Famous Ukrainian political scientists

Famous Ukrainian political scientists
Famous Ukrainian political scientists

This article will contain biographies of Ukrainian political scientists. Many of these people are active in scientific work and have been awarded various state awards. Some of the members of the list below appear on television, write for various print publications, are professional journalists and even historians.

AIMOS Representative

Ukrainian political scientists
Ukrainian political scientists

Our list of Ukrainian political scientists is opened by the scientist Konstantin Vasilyevich Balabanov - Doctor of Sciences. He is also the rector of Mariupol State University and is on the board of the AIMOS association. Konstantin Vasilyevich Balabanov was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine. He is also Vice President of the Federation of Hellenic Societies.

Member of the Humanitarian Council

biography of Ukrainian political scientists
biography of Ukrainian political scientists

Konstantin Petrovich Bondarenko - Ukrainian political scientist and historian, candidate of sciences. From 2010 to 2014for a year he was a member of the Humanitarian Council under the President of Ukraine. In the period from 2011 to 2015, he was the chairman of the board at the Institute of Ukrainian Politics. Konstantin Bondarenko served as chief editor of the newspaper "Left Bank". He was also director of the Gorshenin Institute for Control Problems.

On screen

Ukrainian political scientists on TV
Ukrainian political scientists on TV

Ukrainian political scientists appear on TV quite often. In particular, this concerns Vadim Yurievich Karasev. This Soviet and also Ukrainian political scientist is the director of the Institute for Global Strategies and the leader of the United Center party. Vadim Karasev was educated at Kharkov State University. His speci alty is political economy.

Other Representatives

Ukrainian political scientists list
Ukrainian political scientists list

Vladimir Semenovich Bruz - Ukrainian political scientist, scientist, historian, professor, doctor of sciences. He is also known as a diplomat. Vladimir Bruz was born in Kherson. He graduated from high school with a medal and became a student at Kyiv State University. I chose the Faculty of International Relations. Then he graduated from graduate school.

Dmitry Ignatievich Vydrin - Ukrainian political scientist, publicist, professor. He was also an adviser to four presidents and a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. For many years he has been recognized as one of the most respected political consultants in Ukraine. Engaged in international activities that related to the field of security.

Aleksey Petrovich Golobutsky - Ukrainian political scientist, independent expert. He was educated at the Lviv University. I. Frank. He is the grandson of a scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Golobutsky. Alexey Petrovich was in the central apparatus of the URP and became chairman of the MORU. He was deputy chairman of the Zaryevo association.

Igor Nikolaevich Koval - political scientist, professor, doctor of sciences, researcher of international relations. He is the rector of the Odessa National Mechnikov University. Igor Koval is a corresponding member of the Academy of Political Sciences. He was born in Odessa, studied at secondary school No. 3. He was educated at OSU. Mechnikov.

Vladimir Kornilov is a political scientist, historian, TV host, journalist. He collaborated with the Institute of the CIS countries, was the director of its Ukrainian branch. Vladimir is the brother of a public figure and Dmitry Kornilov. The political scientist now holds the position of director of the Center for Eurasian Studies. Previously, I managed to work at the Donetsk Automobile Repair Plant.

Vladimir Dmitrievich Malinkovich - political scientist, public figure, human rights activist, analyst. During Soviet times, he participated in the dissident movement. Vladimir Dmitrievich is a member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group and is the editor of Radio Liberty. He was a political adviser to President Leonid Kuchma. His first profession is an endocrinologist.

Grigory Mikhailovich Nemyrya is a political scientist and historian. He chairs the parliamentary human rights committee. Grigory Mikhailovich - People's Deputy of Ukraine, deputy chairman of the Batkivshchyna party. A political scientist deals with international issues.

Mikhail Borisovich Pogrebinskyheads the Kyiv Center for Political Studies. Participated as an adviser and manager in election campaigns. Mikhail Borisovich was the owner of the Center for Effective Politics. He served as a deputy of the Kyiv City Council, was a member of the city executive committee. Mikhail Borisovich participated in the Council of Experts under President Kuchma.
