedgymnastics and swimming. In 2004, she began teaching at her native school.

The stage debut of the actress took place at the Theater of Young Muscovites. Elena played Lida in the production of "A House with a Mezzanine" based on the work of A. Chekhov. The performance "Leshy" became the artist's first work at the Vakhtangov Theater, in which she got the role of Sonya.
On account of Elena Sotnikova about thirty productions, most of which were sold out. The actress played Princess Polina in the play "The Queen of Spades", Adelma in "Princess Turandot", Ekaterina Dashkova in "The Royal Hunt", Sofya Farpukhina in "Uncle's Dream", Donna Anna in "Little Tragedies", Mirtha in "The White Rabbit", etc. In addition, Elena Viktorovna participated in the productions of other theaters, namely "The Law of Eternity" (role - a nurse), "The Brothers Karamazov" (Ivanova Katerina), "Price" (Esther), "Silver Fish" (salesman) and Laughing Flower (Joanna).

Sotnikova's first filming experience came in 1976, when she was an eighth grader. The young artist was approved for the minor role of a schoolgirl in the melodrama "Joke". In 1981, she played the stolen bride in the drama The Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov. Then Elena appeared as Connie in the film adaptation of Jack London's Theft.
In 1984, the artist starred in the dramas "I'm called in the spring" (role - Anastasia Korneva), "Manka" and "Through all the years" (Hope). In the paintings "Moscow Love" and "Male Anxieties" sheappeared in the episode. In the 1992 melodrama Just Don't Go, actress Elena Sotnikova played the main character Olga Zemtseva. Later, she starred as Angelica in the psychological thriller Murder Method, the plot of which was the detective E. McBain.

In 1994, Sotnikova played in the film performances Guilty Without Guilt (role - Otradina Lyubov) and I Don't Know You Anymore, Dear (Evelina Lawrence). Then Elena Viktorovna appeared in two documentaries about the People's Artist of the Soviet Union Vasily Lanov. In the 2002 melodrama "Willis" she got a cameo role. The latest work of Elena Sotnikova today is the TV show "Uncle's Dream".